SilverLeaf Academy
Chap. 2
"Help, please somebody!" I yell my eyes would not budge open.
"STOP BLOODY SCREAMING!" A distant voice shouts right into my ear but I only continue louder. Suddenly a hand covers my mouth and I bite hard on it, feeling warm liquid burn my throat.
"She bit me!" A male exclaims frustratedly but there is a also this sweet feminine voice in the background.
"She's scared, what did you expect?" I want to hear more of her, so I stop moving, trying to hear her sound clearer.
"What information do you have on her?" She asks sweetly, and my ears detect shuffling in the background.
"We have Blair Volkova, born in New York, America. Twenty-one years old. Parents not located, siblings not located. Relatives not located.."
The moment my eyes snap open I give out a growl which turns into a cough a second later. I blink rapidly trying to get my vision into focus, until I notice two personas dressed in pure black clothing standing above me.
I also realise I'm on a surgeons table.
"What are you going to do to me?" I quiver, piranhas in my stomach growl loudly, indicating I am hungry.
The first person, is in fact a female, she has dark red eyes, although she looked innocent I was assuming she was far from it.
"You're safe, Blair." Her deep cherry eyes scan me with a worried glance, I wanted to believe her words, but right now I couldn't.
"Are you going to kill me? I did not mean to bite Ryder, or that man, I honestly didn't mean to, please, don't kill me." I plead although tears wouldn't form or drops from my eyes. If they bought my bull crap I would runaway, as long as I plead guilty.
"She's so annoying." Says the man I've heard a while ago. I switch my eyes to find a dark-haired guy with big bloody eyes that were slightly darker of the female next to me.
"Why am I here, and where?" I ask restraining against the tight chains hanging on my limbs. Concern welted up in my bones when I noticed syringes, chemicals and pills that were scattered on the metal tray.
"You're somewhere safe. There is no need to-" I pull the cold chains wanting to be released. A whimper escapes my lips, my knees shake violently, my figure is covered in a pale dressing gown which doesn't belong to me. I shift around trying to find if I'm wearing anything underneath. Thankfully I felt my underwear in place.
"Calm down Blair." The female orders, her pitch dropping down.
I furrow my brows but go ahead with dangling the rusty metal around.
Hands grab at my arms pining me harshly to the surface of the table.
"Calm the f*uck down." The dark-head swears, his red eyes intimidating me up so close. Fangs extended from the underneath of his upper lip, a low snarl rumbling. I feel calmness wash over me suddenly like a blanket covering my figure.
I hold my breath, he was just like me.
He could help me. He could make me human again. He was just like me!
"You don't shut that mouth of yours right this second, I will cut off your fingers and feed them to my dog. Got it?" His pale face hovers over mine, he makes sure I'm silent before stepping back. The female looks impressed and angry slightly, but the guy simply shakes his shoulders uncaring.
"My methods always work." Was all he pledges and then glances back to me.
"What am I?" I ask quietly searching for answers, the female with red hair grins widely as of waiting to answer that question.
"A vampire." I should have been kicking and screaming, saying it was all a lie, but somewhere deep inside, I already knew that. I do not make a sound or propose a reaction which I think they're both waiting for.
"Blair tell me who turned you." The red head whispers, her face concentrated on my eyes. I open my mouth to speak but then words do not leave me.
"I don't know."
"That's impossible! You should know who turned you-" The black-head lunges at me, his fists colliding on the either side of me. The female barely drags him away, giving out a huff at the end.
"Shut up, Adrian. Just shut up for once." But that doesn't silence him, the vampire frowns angrily.
"She must feel connected to her creator, everyone does!"
"Give her some time." She responds, gesturing towards me, as if I'm not even in the room.
"I'm hungry." I mumble gaining both of their attention. Adrian looks at me, a murderous look plastered across his face. Then he practically shoves himself on top of me. "Oh you gonna get food. Only when you remember who turned you!" He snapped fangs once again out and almost cutting my cheek in half. He wasn't going to give me any food. But I'm starving!?!
That's when I heard a snap.
One of the chains broke.
I hiss loudly, gripping his trachea tightly, Adrian just glares at me before with one quick motion twisting and breaking my wrist.
I scream watching as my palm faces the other face but the pain wasn't as bad as I first anticipated.
"You will learn your place, newbie." He proposes stepping back and leaving the room altogether.
He didn't act like the good man that the stranger described him to be.
The female appears next to me in an instant, placing my bones back in original position. I cradle my stinging hand, wanting the pain to subside.
"I should have told you, Adrian, doesn't handle new-born vampires well."
"Really I thought newbie was just part of a friendly welcome." I mutter, inspecting my dark blue veins running down my limbs.
"Please don't tempt him, no matter how badly you want to, he will only get angrier." I laugh humorlessly at that.
"Let me guess, a troubled soul with a dark gloomy past that every innocent girl cries about."
"You don't know Adrian, so do not assume what's he's been through." The female confronts roughly unclasping the other chain holding me.
I rub my wrists, feeling just small sharp twinges in my weak hand.
"Oh I want to hear about that, big bad vamp killing his entire family with nothing but a pair of fangs. Does he gets surges of guilt or is it like always, a cold hearted and angry, Classic-" My rant is cut off when the redhead appears right in front of me, her red eyes almost enlarge, enveloping her whole eyeball.
Someone is pissed.
"Wrong time to open your mouth, Blair. I may not be my brother, but I won't hesitate to rip your intestines out. SilverLeaf Academy doesn't acquire dirty mouthed weak girls. Say thank you to me, they allowed to keep you!" The girl hushes, her red eyes zooming back into its pupils.
I raise my eyebrow, smoothing down my dark chocolate locks.
"Thank you..." My voice trails off as we both stare at each other, her being angry and me rather amused.
She backs away touching her long red hair, exhaling a loud breath then extending a hand towards me.
I take it then she pulls me up from the floor that I am sitting on. Standing to my feet I feel my stomach groan in pain and I look up at the girl knowing she perfectly heard its awful cry.
"You need blood." She acknowledges and waves her hand for me to follow her. Leading me through narrow halls and corridors which have have hundreds of doors running along them. I scan the dark walls which looked intimidating in the dim lights scattered in every corner.
"What is this place?" I decide to ask when we enter what appears to be a cafeteria. People sitting there are in all different ages and appearances. They all stare at me with curiosity until the red head pushes me forward, we reach a big lady dressed in navy apron and dress.
"Boiled or fresh?" Her voice rasps, her large red eyes glare at me.
"What?" The red head pulls me aside.
"She means blood, take fresh, boiled is disgusting and don't look her in the eyes." Then I am moved back in front of the big fat woman that has two pots ready beside her.
" you have cheetos on the menu?" My comment seems to anger the bag of mass so much she slams the plastic cup into one of the pots and hands me it with no other words.
I stare at the crimson runny liquid in the plastic cup with distaste when the red head guides me to a table.
"Guys, this is Blair, Blair this is Katherine-" She points to a girl sitting in the corner, she had dark hazel hair styled in beautiful curls. Then she introduces me to three other people.
"That's Jace, Warren, Daisy and Gwendalyn." I wave at them as they call Hello's back. Jace was a fit guy with shirt trimmed blonde hair, he had dimples when smiling, and so did Daisy. She had ginger fluffy hair that ran down to her butt, and her appearance was of Merida from Brave. Warren on the other hand looked like your usual cocky guy that had women on their knees, with that slicked upwards brown hair and slightly fit figure.
Gwendalyn seemed like the quiet and shy girl, sitting further away from everyone, and not really looking up from her plastic cup.
"And I'm Ariel." The red-head grins at me as her friends all observe me, some more openly than others.
"So can you turn into a mermaid then?" I ask her and the group bursts into laughter, while Ariel's face reddens.
"Oh shut up y'all!" Ariel exclaims throwing her hands in the air with annoyed look.
"But come on Ariel! Tell her the story!" Warren retorted, nudging Daisy beside him. Others nodded their heads also waiting for Ariel to continue.
She smiles widely, then slumps back in her seat, "OKAY FINE!" Her hands mention for us to lean closer. Once tightening our circle, she begins to whisper.
"Once upon a time, there was a girl, she hid from the wild cruel world as much as she could, but one lonely night she fell in love with a stranger, but not just any stranger , she understood that they would never be together. She wanted to change herself, because once she died, she wouldn't ever see him again, so she went to the-" Ariel stopped herself, frowning hard. Then doors cracked open, voices died down in the cafe, something which usually happens in movies really. An authority enters or some bad guy.
"Ariel, I need you in the meeting room right now." I lift my eyes finding Adrian glower at his sister with coldness. But for a second I saw concern flash in his eyes when he noticed her frown.
"Okay." She waved goodbyes, and then turned to me last minute.
"I will come and get you in ten minutes, you still need to see your room."
"My room?" I quiver but both of them are gone, poof, into thin air. Vampires.
"So Blair, how many have you killed?" I glance at Katherine that licks her lips slowly, displaying an innocent smile. My jaw drops slightly but I shut my mouth closed, cursing myself when guilt surges through me.
"One." I feel them crack up, especially Warren. Daisy leans forward, her bloody eyes skeptical.
"You don't have to be so shy, come on, how many?" She encourages with a grin, at which the guys laugh.
"Daisy, stop, she doesn't want to say."
Katherine shows me a wicked grin before shaking her head.
"Only one, honestly." I answer but they just snicker quietly.
"Blair, honestly, a new born kills at least fifty before they gain control." Warren states giving me a smug smirk. I narrow my eyes, standing from my seat, and leaning over to him, so that I'm almost towering.
"What makes you think I'm in control right now?" I raved, feeling sweat build up on my spine, the hairs on my neck stood up, as I listened to slow heart beats around me.
Warren stares at me emotionlessly, then points to the plastic cup on the table. "You haven't drank your blood." He testified, moving his fingers back underneath the table.
"And you clearly need it, even for a vampire you look...too dead." I feel eyes on me as I stare at the small lovely cup then trace my eyes back to Warren.
"I want normal food." I say instead, I am craving chocolate, and cheetos, and cheesy pizza. My mouth even stars to water at the thoughts of those instantly.
A few chuckles ring out and I study their expressions, "What?"
They just continue to rumble with snickers than begin to annoy the heck out of me.
"You can't eat human food Blair, you're a vampire now, blood is your only food source now." Speaks Gwendalyn for the first time, she was the only one not laughing or feeling the joke. I feel as if oxygen has been knocked out of me.
"You can't be serious?! I want a Hawaiian pizza with double layer of cheese and pineapple!" I stress feeling sickness in my stomach intensify. I crave a pizza!
"That's okay Blair, but you will get even more sick when you taste anything other than blood. So be a good girl and drink up." Warren is now sitting next to me, on the free chair previously occupied by Ariel.
I have noticed we were the only people in the cafeteria now, even the big fat lady has vanished from sight.
I glare at the red plastic cup for a thousandth time. "Where is Ariel? I want to see her." I announce pushing away the thoughts of blood. I didn't want it, even if I needed it.
"Aw, miss me already?" The red head slowly approaches the table with a smile that didn't quite reach her face.
I get up from the blue rough chair and come to stand next to her.
"Ariel, how many has she killed?" Warren asks, gesturing towards my figure and I feel my eyes narrow, we're still on that topic.
"Why don't you ask her?" Ariel tattles grabbing my shoulder and pulling me towards the exit. I don't even have time to say a goodbye.
"Don't worry, you'll see them tomorrow." She reassures me for some reason, making sharp turns every other second.
"Alright, this is your room. Feel like at home." Ariel stops in front of a dark brown door, that had a number of 69 on it. I scrunch my eyebrows before stepping in.
The room was larger than I thought it was going to be. The interior was classic and clean, with light cream walls, two large windows, a wardrobe, a king size bed and few draws.
Ariel gestures me to the closet, primping the door open and reveals stacks of clothes, there were skirts, tops, dresses, flats, heels, trainers and everything else, apart from a large Hawaiian pizza.
"This is.." I begin speechless for words. Ariel smiles, "Amazing? Awesome? I know. I've done this." She waves her palms around the spacey room.
"I'm very grateful for everything but..." I start, making Ariel pause with a frown. I play with the hem of my white dress.
"I really want a Hawaiian pizza." I grumble fighting the pain in my stomach.
"Blair, you need to know that if you even have a bite of human food you are going to get very sick, I'm sorry but you can't have pizza."
Ariel explains sitting next down on a bed. I fumble with my fingers now, I was hungry. Very hungry.
"What is this place, a torture dungeon for vampires?!" I exclaim raising from the bed and begin pacing back and forth. All I asked for is a bloody Hawaiian pizza! Minus the blood part off course.
"SilverLeaf Academy, a school for young vampires, you study how to-"
"What how to brush your fangs without breaking the toothbrush!?" I exclaim with a stiff laugh, but seeing no emotion from Ariel I quieten.
"That will come around eventually as one of the modules. But you will train, learn and develop. You see, Vampire community doesn't want to be known or be revealed to the humans. We have to lay low and so we take any new born vampires here." Ariel explains cautiously, as if I would set the room on fire any second.
"How long are you keeping me here?" I ponder feeling my fingers curls into tight fists. I had an urge to hit something.
"Until you get your Vampire Certificate." Again my laugh fills the room.
"This all sounds like a joke. Since when do vampires need to have a 'licence'!?" I cackle staring unbelievably at the red-haired supernatural creature on my new bed.
"Well its not all that bad, think of it as going back to high school if you like. You first are going to get tested though, the Heads want to see which group you fit in before you get your schedule." Ariel signed taking a hold of one of the cushioned pillows near the bed frame and pushing it towards her.
"Am I the only new one here then?" Ariel shakes head with a smile, and then pats the space next to her. Reluctantly I join her once again on the bed feeling it dip beneath my weight.
"We have a few new people, Gwendalyn for example joined only two weeks ago so you're most likely to be put with her. It depends on your strengths and weaknesses, you might even get put with me, who knows right?" Ariel signs happily but I experience dread, which sends my face into a fearful scowl.
"When you say test me, what do you mean, what are they going to do?" I inspect Ariel's face as she darts her amused eyes around my room.
"When I've enrolled they connected me to some wires and gave me activities to complete inside my head. You're lucky we've actually going to test everyone, which we do annually, some become better some need more practice." I nod my head forgetting the pressure in my stomach for a while now.
"So it's like exams?" My conclusion has Ariel shaking her large head in a yes.
"I can give you a tip though, if they ask you spontaneous questions, try be short. It will keep you from being nervous when you're actually competing." I nod, in understanding and respond by letting out a steady exhale.
"Do spill the guts, who's Ryder you were talking about?" Ariel suddenly mentions and I fall backwards, my spine meeting the soft blankets.
"He's.. A guy I've dated for a while, now I don't think we are anymore, since he kicked me out the moment I accidently attacked him." I admit, stack of guilt rise giving my stomach a painful squeeze.
"But you don't regret it." I lift my head, gazing at Ariel with a neutral expression.
"He wouldn't understand, so I left partially because of what I've done to him, and also because I don't think I'll be able to live like this knowing I can sink my teeth into his neck and accidently kill him." I rant rubbing my heavy lids. There was a deadly pause before Ariel stood up ad I opened my eyes watching her retract to the door.
"Ariel?" I call out but she pushes a finger to her lips, mentioning for me to be quiet.
I tiptoe to her side, pressing my ear into the door, "I want Ariel to stop visiting Skyline Academy, she's recklessly breaking their doors and windows, I understand that she's found her half but she cannot see him." Warned a male voice somewhere outside in the halls. Our eyes interlock as I open my mouth to throw questions but Ariel shakes her head, shutting me up.
"So what do you want me to do?" I recognize the voice, which belongs to Adrian, again we stare at each other with wide eyes.
A low clear of throat followed the next couple of seconds and then the male spoke once again.
"Tell her, that he doesn't want to see her." I examine Ariel but she doesn't show any emotions just continues to listen intensively.
"You will make everything work Adrian. Ariel's safety is your priority, isn't it?" I don't hear a response back but their voices soon disappear as they walk away.
Ariel pushes herself away from the door giving out a frustrated squeal.
"It's so not fair. NOT FAIR!" She raises her tone and I glance back at the door.
"Ariel." I warn lowly and she meets my eyes.
"Yes. Yes. I'm calm." She lands on the floor, pushing thin knees into her chest for comfort.
"Who was that person?" I sit gently next to her, and she let's out a breath.
"Lawrence, he's one of the Heads." She mutters stuffing her face into the pale palms covering herself away from me.
"Are you meeting a gang leader is that why he's so against it." I replay what I said in my head and even to me it sounded stupid. Clearly it was a student from another school.
"Oh its worse than that." Ariel doesn't seem to acknowledge me so I wrap my arms around her as she breaks down heaving into my shoulder.
"I love him, I really love him. They won't let me see him or even talk to him!" Sobs and whispers fill the room, and all I can do is rock her from one side to the other, bringing at least some peace.
"Talk to me, what's his name?" I rub her back as she pushes herself away and stares at the ceiling tears covering her cheeks.
"Gabriel." She smiles softly at the mention of his name, and then laughs through the spilled moisture.
"He has those light golden eyes that just want me to stare for ages. His smile is the most perfect thing in the world and he is really bad at making jokes but he tries, for me." Ariel sniffs wiping the last tear drops on her slightly red cheeks.
Her smile is bright and sad when she finally meets my eye. "So he's the stranger." Ariel stares at me confused until the light bulb clicks above her head.
"I don't think you're quite ready for the story of my life." Ariel waffled bringing herself up into a standing position and smoothing down her skirt. I smile nodding my head, I will give her time.
"Besides Miss Volkova I will see you tomorrow, make sure to wear something casual. I'll pick you up at 7 a.m." Ariel reaches for the doorknob twisting it open.
"So it's a date then?" Her eyes widen for a fraction and then roll around in a half circle, before she mumbles a haha and is gone from my sight.
Glancing back towards the modern bed I leap in its direction my body falling down in an "ooof". Closing my eyes for a few minutes, I feel my nose smell something.
I follow the scent to the find myself in front of a small white fridge.
Pulling it open, I almost release a shriek when clear plastic bags with blood collapse on top of me.
There were hundreds here all labelled with an expiration date and blood type. A small note was glued to the door also.
Dear Newbie
Use three packs daily. Do no consume as a stress reliever or for fun.
Can cause addiction if drank more than the required dosage.
- Adrian
I shrug my shoulder closing the fridge shut. Standing up my stomach begins churning so I glance back at the full stack of human blood.
What if I only take a sip?
A really small sip?
Gently grabbing one of the bags I momentarily study the package.
Blood type: A.
Donor: Male.
Expiration date: 6/6/17
Playing with the slender tube connected to the blood bag I disconnect it, then slowly placing the open hole into my mouth.
Sucking relatively easy I feel the liquid enter my throat. It tastes sweet and delicious running down my chin and onto the white dress.
Squeezing the package tighter I begin choking slightly but continue to gulp so thirsty and hungry.
Before I could count I had two bags drained before me on the white floor which was already stained.
I stare at the third closed bag, grinning wickedly before ripping it open and gulping the metallic consistency, having so little time to swallow. Finishing the third package I drop it also on the cold floor.
Then I shut the fridge and clean up the mess I've caused. Changing and showering in the bathroom next door I smile softly, staring in the mirror at my dark hair and cherry eyes that glowed in the dim lighting.
Maybe staying in the SilverLeaf Academy wasn't so bad. I could learn a thing or two.
Maybe I could finally have friends.
Even if they were all thirsty vampires.
~ ria
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