Stormy nights (Underfell)
*Inspired by this comic which I adore!*
Frisk's age: 1 going on 2
It was a dark, starless night in Underfell; same could be said for any other night. Storm clouds flooded the sky.
Lightening flashed over the houses and streets lit by flickering lamps, and thunder growled like a ferocious animal in the back of its cage.
No human or monster walked the streets at this time, and only the growls of the dogs were heard as well as the furious storm outside cracked windows. Snow billowed and pelted down onto the already icy streets, making it hard to see.
In a wooden house on the edge of Snowdin town, all was silent...for now.
Dr W.D Gaster lay in bed, sound asleep, his blood red eyes shut as he lay motionless, oblivious to the storm outside.
A loud CRACK! of lightening lit up the room and it was followed by a hefty BOOM of thunder, swiftly followed by two screams and crying.
Gaster groaned, opening his eyes and fixing his weary gaze at the closed door.
"Uugh, what in the name of- AAGH!" Gaster exclaimed as he was knocked back by two other entities.
He saw his two young sons, Sans and Papyrus, embracing each other on his bed. They looked frightened, red and vermilion tears leaking from their eye-sockets, their bones clacking as they shook in each other's arms.
"What are you two doing up?! you should be asleep by now!" Gaster growled, as another crack of thunder sounded outdoors, making Sans and Papyrus yelp. Gaster snorted.
"Are you two afraid of the thunder?" he sneered, Sans glaring at him.
"You shut up, old man!" Sans growled, Papyrus giving Gaster an identical glare to his elder brother.
"Yeah, shut up!!" Papyrus chorused, making Gaster laugh even harder.
A scream and sobbing came from a room down the hall, making the scientist glare at the empty hallway, snapping his gaze to his boys.
"Stay here. Sounds like your sister needs attending to" he growled, Sans and Papyrus making no sound while they watched their father storm down the hall (no pun intended).
The crimson door with the name "FRISK" scratched on it was opened; it was a little more well-kept than the boys' bedrooms. A few toys were on the shelves, namely voodoo dolls, headless teddy bears and fake weaponry. A single window with the curtains closed was above a black crib with red blankets.
Gaster peered into the crib, seeing a pale infant with brunette hair and startlingly red eyes, sucking on a skull pacifier. Red tears trailed from her eyes onto the cloth of her bedding, and she wore a tattered dark blue footed onesie with a couple of purple stripes, the name "Frisk" sewn on the front shoddily.
Frisk looked up at Gaster, her crying dwindled into soft whimpers, her arms reaching up to him.
'Why did she have to be cute?' Gaster thought to himself as he cradled her in his arms.
The pacifier dropped from her mouth, revealing her two small but sharp canines. She reached out her small hand, putting the pacifier back in her mouth and continuing to suck and chew on it.
"Come, little Frisk" Gaster said in a cold but quiet tone, sweeping from the room and back to his own.
Sans was crying, going "make it stop, make it stop" quietly, Papyrus shaking even more and whimpering "please stop it" when Gaster entered the room with Frisk in his arms.
He sighed, laying back under the covers.
Seeing his sons and daughter crying made him realize something;...he was a jerk.
Reluctantly, he looked at all three of them.
"You can sleep with me tonight" he sighed, the brothers crawling in beside Gaster, one on each side.
Frisk nestled into his shirt, bloodied tears staining the fabric.
She looked up at him sleepily, a cute pout on her face.
"This has to stop now" Gaster murmured aloud. "This can't happen during every storm..."
Papyrus took Sans' hand, hearing the echo of Gaster's oddly hypnotic singing vocals, an all-too familiar song coming from their father;
"There was a time when I was alone
Nowhere to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away, tooThen one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely, " and ever since that dayI am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me
Away from all of realityNeverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free"
Frisk yawned, her eyes drooping closed, her brothers not too far behind her as all three of them sunk back into unconsciousness.
Gaster concluded the song, seeing the kids had gone back to sleep, allowing himself to lay back as well. Frisk lay on his chest in a ball, Sans and Papyrus either side of him.
They knew they'd be safe that night.
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