New People
5:02 pm
"I see them!" Elliot said and jumped off Patton's shoulders and landed on the ground easily; therefore, making him sprint towards the group of people in front of him. Elliot stopped, and turned behind him, and looked at the four men looking at the group of people. Elliot ran back, and grabbed Virgil and Logan's hand leading both of them towards the living bloodbags in front of them all.
"Come on guys! Come meet my family."
Family. What a nice word to hear. People that will do anything for you. People you trust. People you care for.
"U-Um. I don't think it's a good idea for us to-"
"Oh get over yourself." Elliot cut Logan off and pulled them closer to his "family." Logan only scoffed and let the kid pull him over, with a giggling Patton, and smirking Roman, following slowly behind, watching the scene unfold in front of them.
While Virgil was panicking in the inside. What if he hurt one of those people? What if he losses control? Or what if they're great full, that we returned their missing member, and offered a place to sleep for the night? No No this cant happen!
"Elliot!" a sound of a lady yelled, making Virgil jump slightly at the sound, while still being pulled by the little man in front of him. "Mommy!" Elliot said and turned to Logan and Virgil a second, giving them a small smile, and a look, that meant for them to stay here, and ran to the lady that had her arms out. Elliot jumped into the slightly slim, and wavy haired women arms and laughed.
Logan, and Virgil both exchanged glances, before slowly stepping back, away from the people in front of them. Both of them ready to bolt away from the scene, Patton and Roman both grabbed them by the arm, Patton having Logan, while Roman had Virgil.
" And where do you both think you're going..?" Roman asked, looking at both of them. "What do you think? That we're gonna stay here for a drink? I'm getting the hell out of here before they realize we're vampires, and put a bullet through our skulls! Now let me go!" Virgil said and started moving around, trying to break free of Romans strong grasp around his arms.
"Romans the strongest one out of the three of us, so you're gonna be here for a while if you keep having a temper tantrum." Logan stated quickly, looking at the man who was getting thrown over Romans shoulders while hitting his back. "Put me down you kidnapper!" Virgil yelled.
"What the hell is going on here?"
A guy said, walking over to the four men that were making a lot of noise. He had a gun in his hand waiting for anything suspicious to happen, so he can shoot right away. "Hello mister-!" Patton began, having a smile on his face, and moved his hand slowly away from Logan's shoulder, and towards his hand, gripping it tightly, "-we're just here to drop off your missing kid that we found in the woods a few hours ago. He told us he got distracted, and didn't realize your group already left, so we took him under our wing for a while until we find you guys, and now that we have, we'll be on our way." Patton finished, and started turning the opposite direction when-
"W-Wait. You're the people that found Elli? Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for pulling this out, it's a habit." the man chuckled slightly and put his weapon away and cleared his throat. "D-Do you guys need a place to stay? We have extra beds if you need. Anything, Anything at all." the man insisted looking at all four of the men that exchanged glances. "Nope we're good thank you." Virgil said quickly, still over Romans shoulders, so he couldn't face the man in front of him, so he just looked at the grass.
The man looked over Roman slightly confused, before walking behind him, and facing the man that had his arms dangling. Virgil looked up and met eyes with the human in front of him, who smiled, and chuckled seeing Virgil trying to move the bangs in front of his eyes, but they just kept falling. "You sure..? We don't mind. You found Elliot, its the only thing we could do.." the man said and moved Virgil's bangs for him and kept them there without them falling again. Virgil watched his hand move across his face, and he felt a bit of redness come across his face and he looked down quickly, avoiding eye contact.
Roman swallowed a growl that was desperately trying to get out, but he forced it down, and took Virgil off his shoulders and placed him down.
"About time."
Roman smirked and looked over at the man who was blushing slightly, still looking over at Virgil. "So-!" Roman said a bit loudly, making the human flinch and look over at him. "-we only travel at night for...reasons, and I don't think we'll be a good fit for you're group." "And I don't like you." Roman said that last part silently, it didn't even sound like he said anything at all. "Well you're in luck because we travel at night as well!" the man said happily, and looked at the shocked expressions that came across each of their faces. "W-What..?" The man said confused.
"W-Why do you travel at night..?" Logan finally broke the silence. The man chuckled and said, "You see..we're a bit..different, but that doesn't matter, what matters is, for you to have some shelter, for when we sleep in the morning." The guy said and looked at the sky. "and by the looks of it...the sun is coming up." the guy said and looked at them all hoping to get a response.
"Sure!!" Patton said happily and everyone turned to him with another shocked expression. "Please tell me you're joking.." Logan whispered lowly, so the "human" in front of him couldn't hear. "I'm Junior!-" Patton began, ignoring Logan's question from before, but him still knowing that he got the answer just how he gripped his hand sweetly. "-This is Matthew. My boyfriend.-" Patton said happily, and turned to Logan who was a bit flustered, but tried to hide it by looking down.
"-this is Dean."
"And lastly, this is Levi." Patton smiled, and Virgil did a small peace sign with a little smile on his lips. The man smiled at him sweetly. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you all. We have a building we're crashing in, and there are plenty of rooms left for all of you to stay in, so make yourselves at home." The nice man said before walking away from the four men still trying to comprehend what they just went through, but before he could walk away fully Virgil said, "W-wait! You never told us your name."
The man stopped and chuckled, "Thomas Sanders", and with that he turned around and smiled at all of them, before walking away, and towards the building in front of them.
5:55 am
heck yeah I got Thomas in here too!
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