Chapter 3
"Who's playing the music so loud?" Ten moans from the sofa he landed on when they arrived back to the dorm too lazy to go to bed.
"Your body just remembers the beat of the music from a few hours ago" Johnny moans from the floor
"I need food, someone get me some food please I'll pay" Taeyong leaves his room falling onto the single chair looking at his friends scattered around the place hungover.
"I'm gonna head to the cafe, who's coming with me?" he tosses his hair while squinting as the sun shines in the window.
"I will if I can find my legs" Ten moans sitting up.
"Fall on me and you die" Johnny moans from the floor as Taeil walks into the sitting room looking so fresh and wide awake.
" How the hell are you so alive?" Taeyong looks at his roommate wanting to hurt him and make him feel as bad as he does.
" I told you the little mixture I had in my drink last night before we went out stops you having hangovers" he grab his shoes putting them on to the annoyance of the others
"Someone smack him or help me up to smack him" Mark mumbles from under the table.
"Do I want to know why you're under the table?" Taeyong bends to see Mark all snuggled under the table half asleep
"I don't even know why I'm under the table just tell me I'm alive"
"You're alive buddy" Taeyong smiles while rolling his eyes at his friend
"Ok food, let's go"
"We haven't even changed yet" Johnny moans
"Well some of us haven't, not like Mr rise and shine there with his magic drink" Mark moans as he crawls from under the table.
"Ok we can make it to the cafe on the corner right?" Taeyong stands up holding onto tin air as if it will help him
"OK come on or I will die. I need food for soakage" Taeyong keeps moaning knowing he needs food right this second and can't wait much longer.
"OK let's go come on, I have money so I'll buy" taeil smiles looking so fresh as he holds open the door as he guides the zombies out the door to the cafe.
"Oh look Mr sex on legs car is here from lastnight. Oh how I'd love a car like this'' Taeil rushes over to admire the car again like he did last night
"Why don't you ask the car for its number you're practically humping it" Johnny teases as they all burst out laughing making taeil storm off into the cafe leaving them to struggle in the door.
"ok we made it" they all slump into the nearest booth as they wait for the waitress
"Aww goodmorning party goers you all look terrible" She smiles knowing they are struggling really bad this morning compared to most mornings.
"I just need good soakage please and thank you" Taeyong can feel eyes on him as he zones out on the others giving their orders as he turns to see the guy from last night sitting in a booth of his own down the back.
He can't seem to look away as the guy looks out the window drinking from his cup. Should he go say hi or will he make an even bigger fool of himself like he did last night. He doesn't look so good this morning still in last night's clothes so he decides to not bother him.
"Ok I will be right back with your order" the waitress smiles as Taeyong looks at her with disappointment as he didn't get to order.
"I didn't get my order in" he moans as Mark holds his hand. It's ok man I ordered your usual" he thanks Mark and turns to look back at the stranger who is now looking at him.
Taeyong starts to feel giddy and nervous as the stranger smiles. He can feel in his veins that this guy is dangerous but he wants to know him more. He feels drawn to him more than he ever has before.
"I need the bathroom" he blurts out as they all move out of the booth so he can leave. Making his way to the bathroom past the strangers booth he sways into the restroom and makes his way to the sink splashing water on his face being thankful he didn't slip and fall as he is finding it hard to walk in a straight line.
"Rough night?" the stranger appears in the bathroom so stealth like making the other jump
"Holy shit I didn't hear you, your so sneaky"
"No I just walked in like a normal person would. You are just hung over your ears are still sensitive to the music from last night" Jaehyun walks closer and stops inches away from Taeyong making him swallow hard.
"Are you going to tell me your name now?"
"You're not good at talking are you?"
"I rather listen to the other person"
"Can I know your name please you know mine"
"Its Jaehyun beautiful" the stranger moves a stray hair from Taeyong forehead making him freeze to the spot
"I....... I'm..... Taeyong"
"I know you told me last night" Jaehyun smiles, making Taeyong rather embarrassed.
"Shit I did didn't I" Taeyong lowers his head holding on to the sink hoping the ground will open up and swallow him whole.
" You need the hair of the dog"
"The hair of what?" Taeyong looks up feeling rather sick all of a sudden
"It's a saying people say the next morning after a heavy night of drink. Hair of the dog just means another alcohol drink"
"Oh god I thought you were gonna tell me something more disgusting" Taeyong holds his stomach hoping not to get sick right now in front of the hot stranger.
"You look so fresh this morning you left when we did"
"I didn't drink as much as you all did"
"Oh" Taeyong washes his hands again and dries them not knowing what more to say to the stranger.
"Why do you stare at me? " he whispers looking back at the stranger
"Why not, should I not look at you?"
"Oh.... I.... I don't know" Taeyong says with a nervous laugh
"I can stop"
"I..... I.... Just don't usually have people staring at me that's all or meeting me in the bathroom which we seem to do a lot lately"
"Seems to be the only place I can get you alone" Jaehyun turns to face the mirror and fixes himself.
"You're the first in a while... Oh god why am I telling you this" Taeyong looks away embarrassed wanting to run out of the bathroom and not look back.
"Maybe because you are drawn to me" Jaehyun steps even closer, making Taeyong freeze at his sudden movement.
"I think I am" Taeyong speaks as if under some mind control.
"So you usually draw people into you like this" Taeyong finds himself inches from the strangers lips and wants to kiss him but he fights it off as best he can but something bigger is pulling him in closer.
"Club tonight will you be there? "
"Ye... Yes we go every night of the weekend"
"Good I may see you there" and with that the stranger steps away and out of the bathroom leaving Taeyong struggling to breathe.
"Holy shit what was that and why the hell does he have this affect on me" Taeyong looks at the state of himself in the mirror and huffs before leaving to have his much needed food.
Hours later
"Oh man I feel so good I had some food, a good nap and I'm ready to dance" Taeyong joins the others in the sitting room as they prepare to leave for the club.
"Good idea on the food part. I was dying earlier now I feel fine" Ten says pulling on his black leather jacket.
"Anyone want my mixture before we head out?" taeil holds up the drink showing the others
"Na I'd rather die tomorrow it's ok" Ten fixes his hair one last time ready to leave.
"Ok come on before the queue to get into the place gets bad" Mark moans holding open the door for everyone.
"Ok ok hold on to your knickers" Ten says as he leaves the dorm with the rest following as they make their way to the club.
The queue outside to get in is a little busy but they don't care. As ten does say it's good to see the people in some sort of daylight before they head into the darkness of the club.
"The table we usually sit at is free yes baby" Mark rushes over before anyone else can sit there leaving the others to just laugh at him.
"OK since you were all zombies earlier I will buy you all a drink" taeil reaches for his wallet pulling it out.
"Hey no, you know the rules we all put our money together and that's our money for drinks for the night" Mark says standing beside him with his arm across his shoulder
"I just wanted to start the drinks off that's all please let me"
"Ok one but no more"
"I'll be right back"
"Hey are you ok you're looking around as if you lost something?"Johnny sits beside a nervous looking Taeyong who is scanning the room for the stranger
" Oh me.... Na I'm just checking out the people that's all... I'm gonna head the smoking area I'll be right back"
Taeyong stands up still looking around to see if the stranger will arrive. He knows he was told the stranger's name but of course he was still hungover and has forgotten it. However he does know it starts with a J.
Taking out a cigarette he lights it up taking a drag.
"That's bad for you" he jumps a little hearing the voice behind him.
"Holy shit you keep doing that, you will give me a heart attack one of these days"
"Don't be dramatic, it can't happen, it's called adrenaline that bursts through your veins when you get scared that's why the heart races" The stranger J sits in front of him at the table.
"I feel like I should put this out but it is the smoking area"
"You should put it out for the sake of your lungs but I hear black lungs are the new thing" and with that the stranger leaves.
"What the hell did I just get scolded by a stranger? "Taeyong looks at this cigarette in his hand then places his other hand on his chest and coughs." Ok maybe I should cut down". He puts his cigarette out and heads back inside to grab his drink.
"Hey look, Mr sex on legs is over there with others" Taeil pulls his friend Taeyong to sit beside him as they both look over seeing the stranger with others.
"What are we looking at?" Mark joins them trying to see what his friends are staring at
"Oh that's the guy with the flash car" Mark whispered, looking all excited knowing his friend had a thing for him last night.
"Yeah and he brought friends," Taeil smiles, making the other laugh at his cuteness.
"Oh look at the one with the black tight shirt" Mark blushes a little before standing up to dance.
"Dance with me Taeyong let's get some attention" Mark shouts form the dance floor
"I'm not drunk enough yet" Taeyong moans as he watches Mark start to dance alone as the place starts to get busy and the music gets louder.
They have been over an hour in the club and people from the booth beside them leave. On spotting this mark jumps into the booth and lays down trying to catch his breath from dancing.
"Is this booth free?" he hears a voice making him sit up so fast.
"Y.... Yes I'm sorry I just needed to sit for a minute"
"Don't be it's fine my names yuta"
"I'm mark nice to meet you" Mark climbs up from the Booth but Yuta doesn't step back making them closer then any strangers should be
"Sorry excuse me" Mark tries to move but Yuta keeps looking him straight in the eyes, smiling making Mark blush.
"Of course" yuta then moves out of the way to let the smaller move and head back to the booth right next to them.
"Mark you ok?" Taeyong watches as Stranger J sits at the booth with his friends and orders drinks.
"Yeah just that guy is hot and did you see how close he was to me before he moved he smells delicious too"
"Hey calm down man don't forget play hard to get"
"Oh I can do that, hey ten come dance with me" Mark pulls his friend up from the booth and heads to the dance floor close to their table
"Who is he trying to impress?" Johnny passes a drink to Taeyong as they watch their friends dance like there is no tomorrow.
"The guy beside us" Taeyong nodding his head towards the next booth as Johnny laughs "oh this will be a good night"
Taeyong settles into the seat looking at his friends enjoying themselves as he sips his drink. Feeling eyes on him he turns to the booth beside him seeing stranger J with his head a little low looking at him. A rush of adrenaline passes through his body making him giggle and look away. Is this man flirting with him or is he that desperate for a man to be with that he thinks it's flirting.
"I need a smoke" he climbs over the booth so as not to disturb his friends and heads to the smoking area. Lighting up a cigarette he takes a deep drag as if the cigarette is giving him oxygen. Looking around he wonders if Stranger J will join him but is soon disappointed when he doesn't show. Finishing off his cigarette he makes his way back in through the crowd and back to his booth seeing more drinks on the table.
"Look who joined us" Johnny places his arm around Taeyong's shoulder whispering in his ear as Taeyong smiles nervously seeing stranger J and his friends now at their table.
"Hi we haven't met yet" I'm jeno and this is my man Jaemin" strangers friend shakes Taeyong hand smiling as Taeyong takes a seat at the edge of the booth. "Let's dance" Jeno heads to the dancefloor pulling his boyfriend by the hand behind him.
"Come here" Jaehyun calls him, making Taeyong slide in the booth closer to him.
"You seem sad?"
"N... No I'm ok just got a bit too warm that's all needed some fresh air"
"Ah is that what they call smoking, fresh air"
"No haha just had one while I was out there" Taeyong turns his head away looking at his friends all having fun but he feels nervous and excited all of a sudden.
"So what colour lungs are you going for? Charcoal or just barely black?" Taeyong turns his head back towards Jaehyun and gives him a daggered look.
"I smoke because I like it. How dare you speak like that to me. I don't know you" Taeyong moves to slide away from the taller but is held back by his arm. Pulling the smaller closer Jaehyun whispers in his ear
"It's the truth though you keep smoking and your lungs will give out and how could someone so beautiful let that happen" Jaehyun almost kisses Taeyong neck while he whispered making the smaller close his eyes and want it to happen.
"Face me Taeyong"
"What do you want from me" Taeyong tries to whisper over the music as best he can
"I want to get to know you more is that so bad"
"Why, you give out about my smoking" and with that Taeyong pulls his arm free and stands up
"All this talking of me smoking makes me wanna have a cigarette, so excuse me" Taeyong moves from the booth grabbing his drink along the way and moves to the smoking area just outside the club.
"Mmm" he moans to himself enjoying the cigarette.
"Stop please" Jaehyun appears and takes the cigarette from Taeyong mouth and puts it out
"Hey they cost money you know" Taeyong huffs, reaching for another one from his box.
"I said stop" Jaehyun steps closer like a predator as Taeyong backs into a wall with a cigarette in his mouth ready to light it.
"You can't tell me what to do" Taeyong lights it and takes a drag blowing it out to the disgust of Jaehyun
Jaehyun takes the packet and crumbles it in one hand to the disgust of Taeyong.
"You idiot I can go buy more"
"Don't please" Jaehyun cups the smallers face looking into the younger soul nearly.
"W......why?" Taeyong is panting a little feeling nervous that this stranger is now so close to him cupping his cheeks
"Someone beautiful like you shouldn't be smoking and turning your insides black"
"Yes you are beautiful I said you were inside the club also but I don't think you heard me"
"I didn't hear you in there" Taeyong wants to look away embarrassed but he can't because of how he is being held so he closes his eyes instead.
"Look at me beautiful please"
"I'm embarrassed"
"Please open you beautiful eyes for me"
Opening his eyes Taeyong blushes making Jaehyun smile.
"Now you're just adorable" Jaehyun keeps hold of his cheeks not wanting to let go.
"Stop, I'm a shy person really" Taeyong reaches up to remove the stranger's hands but stops himself because he likes it too much.
"I can tell" Jaehyun just keeps smiling then moves to look at the smaller lips.
"I would like to kiss you may I?"
"I've been smoking though.. You..... You can't kiss me not like this" Taeyong covers his lips, making the stranger move his hands away.
"I guess you're right but I do have these '' reaching into his jacket pocket he pulls out some chewing gum and shows it to the smaller.
"Oh it feels so awkward now" Taeyong blushes more while taking a piece as Jaehyun takes one also so the smaller one doesn't feel too bad.
"It doesn't have to be" Jaehyun steps closer as Taeyong chews his gum fast, backing away against the wall again.
"Can I kiss you now?" the predator steps closer as Taeyong nods his head
"You are so beautiful" Jaehyun cups the smaller cheeks again and leans in for the kiss. Taeyong is delighted the wall is behind him as he feels his legs go weak.
"Mmm" Taeyong moans out as they both smile into the kiss before pulling away.
"I best get back inside my friends will be worried" Taeyong can't catch his breath just yet and fixes himself while moving from the wall.
"Come out with me on a date"
"I'm not sure" Taeyong smiles softly still feeling the taller lips on his.
"Then let's leave here right now"
"What really, you just wanna leave"
"yeah come on its a spur of the moment you will like it"
"My friends though"
"Tell them and meet me back here"
Taeyong fights with himself he wants to go but he also doesn't want to leave his friends
"Take a chance I won't bite"
"Ok i'll tell one"
Rushing back into the club he finds Mark making out in the corner with Yuta.
"Mark, I'm so sorry to interrupt but.." He leans closer and whispers in his war telling him he is running off with the guy
"Go get out of here, have fun but be safe"
"Love ya"
"Love ya too"
Heading back outside to the smoking area feeling all giddy he sees Jaehyun standing just outside the smoking area waiting for him.
" Hi," he says nervously as he steps closer.
"Let's go" Jaehyun walks to his car and opens the door waiting for the smaller to step in
"Are you sure about this?"
" I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't so sure " Jaehyun reaches the smaller hand giving it a little squeeze
" Ok" Taeyong climbs in as Jaehyun closes his door and rushes around climbing in
Putting on his seatbelt Jaehyun brings the car to life revving it loudly making a Taeyong very excited and nervous
"Where are we going?"
"Where ever you want beautiful"
And with that they shoot off out into traffic leaving the smokey club behind them
To be continued....
❤️C ❤️
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