We Must Learn To Listen...
Hey guys! Here's a request chapter from brokenwingzzz5 I really hope you enjoy it please give feedback.
I've had the lovely Milana0304 give me a hand for this she is the italics. 1. I apologise for the google translate Italian 2. Spanking warning and 3. I have a huge huge an at the bottom I need you guys to read! Hope you enjoy!!
Hey Stefan?" Damon tentatively asked, making Stefan look up at Damon worriedly.
"Hey what's up?" Stefan softly asked, turning to Damon as Damon leaned against the door. Worry and old age are now evident in his sharp features.
"Just do me a favour please… don't go out tonight? I have a bad feeling about the originals and everything. I know you're technically 164 but you're still 17 in my eyes and I worry" Damon looked down feeling guilty and controlling. In his mind he knew that Stefan could handle himself but he couldn't help but stress out. Damon himself had so much to do and look after he really could use knowing that Stefan was at home. "If you want you can call and ask everyone to come here? I don't mind just staying here just please…"
Stefan relaxed when he heard what Damon was asking or rambling about. Stefan smiled and walked up to Damon resting his hand on Damons shoulder as Damon nearly collapsed against the door. "Damon of course i'll stop in if you want me to as long as I can have some contact with the outside world i don't mind"
Damon sighed in relief, forcing himself to stand up, shrugging Stefans hand off of him. "Thank you stef…. Maybe whilst you're stopping home you could shower and clean up a bit? This place is starting to reek" Damon joked around making Stefan laugh.
"Will do brother, what are you going to be doing?" Stefan asked as he walked back to his old wooden chair, tripping over his feet as he went and falling quite gracelessly into the chair, making Damon laugh.
"Well I need to go sort some stuff out with Alaric down at the mayor's house and Liz needs me because there's been some blood bank breakins that we need to see if it leads back to the originals or not. What about you stef?"
"I'll probably just chill out, maybe clean a bit and invite the others down for a game or a film." Damon nodded, sorting out his jacket and moving his hair away from his face.
"Okay well try not to kill anyone and behave. Bambi bags are downstairs in the temperature regulator because I know you like it warm. Cya" he called out as he left the house.
Stefan chuckled and looked at his phone for the time. 5:30pm. He took a deep breath coughing. Oh god it seriously had started to reek around here, must be a mixture of the blood and dead bodies and everyone coming over so often. He was so lost in thought he almost didn't see his phone ringing. Stefan answered and smiled and put the phone on loud, leaning back in his chair"
"Hey Elena, what's going on?"
"Hey yourself Stefan. We are going to go down to the grill for some food then everyone is going to go back home."
Surely Damon wouldnt mind just going out for food...
"I don't know Elena I promised Damon that I'd stop in tonight. He looked so worried and stressed"
"Stefan come on he doesn't care anyway he said the night and it's 5:49 right now I bet you could come out for half an hour get food and then come back"
Stefan sighed. She had a point. It's only food and he wouldn't be out long. "Okay fine. I'll be there in 10"
"YAY thank you stefan" Elena squealed and then hung up the phone.
"Surely just going out for some food won't be that bad I mean it's only food" Stefan thought to himself as he slipped on his jacket and speed ran to the grill.
"Heyyyyy stefan" Caroline shouted as she ran up to him.
"We aren't stopping out too long just Elena wanted food and to see us all."
Stefan nodded worry gnawing at his stomach as they walked to their normal booth and ordered food.
-Damons POV-
"So is everything sorted now? We've managed to link the blood bag loss to the nearby nest and that stuff that me and alaric needed to sort is sorted right?"
Alaric and liz both nodded. Alaric looked Damon up and down worriedly.
"Damon I know you're like dead but like you look like you haven't slept or ate in days. Is everything okay?"
Damon looked down, nervous about showing weakness and fumbling with his jacket zipper. "Recently I've been so worried and busy with everything I haven't had the time to get much sleep. I drink when I can. I'm worried about stefan and I'm constantly resisting the urge to lock him somewhere safe. He's stopping home for me tonight or atleast he said he would."
Liz sighed softly. "Damon go home get a shower put something comfy on and eat. Spend the night with stefan we can handle Mystic Falls for one night."
Damon nodded gratefully. "Thank you liz... its nice out I think ill take a walk and go pick some food up for me and stefan from the grill."
"No problem Damon, just relax even if its for tonight".
Damon smiled at liz and then set off towards the grill. He couldn't wait for a warm shower, human food and a huge glass of blood. As Damon walked near The Grill his heart dropped. He could see Stefan there clear as day doing a stupid arm wrestle with Jeremy. How could he! How could he go against what I asked him and go out. Damon ran home angrily resisting the urge to smash all the glass in the living room. Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm down he decided to get in the shower. He will deal with Stefan when he gets home.
-Stefans pov (sorry for all the pov switches)
Stefan nervously glanced at the clock which now said 6:15.
"Hey guys I'm going to head home. I promised Damon I'd stop in tonight and I broke the promise... I really should head back" Everyone nodded and said their goodbyes.
Please don't be back please don't be back please don't be back, stefan thought to himself as he ran home and through the door. Nothing looks different. Maybe he's not home? Atleast that's what he thought until he saw Damon standing at the top of the stairs dripping wet and in a towel.
"fratellino felice di rivederti dalla tua cena. vai a stare in un angolo della mia stanza finché non mi sono asciugato e vestito." ( little brother happy to see you again from your dinner. go stay in the corner of my room until I'm dried and dressed)
Stefan gulped. Damon only ever spoke Italian when he was very angry. He walked slowly up the stairs after Damon and waited in the corner. He knew Damon wouldn't take long.
Before he knew It Damon was dressed and sat over his bed.
"Venire. braghe calate. e sdraiati sulle mie ginocchia" (come. breeches lowered. and lie down on my knees.)
"Damon don't you think I'm alittle too old for this..." stefan asked squirming in his spot.
"Sei troppo vecchio quando puoi bere legalmente. non perdere altro tempo" (you are too old when you can legally drink. don't waste any more time)
Stefan pulled down his trousers laying over Damons leg burying his head in Damons thigh.
"25 I think is fair for going against what I asked you and 5 extra for breaking a promise.
Stefan attempted to be brave but clung to Damon.
Stefan now broke down sobbing into Damons leg gripping on tight. Damon looked down worriedly and ran his hand down stefans back in an attempt to calm him. He decided to lay the last 5 on the top of his thighs.
"Hey hey hey we are finished now " Damon comforted Stefan picking him up and pulling him against his chest making sure stefans butt wasn't touching anything.
"mi dispiace fratellone mi dispiace tanto" (I'm sorry big brother I'm so sorry) Stefan sobbed into Damons neck as Damon rocked him and held him close.
"va bene. mi dispiace troppo fratellino" (that is fine. I'm too sorry little brother) "please don't ever do that again stefan"
Stefan sobbed gently nodding at Damons request.
"Stef go get cleaned up and ill meet you downstairs and we will put on a movie."
Stefan nodded and slipped out of Damons arms and went and got ij the shower. He hissed as the water stung his ass. He deserved ut he knew it. He quickly got washed, dried and changed and headed downstairs to where Damon was laid out drinking a big pint of blood.
"My bum hurts" he whined softly climbing on the sofa next to Damon and snuggling into him as Damon wrapped his arm around him.
"It's supposed to fratellino its a punishment"
Stefan sniffled "I'm really sorry for sneaking out Damon..."
Damon sighed and put on the film. "I know fratellino just don't do it again okay?"
"I promise" stefan whispered relaxing.
Word count of the actual story -1507
Hey guys welcome to my A/N it's Rosie here. So a small announcement as to why posting didn't go how i wanted it. When I first decided to take over the book I was about 6 months pregnant or so and about a week after taking over and the 1st post I started really struggling with my pregnancy. I ended up being rushed to A and E a few times and I could barely lift my head up. About a week ago I had my baby boy who was 2 months premature. I am still in hospital and so is baby (ill put a pic of him because he's adorable) but I've been struggling with handling a newborn mostly by myself because babys dad isn't in the picture my parents kicked me out when I found out I was pregnant and I know I have Anna who took me in (aka milana) but it's still so incredibly hard and I'm trying I promise and I'll get better at it haha but for the time being stories will be up whenever I can and stuff keep commenting and requesting I see it all I'll try respond and everything. Try not to be too mean haha I'm still incredibly young. Thank you and thanks for reading guys byeeeee xx
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