*gets a dare from my friend t try to summon some of my favourite vampire knight boys* (instead of me typing into their world they tp at night) *summons senri kaname takuma zero as well as a few other males* *thinks ha fake after sending the proof timeskip to night* *is home alone bc parents are on a business trip gets ready for bed in a onesie gets sippy cup fills it up going back to my room falls asleep not long after* I saw the girl that summoned us fast asleep*zero thinking that* should we wake her up aido telling kaname no let her rest don't make noise just wait till she wakes up let's wait for her in the living room kaname telling aido okay while everyone was walking towards the door aido tripped on her shoes making a lot of noise *wakes up not long after* *thinks i swear to god if someone is trying to kidnap me* *gets a book creeping out of my room with the book eyes widen seeing one of them thinking nopenopenope* *hides in my room under the covers hears footsteps keeps breath quiet as I'm under the bed *timeskip to the next morning goes down seeing them* o-0 nopenopenope too tired for this *goes back up to my room flops on my bed* The girl seemed startled we were here-takumaYes should we let her alone for a few minutes-SenriShe's the one that summons us why isn't she talking to us-zero sitting down on the couch Let's go talk to her and ask why she summons us-Akatsuki Yess let's go-Kaname While all of them were walking to cass room Kaname knocked while the other boys stood behind him *takes a deep breath getting up opening the door* hm? Seeing the girl having a bed head was pretty adorable-aido shoving his way to the girl and kissing her hand presenting himself soo this is kinda awkward *comes out of my room* ig we can talk in the living room? turns to all of them* besides i feel like u guys have questions anyways Hello nice to meet you my name is Takuma Hello nice to meet you my name is Kaname Hello my name is Senri Hello my name is Akatsuki That's zero-Kaname looking at zero Hello what's your name, We were wondering why you summoned us were you in trouble-Takuma and everyone else looking attentively towards the girl no I'm not in trouble 2 I already know who u guys are and 3 it was a dare =-= from my friend and my dumbass thought it was fake so I did it thinking it wouldn't work and poof here u are =-= besides I did the dare 1 bc I'm not scared of anything and 2 I'm left home alone for around a year rn bc my parents are on a business trip and I'm cass btw
Sorry for Aido-takuma Everyone going to the living room going to take a sit meanwhile aido sat next to cass on the other side was takuma Why did you summon all of us-zero being straight forward Kaname and the others surprised he was so so straight forward with the girl What do your parents work in-takuma Lord kaname should we go back-aido No I have a plan-kanamemy parents....their always travellng most of the time bc they own big companies *leans against wall* it's been like this for as long as I can remember...You don't seem to happy about that-senri feeling sorry for the pretty girl it's ok but then again it could be worse in so many ways *goes to the kitchen with them following gets cookie* UwU tbh i honestly never really had a childhood...so this is normal for me at leastShe's just like me In a way-zero We have a deal for you would you like to hear it-kaname sitting down in the kitchen sure *looks at him*How about we spend 2 months with you and when there over you have the decision to come with us to our world or stay heredealSo shall we do a party princess to celebrate the deal-aido going closer to cass uhhh idk what do u wanna do
This is your house so you decided aido don't get to close to get your making her uncomfortable Kaname glaring at aido while everyone else laughed o-0 *is a bit confused but shrugs it off* maybe a movie and we can bake some cookies?gasp* how about a movie marathon with snacksThat would be fun what movie-aido and kaname at the same time while the others were lowkey excited mm idk yet how about monster house or coraline? *walks to kitchen with them* we'll be making sugar cookies and popcorn looks at them as i get out the 2 cookie mixes and the stuff for the popcorn* we can do two groups one for the cookies and one for the popcorn I'll be in both groups to help out with both so u guys separate into two groups Aido, takuma, akasuki went to take the popcorn out of the cuboard waiting for cass instructions since this was the first time. What do you think this is-akasuki Maybe this is food-aido Let's for cass instructions on what do next Meanwhile zero kaname senri went to take the ingredient cass instruction them to get zero getting messy of the flour with his hands giggles a little as i help each group timeskip to after cooking and setting up* is in the middle of zero and kaname* snuggled into one of them as we start coraline* When then movie started senri was between aido akatsuki they were really into it wondering how they made it the movie zero and kaname looking at cass at times but they were also having a lot of questions like how is there a door in the wall nuzzles into one of then* she...never actually escaped the other world clinging onto one of them in the middle of the movie* I will ask her why she thinks that I'm really interested in the movie right now zero thinking that in his head Kaname lightly blushed with the slight skin contact getting aido jealous being able to touch cass by the time the movie is over I somehow am now in kaname's lap clinging to him being a big chicken/baby blushes gets off his lap* s-sorry It's fine cass I somehow feel comfortable when I'm with you smiling with a light blush at cass while the others were looking for the next movie to watch she did not escape though *timeskip to sleeping is between kaname and aido* snuggled into them not knowing everyone is glaring at each other* They were talking about the theories of Caroline when it was time for bed cass let kaname and aido sleep next to her they both hugged her while the rest gave each other looks and ignored it went to sleep anyways snuggled into them going to sleep timeskip to the next morning* thinking I wonder how crazy they'd be for my blood sets out breakfast does a little cut on my finger walks past them as its a normal-sized cut* We woke up the amazing smell of blood we all Walked down and seen cass waiting for us there with a cut aido was the first to get the blood when he finished senri was walking putting his lips to her finger akasuki was gentle when talking blood zero didn't want to but he gave up and went to her when he finshed kaname was next asking her if I take some of your blood you might become a level e vampire or a full vampire if I give you my blood blushing* breakfast is on the table as for Kaname puts a drop of my blood in a glass with water quickly putting a bandaid on the cut after cleaning it heh never thought u guys would be crazy over a girl's blood let alone mine after breakfast* is just hanging out with them in the living room* Smart aido thinking in his head while sitting in the kitchen table with the others while kaname sat down next to cass sipping the blood I guess you could say only certain people have good blood your blood is very delicious aido smiling at cass while akasuki gave a glare to aido to not be flirting so much Should we play a game aido and everyone now sitting in the living room sure what game though *looks at them* maybe hide or seek i don't really know any good games Yess let's do that-aido having a big smile Who's it-senri having a serious face quicky goes down touching nose* not it! after debating that kaname is it* *all of us hide* *is hiding in cupbord trying to to laugh as aido is running around like a duck trying to find a hiding spot* I started to count until everyone hides I will find cass first-smilingly lightly as kaname counts I can't find a hiding spot I'll hide with cass and see if she finally falls for me-aido opening the cupboard and going inside as he had both hands on the wall while cass was underneath him *covers mouth as i hear him timeskip to us being the last two* *we come out* well that was fun *smiles gets dangerously close to aido*although next time don't hide with me~ *sits down* Aido don't firlt so much with cass she'll get annoyed right cass-zero oh trust me i've handled more worse then him =-= *leans against wall* besides I can easily take him down You've handled more worse than him did someone hurt you-kaname getting up immediately to go with cass as he held her hand Wow kaname seems head over heels-akasuki in his head no no one has hurt me i do self defence =-= *chuckles softly thinking this will be fun to play with them~* u know I'm bored *gets dangerously close to one of them chuckles softly* u guys seem to...like my presence is there a reason why I can't believe she is so close to me-senri having a slight blush I smirked having a plan on my mind Your different from the girls back home they all fan girl over us we got used to it but you didn't your interesting-senri getting even closer and that both there noses touch What's this feeling I have is this jealously no it can't be-kaname looking from afar Kaname calling senri name to not get so close to cass chuckles softly going to him* someone is jealous~ I smiled at cass attempt to tease me I'll tease her to-kaname in thinking in his mind Well I have to protect what's mind-kaname smirking at cass getting her hand While zero was just over in the corner laughing a bit Does lord kaname really like her-akatsuki talking to takuma so they could only hear I think he does ussaly he doesn't shift to other girls but he made all of us shift here could he perhaps know her somehow-takuma grabbing his neck with one hand thinking hard i'm not anyones~ u'm not easy to get~ your playing a dangerous game vampire~ Kaname in his mind thinking she's very interesting this will be fun but I also don't want to get offend her in a way Everybody laughed at kaname and cass conversation Kaname give it up she's not interested-zero with his sour attitude It's lord kaname to you-aido screaming at zero I can call him whatever I want-zero not caring what aido just said can everyone get along =-= for once =-= even if u dont like each other just respect and get along ...pls for me... puppy eyes* Everyone slightly blushes at cass puppy eyes Yes we will get along right guys-takuma looking at everyone while everyone agreed even zero So what shall we do now-aido mm idk *thinks oo this will be fun for me at least* sits in one of their laps after I gently sat one of them down* snuggle party! As she pulled me away to sit on my lap I blushed like crazy-akasuki thinking in his head what should I do Yay snuggle party-aido smiling brightly While senri seemed comfortable with that idea since he wanted to sleep I don't know-zero looking away embrassed While kaname smiled in his head at cass attempt to Make everyone uncomfortable Takuma was just shocked and didn't know what to say aw c'mon zero~ don't be a chicken don't make me sit on u myself~ I'm not a chicken-zero going to sit down with cass Where's your blankets-senri just tired and wanting to sleep gets off akasiki's lap going over to senri and plopping down in his lap* u seem in a cuddly mood uwu *looks at senri* i wonder who's lap is most comfy I was relieved when she got off of me-akasuki in his head I was already sitting down when she came and sat on my lap she was very comfortable it made me more sleepy I put my head on her shoulder-senri Soon enough all the boys fell asleep on the floor with blankets while senri laid cass down to cuddle with her pouts a little snuggles into him* hmph stupid buttheads won't give cuddles *poutting looking at the others* She is so comfortable haven't had a good sleep since I came here-Senri in his head While aido came on the other side of cass to cuddle senriiii *pouts mumbles* i just want attention and cuddles head on chest* Hmm I am giving you attention- senri saying it low so only she could hear Hugging her even closer and putting one hand on her cheek mhm *as i bury my face into the crook of his neck my hand clutching his shirt timeskip to waking up they all wake up before me getting jealous once they see the position me and him are in* as i'm completely snuggled intp him asleep my face in the crook of his neck and my hand clutching his shirt softly being a snuggle bunny* I can't believe it why is she hugging him-aido whispering to akasuki having a serious face She's teasing me again-kaname in his mind Hmm I don't care-zero but he lowkey did I guess if she likes him there nothing that can be done-takuma whispering to kaname Should we wake them up-aido to kaname Both of them having a serious face While takuma was lowkey sad asleep snuggled into him as i start to wake up a few mins later around 10-20 mins* Kaname smiling at cass from her bed head takuma just decided to ignore that while akasuki just sat down and zero to pretending that they didn't care Good afternoon cass-senri half asleep good afternoon *yawns a little sitting up* thinking oh this is fun lets tease them more* *goes and sits on zero's lap* senri is being boring he's still half asleep Hmm she left-senri still half asleep Umm what are you doing-zero being really red and having wide eyes Aido giggling a little by zero reaction aw c'mon i just wanted attention~ What if I want attention cass-aido doing a pouty While zero was trying to process everything The boys in the background laughing from zero reactions sticks tongue out at aido* i like zero better UwU nuzzles into him* Aww don't so be mean I'm better than zero-aido Hey I'm better why do you think she choose me-zero putting one hand on cass shoulder Takuma and kaname senri were laughing while akasuki just had his serious face like always somehow sneaks out of zero's lap sitting down in Akatsuki's lap* well this is entertaining to watch Zero and aido fighting in the break ground stopped when cass got up suddenly they were glaring at akasuki Cass-akasuki having a bright red face since this was the first time he was so close to a girl before Kaname takuma senri were just having along with cass by there reactions While they were sitting down laughing still that was entertaining to watch and i made suki red *chuckles softly* Well it's our turn to tease you-aido smiling Getting close to cass and kissing her cheek While holding both her hands gently And Watching her reaction blushes looks away* i w-wasn't teasing u g-guys idk w-what your t-talking about hmph *blushing looking away from all of them thinking it can't get any worse* Oh I think you were-zero putting his hands on her cheek to make cass look at him Cass your making me jealous by sitting on there lap what should we do with you-kaname on cass back whispering In her ear while brushing her hair out of the way Akasuki on cass other side and senri on the other while holding her hand caressing Aido mentally laughing getting his pay back blushing* no i wasn't *mumbles stupid dumb vampires just hides my face* pouts a little thinking ok now it can't get any worse little did ik they found my bottle which I sometimes use bc f my sensitive stomach which forces me to have almost a paced feeding* *sees one of them get up but shrugs it off not knowing he's gonna get one of my 2 bottles to fill up with milk* *thinking ugh he's prob going to the bathroom I've got bigger things to worry bout* You were-aido laughing at cass blushing face You have a sensitive stomach cass-kaname grabbing the bottle and pouring milk for cass giving it to her as an apology For teasing her so much blushes more embarrassed about the bottle* hmph *blushing from embarrassment hiding my face in akasuki's chest* yelps in surprise when kaname picks me up clings to him* hmph not funny is small compared to them* I smiled as I felt cass warm embrace but kaname must've noticed and took her away from me-akasuki in his mind I don't why but I feel jealous when you get close to him-kaname smiling gently at cass while he holds her bridal style Everyone was quiet about the sudden embrace and straight forward ness You should drink this-kaname now looking at the milk His right you don't want to get sick-takuma next to kaname blushing more* never thought this would ever happen =-= a bunch of anime boy vampires here like this *blushing a little* fine but only 2 of u can stay at least till I get to half *blushes a bit* is too embarrassing if all of u are here *blushing hiding face in his chest* Why do you want to be alone with takuma and kaname-aido We'll stay with you-senri Yeah so we can take care of you-akasuki looking away from cass to hide his face from the light blush blushing* i-it's embarrassing b-but fine if u insist u can stay (me: good luck trying to feed me from the bottle I can be quite difficult XDDD) Here drink it as kaname put cass down and gave here the drink as everyone watched blushing from embarrassment hiding my face in his chest from embarrassment thinking good luck trying to get me to drink from the bottle while everyone is watching not knowing i kinda mumbled it/said it out loud* I smiled knowing cass could be this funny-kaname in his mind You won't be difficult right cass-kaname to cass as he looks at her smiling Yeah cass knows it's for her health~takuma sitting on the sofa looking at cass as well as the others blushing more* i-it's embarrassing *mumbles into his chest* It won't be embarrassing we won't judge right guys-kaname Everyone agreeing cuddled into his chest* thinks: guess i have no choice now but to let him feed me slowly latches on still embarrassed as I start to suckle softly calming down a little* (which ofc he can feel me suckling like how u can a real baby) I smiled seeing cass drink and how red she was she unknowingly stole my heart-kaname in his mind See that wasn't so embarrassing-takuma smiling at cass while the others were also red and looked away to hide the blush blushing snuggled into him suckling softly my hands on his as I close my eyes like usual* She is very adorable-takuma She is-senri As the others smiled softly and kaname lost in cass embrace around half i'm completely relaxed snuggled into him* *head on his chest suckling softly* As cass was dead asleep takuma wondered why kaname wanted to shift here You can ask me takuma-kaname Sorry lord kaname but why did want us to shift here-takuma looking at kaname asleep snuggled into him* has stopped suckling by now snuggled right into him clinging to him a little* is asleep just suckling very softly while a few stay a few go up to check my room and find my littlespace stuff* Cass was still in kaname arms while he told the others to help open the door to her room. They left her in the room and everyone came back at the living room. What's your plan lord kaname-takuma as everyone listen carefully I asked all of you to shift here with me to help because she is my fiancé my parents asked me to marry her real parents also agree we were in love but one day she disappeared I've been searching for her everywhere and cass is my long lost lover-kaname How do you know it's really her lord kaname-aido being curious now She acts like her and looks like her and she has a ring on her finger the day I proposed to her that ring is one of a kind-kaname When will tell her-zero Once I know she's ready to go back to her real home-kaname looking towards the room (damn plot twist XD 0///0) *after waking up* *blushing bc i've gotten a crush on kaname and zero but won't admit it* takuma can we talk? is a bit hesitant* it'll only be for a bit....i...trust u won't tell anyone c'mon When I heard kaname story it broke my heart remembering how kaname long lost lover because I also loved her but she choose kaname will I now have a chance with her if I try to win her heart again before kaname does like last time-zero thinking about the past memories Flashback Zero POV Her words were like knifes to my heart I loved her first but why did she choose kaname. "I'm sorry zero I see you as a brother we've been best friends since we were small but I love kaname I hope you find someone who loves you back I'm marrying kaname tomorrow afternoon-cass back then End of flashback Kaname flashback when cass and kaname fell in love Someone help as a woman voice was heard at the forest. The girl ranned fast away from the level e vampire. He was already on top of her when someone killed him. A little soft voice was heard that felt like a beautiful melody to the girl ears "Are you alright madam"-kaname as he smiled at cass "Yes I'm fine"-cass "Where's your home I'll take you there-kaname as he picked her up and held her bridal style as she gave him directions Since then they've been very close going on dates and taking with each other it was love a first sight he was a gentleman that treated her liked a princess Back to present Of course you can let's go outside in the patio to have privacy-takuma as he smiled cass Meanwhile the others were remembering the past with cass *sighs* i....have developed feelings for kaname and zero....i....idk what to do looks away* i...can't choose one...if i do...the other would be heartbroken.....i love both of them... Well you don't have to choose you can choose both back then you had the option spend a month with one and the other month with the other but the past cass only loved kaname but I can make two Of you spilt your feelings the part that loves zero would be another cass and you would love kaname but that's risky would you still like to hear the rest Takuma as he looked cass with concern Back then I was also your friend and you also loved zero more than a friend but when kaname came along you had a very difficult time to choose witch one The past cass made a decision that put you here sighs* ...we...no that wouldn't work but it might...*sighs* get them out here you and aido will stan guard in case anything happens You don't want to hear the risk first-takuma looking at cass ...we won't be making two of me...just trust me on this....this might work and be less risky So you don't want two of you if we do the spell it would be one cass and the present you no i don't want two of me *sigh* just go get them Takuma went inside to get them out everyone was in the backyard waiting on what cass will say next sighs* i...have developed feelings for both kaname and zero...but I cant choose both so I've decided we can try a poly relationship How should we start Who do you see as a brother-senri think about it carefully You may think you have feelings but it's just as sibling love-akasuki i...don't know..... i don't know who i see.... i don't know who i see as a sibling... Well you if one of them falls in love with another person you won't be jealous you'll be happy who is that you think like that with-aido Or if you see someone like a girl being close to them who will you feel jealous-akasuki i...don't know...maybe it's best if i put those feelings off for now* Your right we still have more days till you decide if you want to stay here or go to our world-senri Will you tell kaname and zero about these feelings-akasuki Looking at cass to see her genuine reaction i...don't know...i'll have to eventually tell them Hey there coming-aido As kaname and zero started walking towards them and everyone looked at them Hey what's going on-zero nothing we were just talking *gets up* I'll be in my room *goes to my room shuts the door* What's wrong with her is she alright-zero and kaname in unison As the boys just laughed and senri and akasuki weren't paying attention (play song now) puts my crown on from a long time ago sighs starts singing softly has headphones plugged in not knowing their listening* God save the prom queen Teenage daydream Just another dressed up heartbreak God save the prom queen Only 18 Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown She's the first in line at the party She's the first in line at the club And she's got that body, always gotta flaunt it Everybody's looking up When she walks by, you want to be her And your boyfriend pretends not to see her 'Cause she's got that fire, doesn't even try Her booty has its own zip code All the peasants bow down God save the prom queen Teenage daydream Just another dressed up heartbreak God save the prom queen Only 18 Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh Take a look at the future Who knows what's ahead? There's a house on a hill with an indoor pool And a millionaire in her bed And the years go by and she still dreams She's the hottest girl in town And the makeup's stronger, gotta wear it longer Just to keep a man around God save the prom queen Teenage daydream Just another dressed up heartbreak God save the prom queen Only 18 Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh Diamonds in her crown Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh And she lives her dreams through the magazines And her daddy's gone and she needs someone And she's got the looks and the boys on hooks But she'll trade it all for a heart that's whole God save the prom queen Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh God save the prom queen Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh finishes song* God save the prom queen Teenage daydream God save the prom queen (she turned her tears) She turned her tears to diamonds in her crown What's wrong with her is she alright-zero and kaname in unison As the boys just laughed and senri and akasuki weren't paying attention sighs puts crown back to where it was* *goes to my music studio* writes a song to express my feeling for them gets senri and akauki* hey I need u two to come with me for a bit (search up not another song about love by Hollywood ending) You sing really good cass-senri Yeah kaname and zero were blushing but they left once you stopped singing-akasuki Okay what do we help with-senri well i kinda wrote a song for them...i want u guys to hear it to make sure if I need to add anything etc *blushes a little* Hey don't be embarrassed-senri I think it will be great-Akasuki ok *sighs gets ready starts insturmental* Let it out Been building up you better Let it out Say everything you've been meaning now I want it to burn When you tell me I'm such a wreck It isn't easy cleaning up your mess It's like a garter up around my neck she says it won't hurt But everything you do makes my heart race I can't even think straight Is this just a game to you? Reruns every night It's always the same fight & I think you should know I hate your touch I hate your mouth I can't stand every single word that falls out But you're all that I've been dreaming of This is not another song about love I hate your voice I hate your lips I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss But you're all that I've been dreaming of This is not another song about love Since you hate it just to say the least And with your eyes you're suffocating me Inside my lungs it's getting hard to breathe You couldn't care less But everything you do makes my heart race I can't even think straighth Is this just a game to you? Reruns every night It's always the same fight & I think you should know I hate your touch I hate your mouth I can't stand every single word that falls out But you're all that I've been dreaming of This is not another song about love I hate your voice I hate your lips I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss But you're all that I've been dreaming of This is not another song about love finishes song* The sky fades from blue to gray.inside it's just like an ocean Still I'm drowning how bad I wanna sink & let it take me away I don't know why I come back I do every time We get close to the end It's a finish line Sing these words for the girl I've been dreaming of Is this just another song about love? Let it out Been building up I better let it out Say everything I've been meaning now Dreaming bout I need it now I need it now I need your touch I have no doubt I want your love till it all runs out Cause you're all I've been dreaming of Is this just another song about love? I need your voice I need your lips I need you bad I wanna steal your kiss Cause you're all that I've been dreaming of This is just another song about love Senri and akasuki claping for cass That was great cass-senri The song is ready to be heard by kaname and zero-akasuki Senri POV I couldn't help put think about kaname and cass back then he was so happy with her but when zero confessed his feelings for her cass was acting strange almost like she loved both of them takuma told me she did the spell and the risk was being transferred to this world I guess kaname found out and has been searching for her everywhere and now he found her but she doesn't remember and she has the same doubts she had before Not knowing who she loved nods* call them in then stand outside the door just incase.... Okay we called them in and then went outside with I hope this goes well but why do I have a feeling This will go bad-senri in his mind I wonder what's going on -zero In his mind Is there something you'd like to say-kaname to cass smiling gently blushing a little* i...wrote and song for u and zero... Let's hear it-zero looking cass Go ahead-kaname takes a deep breath timeskip to after singing it*
I'm very flattered that you like me but you should stay with kaname he loves you more-zero looking down she shouldn't be with a level e vampire he loves her more than I do after the heartbreak I haven't found my feelings again as I got up and left Once he left the room kaname got up and went to hug cass gently It feels like I waited a millennium to find you-kaname as he kissed her forehead gently Zero POV I shouldn't get between again this happened because of me. I realized that I always saw her as a sister but I got confused when she stopped hanging out with me. I thought I lost my best friend. But I just realized today that she's like a little sister and cass and kaname was a genuine true love sighs hugs him back* whelp that kinda hurt
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