Vampire Certificate
Ahoy mateys!
If you decided to pay this story a visit then I'm hoping you are here to stay!!!! This is rock solid, blood pumped, and heart warming novel will kick up your mood and well...cause a LOT of procrastination...
On with the reading now... :)
Please note the following:
All rights are reserved.
© No copyright permitted.
The first chapter isn't the best!!!!! It gets so much better promise!!!!!!! So please give this story a chance!
Chap. 1
"We all have a Guardian Angel no matter who you are or what you've done, God assigns soldiers of Good to assist and guide us through life." The priest announces loudly, while I stare dumb folded straight ahead. Bullspit. Bullspit and more Bullspit. The crowd listened intensively, I think I was the only one huffing with boredom waiting until the service ends.
My sister (Kelsey) sat patiently in the front row, dad (Vlad) was right next to her with equally exhausted expression to mine which made a smile sprawl on my face.
"Hallelujah!" I exclaim rising from my seat the moment it does, my mother Adelina gives me a concerned look.
Left jab, upper hook, left, right, left!
"BLAIR!" I lift my head, meeting worried grey eyes, sighing loud, and letting out a chuckle I unzip the tight boxer's glove from my right hand, grabbing a hold of the water bottle on the floor.
"You don't have to shout, I can perfectly hear you, you idiot." I taunt shrugging off the other bloody red boxer glove. Sweat practically leaking down my face and sports bra clinging like the second skin.
"Do you really? Wouldn't think so in the world! It's past midnight and I'm going home." Fred mutters dangling the pair of silver keys in the air before turning to leave. I exhale throwing the PINK backpack over my shoulder and give out an 'oohp' as it collides with my spine. Toweling lightly my dripping sweat I wipe away the tears of my thin layer of fat.
"Next time when you come for your 'cooling' down session consider giving me a few hours notice, please." Trainer calls out pulling the key, the moment my foot leaves the porch of gym.
"Oh come on, we both know you secretly are in love with me." I state watching his face burst into all shades of red.
"That's not true!" He calls out twisting the key twice then pulling it into the front pocket of his jeans.
"I'll see you tomorrow!"I laugh tiredly, stepping away and disappearing round the corner to my left.
The chilled air relieved my sweaty shoulders, and I pull on the skinny strap of my bag wanting it to stop thrashing around.
"Help me." I heard faintly coming from the dark alley that run to my left. God and I haven't even made it that far. There were nothing but plastic garbage bags and metal cans in the area.
Oh and a man in ripped clothing stood hunching over the brick wall, the closer I looked the more blood I saw running down his ghostly face and hands. It was only a Monday, give me a break with all this freakiness.
"Are you okay?" I ask stopping in my tracks, keeping a safe 2 meters distances from each other. His pale skin looked deadly, and the dark eyes searched mindlessly around.
"Help me, please." He repeated looking at me, before sliding down the wall all in one second. I almost proceed to catch him but knowing he might be sick I stop myself instantly.
"Were you attacked? I'll call an ambulance. You will be okay." I reassure dropping my bag and releasing my cell phone from the little pocket.
The man breathes shaking his head multiple times, "They will come for everyone. They are on their way." The shaky voice spat his eyes glistening with unleashing tears.
"Who?" I shiver my exposed skin covering in goosebumps as wind blows harshly against my stomach.
"Angels." He mouthed, making my eyebrows drop in a frown. Assuming the man was under consumption of drugs I take a decent step back.
"You have a good heart Volkova and we don't have much time but before they locate you, are you willing to take the risk to find your family?" The disheveled looking man addresses staring deeply into my hazel eyes, and then I also notice the color of his. Ruby red.
"You know my family?" He couldn't.
"Vlad Volkov and Adelina brought a beautiful girl to this world." He mumbles and I release a hysterical chuckle. How did he know?
"How do you know this?" I press on, wanting an answer out quickly.
"I'm a distant relative, so do you agree?" Agree to what?
"Sure, whatever, I'm not a doctor but I can see you're injured, I will call an ambulance. There's nothing to worry about." I type in digits but before I could press the call to my ear sharp pain explodes in my shoulder blade and I cry out. Hitting blindly at the man's head he withdraws, displaying a pair of long teeth.
A yell dies in my throat when he grabs my face pulling me roughly towards him, his red eyes glow brightly as he stares me right in the eye no longer at the near-death state.
"You will jump from the Coastline Bridge, you won't scream, you won't say a thing. You will jump and won't tell anyone of me. Good people will find you, don't be afraid, especially of Adrian he is a good man. Now run, Run Blair!" The words got struck in my brain, and I shove the strange man away who stumbles back into the wall. He licks the bottom lip which was covered in my blood. Seconds later stinging sensation erupts in my shoulder making me wince.
"I strongly hope you are not carrying any diseases on you distant relative!" I yelp, darting away but the persona calls after me, although I do not hear a thing he says.
Stomping forwards with blood gashing from the bite like a zombie from the Walking Dead I reach my profound destination. There was no one walking past me or by a fact anyone following my trace but I was were I needed to be. Where I was told to be.
The Coastline Bridge.
Why was I here again?
I grab onto the railing noticing how the road was empty, glancing both ways my body is pushed further until I'm standing on the other side of the railing. My body didn't obey my own brain, no matter how much I tried pulling away, snatching at rusted metal around me or screamed inside my head. I stood completely static, paralysed with no further action.
What am I doing!? I don't want to jump!
"NO!" Someone shouts and I look up into the dim sky seeing there's someone hanging in the air. The sky is black but I can see a faint outline of a person. What surprised me more was not the fact that he was practically Casper the ghost, but the fact that I involuntary leaned forward.
My feet spontaneously leave the ground and I dive face first into the chilly waters with a piercing scream that never leaves my mouth. My brain momentary registers a nasty crack and then nothing.
I think I black out for a few seconds or minutes or even hours. But when I next open my eyes I am at the shore.
Coughing out water, my body shows protest as I wheeze grabbing onto the dirty sand.
"I AM ALIVE!" The loud screech escapes my lips, roaring and nagging like a talking Frankenstein being woken up, all that needed was a few bolts of lighting and we're set ready to scare the world with my pretty appearance.
"Blair you're so stupid." I scold myself pushing heavy body from the land, sports clothes are drenched and my hair lays limp on my skin. It was still night-time judging by the pitch black skies that shone with stars. Somehow I end up searching for the Casper ghost once again, wondering if this was all part of that strange man's hypnosis. Or whatever he has done to me. Or who was this Adrian he mentioned.
Forcing my feet to walk forty minutes later I reach my secure apartment. The tiny place might have be seen trash to some but hey that's the best we had.
Knocking on the door three times, I tap my foot patiently waiting. Forcing my head to stare at the wound but the bite on my shoulder is no longer there. I scowl rubbing the thin skin tenderly between my long fingers. I'm quite sure it was not just part of the hypnosis.
"What happened to you?!" I glance at Ryder that stares at my soaked figure down and up. I push him away entering the cozy place and heading straight for the wardrobe. If I only I could explain everything to him but I didn't even understand it myself. Who was that man with sharp long teeth? Or who was the Casper ghost?
"Blair, I asked you a question." Ryder appears next to me as I pull down my pants reaching for the new pair of sweats. What confused me the most though, how did I survive the fall? Bare in mind hundred percent not reckless Blair Volkova would never push herself down a bridge.
"WHAT?" I utter pausing before shoving on the grey pants which material rubbed against my thighs. I could feel wild pulsing in the side of my head, slowly burning away my brains.
Ryder locks palms on his hips with a stern look that wanted answers, but I wanted sleep right now.
"What's it now?" Ryder fumed, and I laugh widely earning an even fiercer scowl from him, the previously soft eye-brows screwed in a bunch, it was not flattering on him, not a single bit.
"What do you think? It rained..." I begin as Ryder scans my dripping clothing. His eyes narrow knowing well enough I was lying. Good one, Blair.
"Heavily." I add, turning my back and swinging with difficulty the wet sports bra. For almost I minute I fought with the tight bit of clothing before I've finally won, and shoved it off my body, replacing it with a simple black bra.
"Are you cheating on me?" Ryder spikes up behind me like an annoying fly that I wanted to slap away. Where did that even come from?
Giving out a tired groan, "With who?" I say making him shrug his shoulders impassively. Ryder just stands there with his soft brown hair lazily tucked back, in the dark red jumper with black trousers and fluffy dog slippers that almost made me smile.
"You tell me." He returned walking away to the kitchen, expressing another rumble I follow him into the suit. No, he was the buzzing thing that you wanted to use a bug spray on.
"I was training, went home, it rained on the way. End of story." But Ryder just nods his head wordlessly. Ignorantly making a cup of green tea. I just stared at him, until he was finished and left the kitchen not saying anything.
Sighing loudly I sat on the chair wondering who that man was and what was he on. How did I survive the jump, considering I was good ten feet up? Why did I even do it?
Strongly refusing to get panic settle in instead I got ready for bed.
Stuffing toothbrush into my mouth and violently scrubbing teeth until gums bleed I spat out the bloody paste. Washing all the insides I can taste copper on my tongue before I enter our bedroom. Swinging my legs under the cover I start to relax, shutting my eyes gently. Not being able to find the right position I keep relocating my body, my eyes weirdly adjusting clearly in the dark light. I could easily see the outline of the coffee-brown lamp on the far desk and so could I make the trace of the large Three Days Grace posters on the light caramel walls.
Ryder was deep asleep on the other side of bed, snoring lightly meanwhile faced completely away from me. I scoot over to him quietly, wrapping my arms around his bulky torso, he shifts under my touch, unconsciously bringing himself closer.
"Ryder." I say his name, just below his ear, stuffing my face into the crook of his neck. I could still smell the light scent of his cologne mingling together with the sweet savoury scent.
My lips reach out trailing at the side of his neck, following the pulsing vein.
My teeth ache wanting to rub against the thin layer of skin. I curl my fingers around Ryder's neck, pressing slightly. The impact had him jolting awake, but all I can think about is how rapid his heart beat is, it's gaining speed faster and faster. Almost like a Formula 1 on a race track, reaching its peak.
"What the-" I sink my canines vastly shutting him up abruptly. The warm liquid filling my mouth at a great rate. The delicious taste rolling down my chin onto the bed sheets, but that is the least of my concerns. Because I crave more, I'm hungry. No, absolutely starving.
"Blair." He moaned, grabbing a fistful of my hair but not yanking it. As I drew more and more of his blood I finally start to realize what's going on and what's about to happen. Unclasping from Ryder I shove him away, and he limply falls from the bed right onto the cold floor. My head feels like it's about to explode, splattering my non-existent brains everywhere but then howdy, what's your favourite profanity?
"Ryder. Ryder can you hear me?!" I exclaim running to his side, the large head lays in a sunken manner. I did not just bit him.
I watch two holes on the side of his shoulder blade with horror.
I've done this.
That's it.
I'm a cannibal.
"Open your eyes please." I cup his face softly in my shaking palms, hoping I did not kill him. Ryder's eye-lashes flutter weakly and I brush the dishevelled hair from the his pale skin, trying to convince my stupid self that no he is not about to die, and no you are completely normal.
"What have you done to me?" Is the only thing he manages to whisper, and I hold back a sob. Wanting to answer but deciding not to, If only he knew I began my start phase of a cannibal, he would flip out.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I mumble grabbing his cheeks and pressing a kiss onto the pale forehead. Ryder grabs my hand pressing his thumb against my palm, feeling my teeth and gums reacting over again the longer I can smell the warm liquid running down the side.
"Blair, what's going on?" The man questions sitting anaemic on the floor, his skin is much paler. If I called an ambulance now, they would lock me into one of those rooms, then interrogate me until I know nothing but that I'm essentially gone insane. But despite that, I would also face cold hearted therapists that forced anti-depressants and practically convinced you that you're in fact mentally unstable.
"It's okay, depression is completely normal for someone who went through so much in such short period of time." I shake my head, dusting away about two year old memory.
I rub my eyes and rush out of the room mumbling "I will fix this" on my way there. Entering the compact bathroom I grab a handful of towels and rubbing alcohol. When I return Ryder is standing in front of a mirror examining the bite, the light is dull reflecting the look of dread passing right across my face.
"Did you bite me?" Is the only thing that leaves his plump lips. I open my mouth forcing a reply.
"No." I stare into his soft brown eyes, Ryder shakes his head once probably assuming this was all a dream. I stroll up to him on wobbly legs that are about to buckle and send me to the ground, but I keep walking until I stand right by his side.
"Ryder. Please look at me." I squeak my voice gaining a high pitch that it usually did and then my palm extended towards my meal. My MEAL?! I violently shake the disgraceful thought from the corner of my head. Ryder whips his head, staring at me accusingly, his brown puppy eyes widen a fraction before he runs for the door.
With a nervous knot in the pit of my stomach, I race after him, abruptly slamming the door shut right before he can even touch the doorknob. Ryder presses his back into the hard surface and tightens his eyes closed, as if he did not want to see me. I tangle by fingers in his hair, wanting him to look at me.
"Please." I plead, and Ryder slowly opens his eyes only to fear cover his features and also anger.
"Your eyes. They'" He acknowledges staring deep into my head like I was the most frightening but at the same time fascinating pet in the universe. A whimper escapes my lips, when he dashes for the kitchen while I was busy thinking of why my eyes had changed their color.
I follow him into the kitchen, to find my precious boyfriend armed with a large butchers knife a petrified expression evident. "You're clearly a monster. How long have you been taking my blood?!" The blonde head urges, and confusion strikes hard setting my heart racing. I rattle my head, refusing to believe his words. I was not a monster.
"I did not mean to bite you, you just were so...tasty." I finalise taking a step forward, but Ryder clenches the cold weapon tighter in his palm, as if I would attack him.
"How long?" The words leash out cold and filled with prolonged hatred.
"Just once. But I don't know how or why this is happening to me. You know me, I like food but not like that!"
He raises a soft eyebrow up, wanting to laugh at the unintended joke. Which wasn't even a joke to begin with.
"What are you?" Ryder exclaims pointing the tip of the blade straight in my direction but also backing himself into the corner. I don't reply just examine his scared ass seconds from peeing himself. "WHAT ARE YOU BLAIR?" This time he says it louder, thinking I did not hear him.
"I don't know." I whisper watching Ryder's face twitch while he releases a humourless laugh, grabbing another knife from the counter he throws it right at me, and if for some reason I didn't know better I would have got injured. But with the strangely satisfying new power, I manage to dodge the dagger easily. Ryder gazes as shocked as I am when he decides to dart for another blade.
"Bullspit. You know exactly what you long have you been like this?! Months? Years? I've dated a vampire for 3 years?!" Ryder yells the questions I have no answers to. A new term did register however. I trace the sharp teeth with my tongue tasting my own blood with a realisation, I indeed could be a vampire.
"A man in the alley bit me. I can't do anything about this!" I snap parting my lips and gesturing to the extended fangs that ached every time I stared too long at Ryder's lively neck. I have to look elsewhere otherwise I will jump right on him, until he is in fact completely drained.
"Liar!" My boyfriend thrashes around the kitchen hitting his head twice on the same cupboard meanwhile searching for other knifes. I just shake my head, pleading him to understand, that I don't know what is wrong with me.
"Are you okay?" I wonder as Ryder rubs his forehead exhaustion clearly visible, he narrows his eyes in response with no emotions. Then slumps onto the floor, too tired to fight me.
"I want you gone. Out of this house and out of my life." He says knife pressed against his side like a bed teddy bear. I frown walking forwards but he raises the weapon halting me to a stop.
"I have nowhere to go. You know that." I whisper, my throat convulsing multiple times, eyes moistening with angry tears. Ryder rises from the clean floor rounding me by clasping the edges of the counters.
"I don't care. Get out and don't come back. Ever." I watch him run off like a mouse with a loud squeak when he hits his head against the door frame on the way. Releasing a sigh, with fingers curling into fists I head to our bedroom stuffing my bags with what I had. All of our photos, all of our gifts to each other. I stare at the bathroom door that had its light on, knowing it was locked shut, I knock two times. No answer only some shuffling of clothes in the background. I strain to hear a few muffled cries that escape him, and in return I force my eyes shut.
"I'm so sorry. Ryder." I hoarse out with warm liquid running down my cheeks then place my pair of keys on the desk, turning off the night lamp and give our home one last glance before setting my foot out of the place I was no longer welcomed in.
Mindlessly strolling the night streets I decide to return to the same place I have located the person that has ruined my life. I stand in the same dark alley, not even realising how fearless I feel of the gloomy shadows, of the by-passing cars and the strange night wild-life that came out looking for food at mid-night.
Speaking of food.
I stare down a lonely man walking quickly across the street, glancing around as if someone was unconsciously following him. I was. Keeping a fair distance I start copying his footsteps turning round every corner and every turn he took, until I was very close, but he didn't notice me. Yet.
His eyes dart to me and then a scream leaves his mouth but I muffle it with the back of my palm, then my growing fangs connect with his neck, sinking naturally like they were only made for such task. The young man lets out a few groans as more blood fills my mouth and enters my throat, erasing any previous thoughts of Ryder. Thinking of him made rage rise in the back of my head. So I slam my teeth deeper, angrily sipping until I couldn't get more out.
Dropping the unfamiliar human to the dirty ground I release a smile, rubbing my full stomach.
But then the selfish grin got whipped off when light shone right into my eyes, blinding me.
"Hand your certificate, now!" A man dressed in black glared fiercely as two others joined him with the same judging and angry expressions. My hands tremble while I reach for my passport and hesitantly pass it to them. Why in the world did I do that?!
"Not this. Your Vampire Certificate." Another with a black bandanna roars out slamming his fists into the brick wall earning a shocked yelp from me. But then I realise what he has just said.
"What?" They all share unreadable looks, and near closer to me while I fearfully back away.
"Miss Volkova you will have to come with us." The last one to speak proceeds reaching out for me but I quickly punch his arm away, afraid they will hurt me.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'm not a vampire!" I scream as one of them encloses me rapidly pushing a fair distance, a light-headed chuckle escapes me.
"Are you all part of the Flash team?" I question trying to ineffectively buy me some time since I was unfortunately backed into a stupid corner.
"Miss Volkova, you will come with us, whether that is willingly...or not." One of them stresses, and I suppress a low hiss that forces its way out with the long fangs when they launch at me all at one. I am successful in pushing the two off but the third one either knows my weaknesses or he knows exactly where to hit. Because the moment his fist collides with my jaw I spit my own blood to the floor with a sharp intake of breath that sent stars flying above my head. Shaking off the dizziness I puncture his face in return only to see more men appearing out of nowhere with the same extended razor canines all surrounding me.
"If going down. Then going down knowing I am not a v-!" And then they all sprang at me.
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