Chapter 1
"Oh man I feel so warm but I can't stop dancing. I think I better go the bar and get some water I'll be right back" Taeyong leaves his best friend Mark dancing on the dance floor as he makes his way over to the crowded bar.
Waiting in a bit of a line at the bar Taeyong can feel eyes on him as he continues to dance a little on the spot waiting to get closer to the bar.
"I'm so sorry it was my round" A beautiful dark hair girl smiles as she turns from the queue in front of Taeyong carrying a tray of drinks.
"Can I help you with the drink you seem to be struggling?" Taeyong holds out his hands as the girl nods her head and passes him the tray.
"Thank you so much I really thought I was going to drop them. I made you lose your place in line also so I'm very sorry" She guides Taeyong over to her table as he places the tray on the table as her friends all grab a glass of alcohol.
"Now all safe" Taeyong smiles as he turns to leave feeling good after his good deed. He looks over to the bar seeing the queue has gotten smaller so quickly he rushed back over and waits.
"Hey are you still waiting?" Mark joins him touching his shoulder.
"Yeah do you fancy a drink while I'm here?" Taeyong looks to his right feeling like someone is watching him but all he can see is people dancing or waiting at the bar close to him.
"Yeah let's get more drinks for the others it's amazing here tonight man" Mark gets excited as finally the bar man takes their orders. As they wait Taeyong feels a little uneasy as he knows when someone is looking at him but yet he can't see with some places being dark and only the odd light flashing will light up the dark corners showing nobody.
"OK that's them all, let's go" Mark helps with the drinks by grabbing the tray and moving away from the bar. "Taeyong picks up his water bottle along with some glasses and makes his way back to his friends.
" This place is amazing" Johnny shouts drinking from his drink while dancing on the spot close to their table
"The men here are sexy as hell, I'm on the dance floor don't leave without me" Ten giggles as he rushes over to some guys dancing on the dance floor.
"Well he isn't shy is he" Johnny laughs making all the others shocked that Ten got the courage up to just go dance with strangers.
" Oh man are we babysitting Ten tonight?" Taeil takes his drink watching the smaller on the dance floor dancing like nobody is watching.
"It ain't my problem" Johnny smiles still sipping his drink as Taeyong keeps looking around.
"Taeyong come on man let's dance" Mark grabs his arm pulling him to the dance floor.
"OK but can you wait, I need to pee" Taeyong rushes to the bathroom and is so happy there is no queue outside the gents like there is at the ladies.
Doing his business he starts to wash his hands and fix himself by looking in the mirror. He can't help but notice the bathroom is rather quiet which is very unusual. There is usually someone else in there. It's a nightclub after all.
"Hello" he jumps a little seeing a man standing at the bathroom door dressed in black tight jeans, plain black t-shirt and leather jacket. Swallowing hard never seeing a man look this good especially this time of night in the club. Usually people now are drunk with smudged makeup but no this guy looks like he just came out of a celebrity magazine.
"Hi, sorry I thought I was alone" Taeyong wipes his hands dry as the tall dark stranger walks to the sink beside him and starts to wash his hands.
"Are you a dancer?" The stranger says making Taeyong wonder if this is the guy that he felt watching him tonight
"I would like to be but college is more important right now" Taeyong watches as the man dries his hands and fixes a tiny hair that has come out of place.
"You're an amazing dancer, enjoy your night" the stranger leaves the bathroom leaving Taeyong to wonder what the hell was that. Making his way back to his friends on the dance floor he starts to dance.
Mark challenges him to a mini dance off to the enjoyment of their friends as they watch on. They starts to dance as the music just got faster. He waits for Mark to go first then he has his go.
Getting ready he starts to dance as a crowd have circled around them. Looking around as he dances he spots the man from the bathroom staring at him with his head kinda low. There is something about him that he can't seem to take his eyes off him and the next thing he lands on his ass after tripping over his own feet to the raor of Mark winning.
"Oh man, are you ok?" Mark helps his friend up as the others just pat his back seeing he is ok.
"Yeah I'm just gonna head out for a smoke" Taeyong grabs his cigarettes from his coat and heads outside to the crisp fresh cold air knowing the bathroom guy headed that way. Lighting his smoke he takes a big pull before letting it out.
Looking around he spots the man from earlier sitting on a low wall sipping a drink.
Feeling rather giddy he fights with himself if he should go over and say hi again. The stranger looks towards him and smiles a little before looking away to drink his drink again.
Should I go over there. He seems to be alone. Taeyong wants to but he feels like a fool. He is shy after all but with the small bit of drink on him he feels like he has the courage to go for it.
Standing up he makes his way over to the stranger and sits on the wall. "Hi" he says while puffing his smoke.
"You know smoking is bad for you right?" the stranger says before even looking at him.
"Yeah I know, I just can't seem to quit" Taeyong finishes his cigarette and puts it out as the taller looks at him now with such beautiful eyes making him melt a little.
"You said I was a good dancer" Taeyong smiles as the taller stands up finishing off his drink.
"I sure did" he smiles putting his empty glass on the table and walking away.
"Rude" Taeyong says seeing the taller walk off. Feeling deflated he heads back into his friends seeing them all dancing now.
Slumping down on the chair he knows he ain't good chatting people up but he knows deep down that man had to have been the one watching him but why not talk to him more. Why run off like that.
"Fuck me I'm all danced out come on its like 4 in the morning the sun is coming up" Ten joins his friends grabbing his coat as they all get ready to leave.
"I guess it's off to bed for us all" Taeyong links Mark as they all head out of the club.
"Oh jaysus my nipples are freezing" Ten grabs his chest covering himself with his jacket. Making the others all laugh at their drunk friend
"I thought you would pull tonight Ten with one of those guys? Johnny holds out his arm for the smaller to take
" Na man I'm not that easy you gotta work hard for my ass" he spanks his ass making the others just laugh at him.
"Wow check out the flash car" Taeil says making them all look towards the car parked along the sidewalk.
"Holy crap that's a Maserati" Taeil smiles like a excited child jumping up and down wanting to go touch the car.
"Probably some stuck up rich kid spending his daddy's money" Johnny laughs as they keep walking closer.
"No way" Taeyong stops pulling Mark back a little. "What's wrong man?" Mark watches as Taeyong lowers his head trying to hide.
"Just some guy" Taeyong keeps his head low as they walk closer to the car.
The tall guy from earlier opens the car door and is about to get in.
"Oh man your car is hot" Taeil moves closer making the guy turn to face him. "Thank you" he smiles as he watches Taeyong.
Why is he looking at me like that? " Taeyong starts to get little butterflies in his stomach as all his friends start to talk to the guy about his car.
" What's your name then? " The stranger walks closer to Taeyong since Mark wanted to see the car with the others.
" Oh your talking to me now?" he says with a smirk as the taller stops inches from the smaller making Taeyong swallow hard seeing how dominant the man appears now.
"What's your name?" He asks again and as if by some higher force he tells him.
"What a nice name" he smirks and heads back to his car
"What, don't I get yours? ." Taeyong shouts towards him as the taller climbs into his car.
"Not tonight" he winks and climbs in the car bringing it to life to the excitement of the others watching as he drives off at speed.
"Did you know Mr sex on legs?" Taeil grabs Taeyong bringing his attention back to the group as they head back to the dorm.
"I just met him in the men's room" Taeyong sees the car turn off the main road and disappear up ahead as they continue to walk home.
"Well strange things have happened in bathrooms, so who knows who that is but damn who ever gets with him is one lucky son of a bitch"
Taeyong can't stop thinking of the man as he lays on his bed now. Who was that guy? How come he hasn't seen him at the club before. Why does he feel drawn to him. Getting up from his bed he reaches for his coat looking to have a cigarette before he sleeps. Opening the box he finds it empty. Shaking his head knowing he only had one smoke tonight and the pack was new he wonders what the hell is happening tonight.
Felling like he should sleep the night off he climbs into bed and drifts off to sleepbefore anything more weird happens.
To be continued...
❤️C ❤️
Oh something new with a different ship
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