Chapter 6
"Jeno can we talk in private?"
"Of course my love what is it?" Jeno looks concerned at his boyfriend who seems really on edge
" Come into the library away from everyone" Jaemin takes his boyfriend by the hand and guides him into the old library he was in earlier with Jaehyun
"Ok what's wrong, I'm getting worried ?" Jeno closes the door behind them as he watches Jaemin look nervous playing with his mask in his hands
" I don't feel good "
" Are you feeling sick?, because you can't get sick your a vampire" Jeno steps closer smiling at his smaller boyfriend.
" I know, I just don't feel right " Jaemin sits on the edge of a desk with his head low really worried about this feeling he has.
" What's happened since we got here darling?" Jeno takes a seat beside his lover and reaches out to hold his hand
" I seen Chanyeol in here with Jaehyun and when he left I came in to see if he was ok. Turns out Jaehyun seemed on edge after Chanyeol left so I comforted him with just a hug nothing else but when I backed off and wanted to leave I couldn't"
"Him and his fucking mind control, I'm sick of him" Jeno steps away ready to trash the place
"Nothing happened I told him I felt weird and he said sorry and took it off me"
"So what happened then?" Jeno asks with caution afraid of what else might be said of his boyfriend being alone with an ex who tends to make Jeno jealous a lot.
"I left the room but I felt really weird like I was remembering a dream or something. I could see myself crying with blood on my hands"
"Maybe it was a dream you forgot about"
"I'm not sure because Jaehyun was rushing in the door of my dream if that's want you call it"
"Darling it probably was just a dream you forgot about" Jeno steps closer calming himself as not to make Jaemin worry anymore then he already is
"Why only happen now though when Jaehyun took his mind control off me?"
"Maybe he made you remember it I have no clue darling you could always ask him"
"Won't that be weird?"
"Just ask darling if it's effecting you so much he may know "
"Do you mind if I go ask him now?" Jaemin rubs his hands up his boyfriends arms before wrapping his own arms around his boyfriend's neck
"No I just hope he won't touch you" Jeno cups the smallers cheek in his hand and looks deep into his eyes he hates seeing his man upset like this and if he needs to leave him alone with Jaehyun then so be it
"He won't, I'll be ok"
"Ok I love you lets find him"
Stepping out of the room together they both go in search of Jaehyun
"Wow what a party I'm kinda tipsey now" Taeyong sits down trying to catch his breath.
Drink some water then beautiful" jaehyun passes him a pint of water as Taeyong takes it and holds out his cigarettes " I'm gonna go have one " Jaehyun playfully rolls his eyes " ok go have one I'll wait here "
" Your amazing , I'll be right back" Taeyong rushes outside as fast as his drunk ass can carry him leaving Jaehyun sipping his brandy
" Jaehyun I need to talk with you it's urgent?" Jaemin says making the taller look at him in shock
" Are you ok did something happen?"
"Please just come with me" Jaemin sighs hoping Jaehyun won't put up a fuss
"Ok where too?" Jaehyun walks beside the smaller as he guides them both to the library
" Earlier when you used your mind control on me...."
" I didn't "
" Don't lie I know you did but when you took it away I felt strange"
" How strange?" Jaehyun retracts his fangs and puts this drink down on the desk
" Like I remember something I shouldn't "
" Oh" Jaehyun starts to panic and hope it's not what he thinks
" Yeah I'm in a room and I'm on my knees with blood all over my hands and a bit on the floor and you are rushing towards me looking upset "
" Is it a dream maybe?" Jaehyun knows this scene all to well he plays over in his mind all the time seeing the man he loves loosing their child
" That's what I thought but it felt real and I feel like I lost something " Jaemin looks up at the taller with tears in his eyes
" Hey I'm sure it's a dream " Jaehyun reaches out and pulls the smaller into his chest hugging him
" Can you make me remember it all?" Jaemin whispers making Jaehyun close his eyes tight
" If it's a dream I can't "
" Ok I said I would ask maybe it was a dream . If it was real I would remember it after becoming a vampire right?"
" Of course now go wipe your face and go find Jeno and enjoy the party ok, don't worry about all of this
" Ok thank you " Jaemin kisses the tallers cheek and moves to leave the room but turns back to see Jaehyun looking down at the floor looking sad
" Do you need to talk ?"
" Me no not at all I'm good "
" Ok talk later " and with that Jaemin leaves the room. Jaehyun picks up his glass and drinks all the liquid in one go.
" Fuck fuck fuck " Jaehyun curses low not believing he let that happen. Looking at his now empty glass he plays with it in his hands as the door opens
"There you are ?" Taeyong steps inside closing the door blowing a bubble with his gum
" Did you enjoy your smoke?"
" Yeah I really did " Taeyong steps closer stopping infront of the taller
" You ok, I saw your friend leave?" Taeyong reaches his hand out touching his mans hand
" Yeah just a little headache that's all beautiful"
" Aww poor you" Taeyong moves even closer placing his arms around his boyfriend's neck
" You wanna kiss it away?" Jaehyun playfully smiles making Taeyong look at him " you took your fangs off I really liked them " he huffs
" Close your eyes and I'll put them back" Jaehyun watches as the smaller closes his eyes as he flicks them back out before running his tongue along them
" Ok all done"
" Mmm much better I fancy making out with a vampire tonight " Taeyong smirks
" Oh do you now my little jack frost "
" Yeah like this" and with those words Taeyong leans in kissing the taller on the lips
"Mmm jack frost I'd love to make you melt tonight"
"You're so cheesy " Taeyong smiles as he blushes
" Stay with me tonight ?" Jaehyun says with a whisper
" What really" Taeyong steps back feeling rather nervous all of a sudden
" Hey I don't mean sex I just mean we can stay together at my place we can cuddle and kiss if you like"
" That sounds really nice actually" Taeyong feels all giddy inside now hoping he isn't going to fast after just meeting him.
" So would you like to?" Jaehyun holds the smallers waist pulling him in closer closing any sort of gap between them.
" Yeah I'd love to but only if you keep pretending your a vampire"
" Should I be jealous you have a thing for vampires" Jaehyun smiles knowing the truth
" Maybe I do I think it's the mystery behind it all. Like is it real is it fake " Taeyong looks all excited as Jaehyun just keeps smiling
" Ok so how about I role play a real vampire tonight would you like that ?" Jaehyun flirts the idea making Taeyong love it
" Would you just for tonight being Halloween and all"
" Sure what's a little fun right " Jaehyun smiles knowing he will love to play it out
" Ok well I will head off out to the party and maybe you could start the roleplay"
" Sure beautiful go head out I'll come find you"
" Oh this will be fun" Taeyong leaves the room like an excited little kid
Fixing himself Jaehyun steps outside and knowing taeyong will be close by the window he steps out into the darkness and creeps by the window . He stands there looking in at the party seeing Taeyong all excited with his friends. He waits and hopes the smaller will look out but nothing happens . You want to feel like I'm a vampire then let's do this . Jaehyun closes his eyes and uses his mind control making Taeyong look towards the window seeing him outside . Opening his eyes he sees Taeyong looking then he quickly moves away making the smaller gasp at how fast it happened.
" I'm just gonna go get a drink" Taeyong tells johnny as he makes his way to the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen as two others leave he heads to the sink pouring out a glass of water to drink . As he drinks it he can feel a presence behind him making him jump
" Shit you scared me " he smiles while holding his chest as Jaehyun stands tall with his head lowered a little looking at him
" I didn't mean to scare you " Jaehyun walks closer as Taeyong feels nervous and steps back
" It's ok I was just leaving " Taeyong playfully smiles as Jaehyun steps so fast in front of him making the smaller gasp " either I am drunk drunk or your really fast" Taeyong laughs in shock feeling the adrenaline pump through his veins
" I am fast " Jaehyun says with a deep voice as he backs the smaller into the sink
" What are you?" Taeyong says looking into Jaehyuns eyes
" I'm a vampire and I'm rather thirsty " Jaehyun growls a little making Taeyong giggle.
" Have a drink there is loads"
" Don't you know a vampire drinks blood and you look so tasty" Jaehyun pulls the smaller in closer to him
" Then come get some" Taeyong smiles exposing his neck to the taller . Jaehyun watches the vein pump so fast in the smallers neck he wishes he could take some but he won't cross that line. So instead he controls himself and kisses the neck
" Mmm" that's really nice " Taeyong moans as he moves to look the taller in the eyes
" Can we stop this vampire thing I wanna be us " Jaehyun whispers making Taeyong nod in agreement
" Do you want to come home with me now?" Jaehyun cups the smallers cheek searching his eyes for the unspoken answer
Nodding his head Taeyong takes the tallers hand in his
" Sorry beautiful but I need you to use words , do you want to come and stay with me in my place tonight?"
" Yes you have my consent to take me to yours and kiss me all night "
" Can we do it in my bedroom as the others will see us when they come home if we are in the sitting room"
" Yes I agree to that now let's go " Taeyong steps away from the sink and guides the taller out the back door and out towards the cars.
" Well well well who is this ?" He hears that deep voice he thought left
" Yeol, baek, what are you doing here ?" Jaehyun let's the hand of the smaller go
" This is Yutas man I was just taking him out here to find Yuta his date"
" What...." Taeyong speaks but Jaehyun stops him
" I think I see him through the window now talking to Mark why don't you go in and tell him that I said the drink is gone "
" Ok...sure" Taeyong does as he is told and doesn't question it as he can sense something isn't right
"So is that Yutas play thing?" Baekhyun smiles watching the smaller enter back into the house
" Yeah god bless him he is trying to impress Yuta all night he got upset a few minutes ago so I brought him out here thinking Yuta was here I guess not" Jaehyun smiles nervously
" Well Chanyeol here told me you where having a Halloween party in our old house so I had to come drop by and see for myself " Baekhyun looks towards this old home hearing the music and the people having fun.
" Can't say no to the boss now can I " Chanyeol smirks as Jaehyun smiles " I guess not"
" Can I go in or does someone own the place and we can't pass the threshold? Baekhyun keeping look at the mansion excited to enter and have some fun
" It's still owned by us sweetheart you can enter " Chanyeol says while still looking at Jaehyun seeing him nervous still.
" Oh my god is that baekkie?" Yuta appears holding hands with Taeyong making Jaehyun get a little annoyed .
"Yeah it is trouble how are you?" Baekhyun hugs the smaller while Taeyong keeps his eyes on Yuta and is doing everything he was told to do inside.
" I'm good just heading home with my man I have some making up to do" Yuta rolls his eyes making Baekhyun smile. " You better hurry I heard he was upset earlier at you" Baekhyun teases as Taeyong decides to speak " he will make it up to me won't you baby" Taeyong places his hand on the taller chest making Jaehyun hold back a growl
" I better get him home, speak soon" Yuta guides the smaller away and helps him into the car.
" Oh baby let's not talk now let's wait till we get home ok" Yuta says as he starts the car making Taeyong even more weirded out
A few miles away
"Ok you can speak again " Yuta drives fast down the motorway watching the rear view mirror
" What was that all about why did I have to pretend I was with you?"
" Look Chanyeol Baekhyun and Jaehyun go way back and it's early days for you guys and Jaehyun didn't want them being cruel to you like they where before to his ex"
" Why where they like that?" Taeyong starts to relax a little in the car as Yuta slows
" They just try push the partner and see how far they can do it before the boyfriend snaps and starts to get upset , they just love being jerks" Yuta laughs playfully as Taeyong looks at him "why didn't they slag you with me then?"
"Well you see they think your dating me and that we fought so they didn't say anything to you because they knew we are fighting"
"Poor Mark and Jaehyun we just left them there"
" Hey it's ok I'll make it up to Mark ok let's just get you to the hotel and get you settled "
" I won't ask why a hotel I'll just stay quiet and let Jaehyun explain it later" Taeyong huffs as he watches out the window feeling sad and confused
Back at the party
" So how's everyone ?" Baekhyun smiles taking a drink as he dances with Jeno and Jaemin as Chanyeol and Jaehyun watch on
" All good what about you?" Jeno smiles as he stops dancing making Baekhyun move closer to him
" I'm good after seeing you sweetie how long ago is it now you tried to flirt with me ?" Baekhyun teases making Jeno blush
" I was young and stupid then" Jeno moans before turning to face his boyfriend
" You never told me that" Jaemin says feeling rather hurt all of a sudden
" It wasn't anything to tell baby. I made a fool of myself one night that's all" Jeno tries to comfort his boyfriend as Baekhyun smiles " oh don't worry he isn't my type plus have you seen the man I'm with over there " Baekhyun points over to Chanyeol and waves " he is all the man I need so don't be jealous it was nothing I just love teasing him about it. Now I best go back to my man catch you later" Baekhyun leaves them as Jaemin feels upset
" Darling it was a long time ago please don't think anything more about it" Jeno tries to touch his mans hand but the smaller pulls it away
" You never told me you had a thing for Baekhyun" Jaemin looks at his boyfriend with tears in his eyes
" Wait hang on it was years ago and why are you getting upset you let Jaehyun bite your neck"
" I couldn't control that " Jaemin huffs and tries to walk past Jeno till the taller grabs his arm and stops him
" Baek was a long time ago and nothing happened I swear "
" Ok" Jaemin says not wanting to talk anymore about it and breaks free from his boyfriends hold
" Talk to me please" Jeno hurries after the smaller as he walks down a corridor away from the party and the people
" I don't want to, go back to Baekhyun "
" Oh hell no I told you that was ages ago and I'm with you and only you not like you and Jaehyun hugging today "
" What , I was comforting him "
" So you say "
" I only hugged him Jeno "
" You sure ?"
" Oh you know what I'll tell you . After I came back from the bakery and you where still sleeping he came into the back bedroom where I was ironing our clothes and he touched my thigh and wanted to see your bite mark "
" You let him touch you what's wrong with you" Jeno gets close shouting now with pure rage
" Ohhh looks like partner trouble for everyone tonight" baekhyun stands in the doorway with Chanyeol and Jaehyun behind him
" Fuck off baek?" Jeno says and regrets it instantly
"No no back off he is angry and your winding him up " Jaehyun steps between the pair.
" He really does need to control that anger Chanyeol bears his fangs wanting to kill the smaller for speaking to his man that way
" He is learning to deal with it now come on let's get back to the party " Jaehyun watches as Chanyeol backs off and takes his husband's hand in his
" You ok?" Jaehyun moves towards Jaemin trying to comfort him
" Maybe you should lift the mind control off Jaemin and take him back and let Jeno fuck off with his anger issues that's the last thing a small town needs is a vampire with anger issues . Plus you and Jaemin look great together" Baekhyun says with a smirk as his tall husband growls in anger at him
" Get home now " Chanyeol says making Baekhyun jump with fright
" Wait what do you mean mind control?" Jeno looks at them all waiting
" Don't mind baek he is taking shite he does this, he stirs stuff up to get a reaction
" Jaehyun I asked you earlier about mind control and you said there wasn't any on me " Jaemin whispers feeling a lump form in his throat
" Baekhyun tell Jaemin you were messing now" Chanyeol growls as Baekhyun let's out a whimper of defeat
" I'm joking sure what do I know" Baekhyun playfully laughs as his husband looks at him with disgust
" How did you know about the mind control then ? Jaemin wat he's on as Baekhyun looks at his husband
"Oh ....oh jaehyun asked us if we knew of you on the ground crying with blood when he was away we told him no and I know he can do mind control so I just wanted to tease him with that"
" I'm tired I'm going home , alone" Jaemin has had enough and leaves the room before he begins to cry
" What a dick thing to do " Jeno says rushing out the door after his boyfriend
" You idiot why did you open your mouth for? " Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun as the smaller lowers his head knowing he crosed a like with a very private matter he promised he wouldn't speak off
" I was .....never mind" Baekhyun decides to just shut up now before he makes it worse
" Sorry jae we are going now if you hear anything let us know and I'm sorry again I'll sort my husband out . Now Baekhyun get into the car " Chanyeol says as Baekhyun rushes out to the car with Chanyeol close on his heels
" Fucking hell " Jaehyun can't believe what just happened this Halloween seems to be turning out to be the worst one ever .
To be continued....
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