Stefan's Awful Migraine
Hey all! This chapter marks a new beginning not just for this book, but for a dear friend of mine who will be taking over this book for me! She will be writing the chapters and fulfilling the requests. I may randomly post a chapter or two of my own, but all chapters will be labeled for whose they are. From this point on, this book belongs to RosieParker09. Please be as nice to her, as you have been to me!
This chapter was requested by tigsha_lover. We hope this chapter is amazing, as we wrote it together! Enjoy!
Stefan had been running himself ragged, trying to get his studies attended to and also find the whereabouts of any and all originals. In the midst of all of this, he had started getting headaches which he could manage… usually by eating a bit more and avoiding tangles with too many people/ beings.
He darted into Alaric's class, later than normal and at a human pace which was grating on his nerves. Running at human speed required too much concentration, which was only making his head hurt. He sat down in his seat, massaging the right side of his head with a light touch.
Alaric walked in and got all set up, but not without making a mental note of the pained look on Stefan's face and how pale the "kid" got when the bells rang to signal classes were starting and don't be tardy.
"Alright everyone, open your books to page 325." he said, before launching into today's lesson, including reading aloud and in depth discussions.
Stefan struggled to stay focused as his classmates reading aloud and discussing whatever questions Alaric asked, as the light pounding in his head was intensifying with each new question. He lay his head on his desk, closing his eyes, focusing on the coolness of the desktop, versus the voices around him. His head throbbed and throbbed, setting off his stomach which was uneasy to begin with thanks to human food and animal blood playing off each other.
He moaned in a low tone, catching Alaric's attention but no one else's. He walked up to Stefan at a fast pace and knelt by his desk, just out of any line of fire.
"Stefan? Are you alright? You are quite pale," he pointed out in concern.
Stefan shook his head, swallowed hard, and lurched forward bringing nothing up, to his and Alaric's relief.
"Everyone out!" Alaric demanded loudly, knowing full well that when the vampire vomited, it would all a majority of blood. Which could cause mass hysteria… again.
Stefan gagged and gagged, keeping his mouth shut until every student was out, then opened his mouth, and vomited back to back. Crying out each time he was sick.
Alaric rubbed his back, as he called Damon to tell him his brother was really sick.
Stefan whimpered, wrapping his arms around himself attempting to block out Alaric's voice as he called his brother.
Alaric frowned at the young boy wrapping his arms around the "young kid" and rubbed his back rocking him. Unexpectedly he felt something wet dripping down his neck, he glanced down to see Stefan struggling not to cry.
"Awww bud it's going to be okay everyone gets sick" stefan held onto alaric's shirt tightly and ric rocked him softly letting the young boy cling to him for comfort. Ric ran his hand through Stefans hair softly and held onto him, rocking him.After a while stefan fell asleep against ric.
Slowly shifting Stefan, Alaric rested him against his desk and at instant the cold relaxed him. Ric was worried, he hadn't seen any vampire this sick. He started cleaning up the floor and Damon walked in.
"Jesus… How bad is it?" Damon asked softly, running his hand softly through stefans hair.
Ric watched him before tentatively answering "pretty bad, I'm surprised he kept it in for how long he did, take care of him Damon he needs it right now".
Just as Damon was about to answer Stefan groaned and whimpered and Damon dropped to his knees rubbing a hand down Stefans back.
“Hey buddy, can you lift your head?” Damon softly asked Stefan, aware that Ricwas staring at them. Stefan whimpered and lifted his head up, shaking and palling. Damon smiled gently at him and wrapped his arm around his waist. “Okay i'm going to lift you up stef in 3… 2… 1…” and then Damon pulled stefan up to his feet. Stefan gagged and swayed, leaning heavily on Damon tears streaming down his face. Damon picked up Stefans bag and slowly stumbled out to Damon's car.
“Are you going to be sick again? Or are you okay for now?” Damon rubbed Stefans back softly. Stefan nodded sobbing softly and leaned out of the car. "Aw bud, get it up, maybe you'll feel better?" When Stefan heard that he lurched forward crying out in pain and gagging hard bile dribbling down his chin. Damon held him up by his forehead, rubbing his back whilst he messily emptied his stomach, wave after wave of pain from his head erupted through Stefans body as he cried softly. "Do you think you're done for now?" Damon asked softly as Stefan leaned back against him. Stefan nodded and wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his shirt and closed his eyes in an attempt to block out the light. Damon smiled sympathetically. “Try to sleep Stef… i'll carry you in'' Damon covered Stefan with his leather jacket and set-off to the boarding house, as much as he wanted to speed and get Stefan home he knew It would cause him more pain so he drove steadily and quietly, keeping a hand on Stef's knee in an attempt to comfort him.
Stefan groaned and whimpered, wrapping his arms around his stomach and squeezing his eyes closed. Damon squeezed his knee and pulled up outside of their home and looked at Stefan worriedly. Damon vampire ran into the house and made sure that all the curtains and blinds were closed in his room and just lit the small candles and fairy lights that would let him see what he was doing. Once he ran back to the car he found Stefan had curled up and was crying quietly to himself.
"Oh stef… what's gotten you this sick baby brother? I'm going to have to pick you up I'm sorry" Damon fought back the urge to apologise as much as he could to Stefan as he picked him up. Stefan cried out in pain and sobbed into Damon's neck as Damon ran them both upstairs. Placing Stefan onto the bed, Damon worriedly checked him for any injuries. Upon finding none he sat down next to Stefan, who immediately leaned towards his big brother for any type of comfort from his pain. Damon ran his hand through Stefans hair gently feeling Stef's tears wetting his jeans.
"Hey baby bro… I need you to tell me what's wrong I can't figure it out what's wrong and I can't help you if I don't know"
Crying quietly, Stefan huddled up to Damon and attempted to gain the strength to speak while sobbing. Damon held his baby brother close and rubbed his back.
"M..My head really hurts all here Dee" stefan stuttered gesturing to the right side of his head shaking "i feel sick and cold and my tummy hurts. Everything's so bright and loud. Make it stop Dee" Damon winced in sympathy as he heard his little brother crying out for him to take away the pain and slipping back into his younger self who would depend on Damon to kiss his owies better.
"I'm going to go get some stuff okay Stefy I won't be long I promise" Stefan whimpered but nodded and let Damon get up. Leaning down Damon placed a soft kiss onto Stefan's head before getting up as quietly as he could and headed out towards the kitchen. Damon knew Stefan had a migraine… Damon himself used to get them really bad and he would have to deal with them alone. Grabbing the painkillers that Damon was looking for, and a few blood bags, a bucket and cold clothes, Damon headed back upstairs to his room to find Stefan curled up crying and holding his stomach. Damon quickly changed into a t-shirt and joggers before slipping into bed next to Stefan.
"Steffy? Come here?" Damon asked softly, holding his arms out. Whimpering, Stefan moved into Damon's lap snuggling into him craving comfort. "Take these for me stef, slow sips, I have a bucket if you need it okay?" Damon whispered, offering the painkillers and blood bag to Stefan. Hesitantly Stefan took the painkillers and sipped at the blood bag until it was half way full, then he pushed it into Damon's hands and cuddled into him. Damon put the blood bag onto the side and wrapped his arms around Stefan.
"Your warm Dee…" Stefan quietly whispered looking up at Damon who in return smiled at him.
"Try sleeping baby bro, I'm right here if you need me okay?" Stefan nodded and rested his head on Damon falling asleep.
Damon stayed there with Stefan until he heard his phone ringing downstairs, he placed Stefan under the covers and ran to his phone and answered it.
"Hey Damon, how's stefan?" Damon walked to the sofa and laid out on it thinking about his answer.
"I don't know Ric… he had a migraine but I don't know if it's a one off thing because he's been eating more and avoiding any form of life… im worried" Damon sighed feeling guilty that he couldng protect Stefan from whatever was bothering him.
"Maybe he's stressed with school? I know he's done it more than the average student but I think we all forget that under everything he's only 17. He may be mature enough to act older but he's got all the emotions and stuff of a teenager, he still needs someone to support him and with everything going on like the originals and school he needs that extra bit of love and attention. You should have seen how much he clung to me today when he got sick and how clearly he needed just that contact. I know he gets it from Elena but I feel like he needs more from you."
"I understand Ric it's just we've spent so long apart I don't know how to act like a good loving brother anymore"
"You do Damon I saw it in you when you came into school and you helped him, the only one who's afraid of it is you"
Damon let the words sink in for a few moments. Unbeknownst to him Stefan had woken up and had come down stairs and was making his way over to Damon.
"I guess I am scared ric… I've lost him once, I really don't want to lose him again. I guess I thought being stony and mean would make it easier if I did."
"Damon… you're not going to lose me again I promise I have my brother back for once in a long time. I'm not letting go that easily." Damon heard from close by being him. "Your my brother and I'm never letting go of that" and suddenly Damon had a lap full of a teenager and the call was forgotten about.
"I love you brother… never forget that. Now go back to sleep and when you feel better you can tell me what's triggered this migraine so we can try solve it together" Damon smiled softly holding Stefan close. On the phone Alaric smiled, he knew his boys would be okay in the end. He waited on call with them, just until he was sure they were both asleep and then ended the call. The brothers were a family once again.
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