Chapter 7
Jaehyun pov
Rushing out of the party after Chanyeol and Baekhyun leave, I spot Jeno and Jaemin near Jeno's car. I know Jaemin is rather upset now but I can't help but worry about Taeyong and how he got dragged out of here. I need to get to him now.
Taking my car keys from my pocket and pressing the button I feel Jeno close beside me all of a sudden. Grabbing him by the front of his top we both come face to face baring our fangs.
"We are not doing this now Jeno there are living people around"
" I don't care I'm sick of you hurting Jaemin" he shouts into my face as I feel the small spits of rage hit my face
" How fucking dare you, I would never hurt him now back off and take him home" I let go pushing him away from me as he stares me down.
" If I find out you have hurt him I will kill you Jaehyun" he turns and makes his way over to his car and helps Jaemin inside before closing the door.
I can't deal with them now. I need to see Taeyong so I hop into my car and drive as fast as I can to where Yuta has him.
Finally arriving at the hotel I brace myself to be screamed at as I knock on the hotel room.
Hearing footsteps behind the door I brace for a slap of some sort but instead Yuta opens the door looking worried.
" You're here finally" he summons me inside as I look around trying to see Taeyong
" Where is he?"
" Laying on the bed he hasn't said a word since we got here"
" Thanks Yuta why don't you head back to the party and see Mark" I watch as he leaves before I head to the bedroom and knock on the open door.
Seeing him laying on the bed with his back facing the door I call out
" Taeyong?"
" You took your time " he says followed by a sniff
" I know I'm so sorry I didn't mean for tonight to go like this " I step into the bedroom and sit on the bed near his legs still with his back facing me .
" Is this what it will be like to date you because if it is I don't want any apart of it " hearing those words fall from his lips makes me feel strange something I haven't felt since my human days.
" No please don't say that. It's just they can be right assholes and I didn't want them to scare you off when you only just agreed to date me"
" I had to pretend to be with Yuta tonight and poor Mark having to see the guy he likes take me by the hand and leave must have been awful"
He moves on the bed and sits up beside me
" I know I'm sorry" I look down at the keys in my hand afraid for some reason of looking someone in the eye
I'm gonna go home I'm so tired and just want my own bed " he stands up and makes his way to the bedroom door. Jumping up from the bed myself I rush towards him grabbing his arm stopping him
" Don't go please, stay with me here tonight" I finally look into his beautiful eyes and hope he says yes
" I rather go home " he tries to move but I stop him
" Please stay Taeyong" I know I can use my powers on him right now but I fight against it .
" I need to make sure my friend is ok and I don't have my phone or wallet with me it's back at the party in my bag"
" You can use my phone to call" I take mine from my pocket and pass it to him
" Who knows anyone numbers these days they are in our phones we press the green button I don't know anyone of my friend numbers " he huffs and moves back into the bedroom hugging himself
" I can ring one of mine that are at the party they can put one of your friends on the phone and you can speak to them" he turns back to face me and nods his head yes.
"Yuta hi sorry to call is Mark there with you?...ok can you put him on Taeyong needs to have a word with him " I hear the shuffle of the line the other end and a new voice say hello. I pass the phone to Taeyong and leave the room to give him some privacy.
Pacing the sitting room floor I can't help but smile knowing full well Yuta had to get the most expensive room in the hotel and made sure I'd pay for it after what happened.
" Hi" I quickly turn around seeing Taeyong leaning against the door to the sitting room.
" Hi was everything ok?" I take my phone from his as he just smiles " Yeah Mark seems happy Yuta is back and he is enjoying himself at the party they all are" he moves in further and sits on the sofa
" Do you want to go back to the party?" I look down at him as he looks back at me.
"I'd rather go home can you drop me home please" if I could feel my heart right now I know it would sink into the pit of my stomach
" Sure I can drop you " I turn and head towards the door as he follows me . Standing close to me waiting for the door to open I can't help myself and move him gently and lean his back against the door right in front of me and lean in and whisper
" Don't go please "
" I ..I...have to" he stutters out as I can see his chest rising and falling quickly.
" Please stay " he turns his head to the side exposing his neck and the artery is calling me begging me to bite it and taste his sweetness.
" Please move away I want to go home " he whispers making me step back and respect his choice
" Ok let's take you home " I reach and open the door as he follows behind me. Making our way down the lift I can sense he is hiding his real emotions right now and all I want to do is comfort him.
" I am sorry about tonight can I please make it up to you?" He doesn't reply and steps out of the lift as it reaches the ground floor.
" No need to , I made up my mind I cant be in a relationship like that " he keeps walking and heads out of the building towards my car and waits
" I did it to protect you" I hope me saying that will make him talk to me
" I know but if it's like that all the time with your friends I rather not date" he says as I press the button to unlock the car
" Ok then" I close his door and quickly get in and start the car.
Driving along I hear his heart beat slow now he seems more relaxed. I don't push him to talk so I keep quiet and get him home as fast as I can for a human.
" Thank you" he un clicks his seatbelt and opens the door
" How will you get in?" I pull down the window as he turns and smiles " don't worry there is a spare hiding" he says his goodnight and just heads inside
" Shit" I hit the steering wheel with rage knowing I fucked up . Why couldn't Chanyeol just stay away tonight and leave me to it.
I stay outside the apartment block but park away from the entrance as not to be seen for a few minutes trying to think of how to fix this till I notice Taeyong leaving the apartment. I watch in the rearview mirror as he looks like he is heading to the shop.
" Cigarettes" I smile to myself knowing he must have dropped them somewhere but he has no wallet. Then again he had no key but amazed to get in maybe he has money stashed at home somewhere
I start the car and drive a little till I see him step into the shop
I move and park the car outside the shop next door in the direction he will walk home and stand out side the car leaning against it
" How's jack frost tonight ?" I say making him jump with a fright and drop his new box of cigarettes.
" Damn it I thought you left " he says while picking up his cigarettes from the ground
" I had to make a call so I didn't want to drive and talk and when I finished I saw you head in here "
" Ok well goodnight " he keeps walking and I move away from the car " Taeyong please don't go"
I watch as he stops but doesn't look back instead he lights a cigarette making me laugh knowing he knows I hate it
" Night " he waves his hand and continues walking
I use my power and appear right behind him making him jump
" Shit you run fast" he drops his cigarette making me step on it
" I can't kiss you with that hanging out of your mouth " he stares at me and swallows hard
" You dont like the taste of cigarettes from me " he continues to walk as I rush and stand in front of him
" I will let it slide just for tonight" I give him a cheeky smile making him blush finally
" How nice of you , goodnight " he walks past me again and I can't stand it any longer so I grab his hand and push him against the window of a jewellery shop. Placing one of my hands on the window beside his head and lean in closer our noses nearly touching
" What do you mean nice of me ?" I watch as he begins to get a little more nervous now but deep down I know it's excitement
" Nevermind " he tries to leave but I pull him back and stay in the position I was already in
" Taeyong I am so sorry " he moves to look down and I know I have hurt him tonight so I have to make it right
" You said that already but it won't change my feelings. This was a bad idea" he moves again but I stop him and place my hand on his cheek cupping it
" Another chance please?" He looks at my lips then back up to my eyes and I know that sign all to well he wants to kiss me. All of a sudden I feel his soft pull lips kiss mine before pulling away .
" Don't stop" I whisper as I lean my forehead on his. He leans in and kisses again this time with more passion. I move my hand from the window beside his head and place both my hands on his cheeks kissing him.
Pulling him in closer to me I kiss his jaw till he moves his head to the side wanting me to kiss his neck but all I can see is the artery pumping like crazy . I want it, I need it fresh from the source. I need to taste the blood that helps me walk in daylight. Its been so long since I had it fresh
"We need to stop" he phants trying to catch his breath from our kiss
" Come back to the hotel with me?"
" Why for sex?" he says with an attitude that I don't like
" No to cuddle and kiss like we agreed earlier . I don't want you for sex " I move away leaving enough space as I'm getting annoyed now
" I'm going home " he says and walks ahead and I just watch him go. I can't force him to stay so I head back to my car and head off home.
Arriving at my place I can sense the anger and hate in the air so I brace myself for Jeno or Jaemin to have a go at me . Pushing the door to the kitchen and turning on the light I see a sight I never want to see again Yuta and Mark having sex in the kitchen on the fucking table .
" Hotel it is then" I back right out of the room turning off the light on the way and get back into my car and head to the hotel.
After having a shower I place a towel around my waist and head back to the sitting room to search the tv for any crappy horror movie that's on this Halloween night
Knock knock
Sitting up I'm not expecting anyone so I open the door to see Taeyong standing there looking so small
" Hi" I watch as he looks down at the floor
" Is something wrong ?" I get worried now but then he looks up at me
" I felt like coming back" I step aside holding open the door for him to enter .
" Thanks" he smiles as he makes his way to the sofa with a red blush across his face
" You ok?"
" You're in a towel " he blushes and looks away making me sit right beside him on the sofa
"Should I get dressed?" I move closer as he looks up into my eyes now with a look I know too well in my hundred years on this earth
" Don't " he whispers looking down at my chest
" Why?" I ask him as he moves closer
" I like what I see"
" Do you?" I whisper back as our faces get closer and lips almost touch
" Yes" and with that he kisses me again with so much passion before sitting across my lap and kissing me like crazy
" Hey hey slow down for a second. I know you don't want to do what this is leading to"
" I do" he looks at me with puppy dog eyes making me smile. Taeyong you ran out of here earlier I asked so many times to come here and you said no so how about we just cuddle and talk tonight and then maybe see how you feel in the morning
"You not want me now?"
"I want you yes but not like this not when you have been so upset it would be like taking advantage of you and I told you before I want your first night to be special"
He stays across my lap and touches where my towel is tied at my waist.
" If you open that you will see me naked" I look up at him as he smiles " so" and with that he moves to untie the towel but I stop him and sit up closer . " Don't" I whisper as he leans in closer and kisses my lips again.
" You're so sexy and your deep voice is doing things to me" he whispers making me cup his cheeks again
" Your night needs to be special" I move from the kiss and look straight into his eyes.
" It will be, it will be with you" he says with a sad look in his eyes
" Taeyong you are so beautiful you know that" I run my fingers through his hair as my need for him gets stronger
" I don't know what to say " he blushes and hides his face. I look in awe at him as he just smiles softly removing his hands from his face.
Moving from the sofa lifting him off me I stand up straight. " I best get dressed" I move to head to my bedroom but he stops me
" Don't " he whispers and starts to take off him top
" What you doing?" I walk closer and just stare at him unzipping his top.
" I want to you"
" I want you too but it wasn't that long ago you were leaving " I hold his hands stopping him from removing his top completely
" I know and I came back because I want you and I want us to date. I can't let your friends put me off you" he looks so sad up at me that I decide to hell with it . I let his hands go and reach for his top and slide it off him dropping it to the floor.
" I should have had a shower first" he blushes as I see his naked torso.
" Come on then" I take one of his hands and guide him to the bathroom.
" Oh " he stops inside that bathroom looking nervous as I put the shower back on
" We can have one together " I say softly before I lean in and kiss him with passion.
" I need to undress" he giggles into the kiss so I step back and drop to my knees and undo his trousers for him. Slowly sliding them down his thighs he lets out a little sound that makes me want to grab and fuck him right now. Kissing his thighs I let his trousers fall to the floor as he kicks them off .
Sliding my hands up his thighs softly I look up into his eyes while I hold the waist of his underwear " you want this?" I ask as he whispers "yes" with his permission I lean in kissing his thighs feeling his hands in my hair I slowly slide his underwear down.
" Oh god" he whispers making me smile. Standing up in front of him I drop my towel as he blushes.
" Don't be shy" I step closer and pull his naked body into mine. Feeling his soft skin against mine feels amazing.
" Lets get in" he says taking my hand and guiding us both into the large shower. Closing the door of the shower I turn to face him seeing the hot water kiss is body the way I want to.
" Come here" I take his hand and pull him closer kissing him under the water. I feel his hand on my back as I slide my hand down to his ass giving it a little squeeze making him moan out mmh .
I feel my self get harder and he is rock hard touching my lower stomach. Washing down his body he is making some beautiful sounds that turn me on so badly .
" I need you now" he moans as I place my soapy hand between his ass checks
" Oh god yes" he moans facing the glass door with his ass facing me
" Let me take you to the bedroom" I rinse any more suds from him and I as I take him out of the bathroom to the bedroom.
"So beautiful" I whisper before I move him and lay him down onto the bed on his back. Grabbing a little bottle from the bedside table I pour some on my hands and reach down to his opening while I kiss his lips .
His hand holds my hand as I coat him in some gel making it easier for me to take him soon.
"Take me now please" he pushes my hand harder against his opening so I slide a finger slowly inside making him moan out with his head back
Hearing his heart beat racing I know that blood I desperately need is calling me so badly and right now I want it more than ever.
To be continued...
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