New Life
Marinette's POV
I awake feeling slightly disoriented and confused. The lastthing I remember was falling asleep in Vlad's arms. On the bend in the stone room. But now I am in an unknown room, alone. I frown in confusion.
Just then Vlad enters the room with two glasses and a bottle. He smiles when he sees I am awake. He sits beside me on the bed. He kisses me sweetly. "How do you feel?" Vlad asks.
"Disoriented and confused" I answer. I frown, my voice sounds different. More musical somehow.
"Disorientation is common with newly awaken vampires" he states. "But what are you confused by?" He asks.
"Where are we?" I ask him. "I don’t recognise this room" I admit.
"We're in our room" he states. I look at himm still confused. "The room I slept in, was a temporary room. This is our room, the master bedroom " he explains. He pours us a glass of blood each. I eye it hungrily as my throat burns with thirst. He hands me a glass. "Drink slowly" he tells me.
"To us" I say and he smiles repeating it. I drink slowly, though I wanted to chug it. When I finished it, he poured me more. This continued until the bottle was empty.
"So there are a few things to go through" he tells me.
"Oh no, none of that" I tell him as I put my empty glass on the bedside table. He frowns in confusion and I smile wrapping my arms around his neck. "It's still our honeymoon, any official things can wait" I state and kiss his bare chest.
"But..." he tries to say and I kiss him on the lips.
"Shush" I tell him and we made love for the first with me as a vampire. "You were holding back before" I state as we lay tangled in sheets.
"Had I not, you would have died during bonding " he states. I hum. "Marinette, I love you" he tells.
"And I love you" I tell him. The rest of the week was spent by us making love a lot. But then the second week he explained more about the changes I'll go through being a new vampire. He then told me about being queen of vampires. Though it wasn't official until my coronation.
He handled the preparations with his dad and grandfather. While Daphne and Selena explained my future responsibilities as queen of vampires. Both vowed to be there until I felt comfortable handling the roll with Vlad. Who also promised to remain by my side during every royal issue.
I didn't get to see my grandparents until afternoon my coronation. I loved seeing them and the dogs again. My grandmother was over the moon when I told her I was pregnant. We won't know the gender until the birth. As ultrasounds don't work on pregnant vampires.
Vlad and I designed the nursery. Keeping it gender neutral. We discussed names. Our family suggested names. But we didn't tell them any we were thinking about. Wanting it to be a surprise for them.
Cara got pregnant and we aren't sure who is the father is. But we think it's Riley as he has hardly left her side since we found out. She gave birth to five pups. Four boys and one girl. We kept the girl, Fiona. While my grandparents took one of the boys and named him Cullen. The other 3 boys were adopted by people in the village. So at least we'll still see them.
Anyway, life is great. Though I am over with being pregnant. I'm due in two weeks. And I have been put on bed rest by the vampire doctor. Vlad'sparentshave taken over royal duties again and will run the kingdom for a year. While Vladand I enjoy being parents. "What's wrong?" Vlad asks as he sits beside me.
"I'm so ready to meet our little one" I tell him.
"So am I" he agrees. "You know, we never settled on names" he adds.
"I still want my father to be honoured" I tell him.
"His name was Alexander?" Vlad asks and I nod my head. "How about Xander for a boy?" he suggests.
"Xander son of Vladimir" I say smiling and he kisses me.
"Any names for a girl?" Vlad asks.
"Alexa?" I suggest hopefully and he kisses me.
"Alexa, daughter of Marinette" he says. I smile, glad we'd finally settled on names. "Which do you want?" he asks me.
"I picture a boy, but I'll be happy either way as long the baby is healthy " I tell him.
"Agreed, though I pray for a little princess. We've never had one" he admits. We stay cuddled up on our bed until dinner. Which he collected for us. I grew sleepy afterwards and he told me to sleep. I did so, but soon wake to cramps. More painful then the braxton hicks I had last week. "You're in labour" Vlad states and grabs his phone calling the doctor.
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