8:50 am
Its finally Saturday.
Virgil was walking behind the vampire man, known as Princy, and he could tell that he was trying to walk as fast as he could, but still waiting up for him. "Can't you slow down a bit?" Virgil said jogging just to keep up with him. "We're almost there, calm down." Princey said and continued with his fast pace.
Abandon Hospital
Virgil and Princey made it to their destination and dropped everything on the ground and just sighed. Princey was about to walk into his room when- "What the hell did you do?!" A man said pinning the man in red to the wall. It scared Virgil and him both, but a second past and Princey had a smirk on his face. "What? I didn't do anything. I just made a new friend." He said and broke free from the mans grip.
"Friend? Hes sired to you!" the man said pointing at Virgil. Everything was happening so fast Virgil didn't see the man walk up to him. "You do understand that you're dead right?" the man asked Virgil, raising his eyebrow waiting for a response.
Virgil didn't answer, but instead started examining the man in front of him. His blue tie, matched his his black button up shirt that seemed to fit his size perfectly.
He held a dark look on his face, but his eyes seemed to show other wise. He seemed, distracted, as if he was looking for answers to something.
"Hello?" The man snapped his fingers, loud, in Virgils face, making him break out of his trace.
Virgil sighed.
"Yes. I understand that I'm dead. Yes, I understand that I feed on humans blood for a living, and yes I understand that I am sired to Princey because he's the one who turned me." Virgil said and nudged the man out of his way and headed for his room.
Princy smiled and watched him walk away. "Of course you picked that one." The man said and looked at Princy. "What? He's a fighter." Princey said. The man rolled his eyes and realized what he was here for.
The vampire straightend his posture and had a serious look in his eyes.
"Roman-" He whispered. -they're coming for you. You know that right? You cant hide out here forever." The man said.
Roman sighed, "Logan. Stop telling me what I can and cannot do. I've been in worse scenarios, and I've made it out alive. Well, I've made it out dead, but you get the point." Roman said and chuckled a bit.
"But still Roman! You're the most reckless out of the three of us. Yes you've made it, but what if next time you wont." Logan said and looked at Roman. He only sighed and walked up to the man with the neck tie. "I'll be careful next time. You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine." Roman smiled.
The man looked down.
"Promise me."
"Promise.. me" Logan repeated.
"I promise.."
Logan nodded slumped against the wall, running his hand over his hair as if he was stressed with something. "Something bothering you, buddy?" Roman asked and walked up to him.
"I didn't see Patton last night-" Logan said, "-he told me he was going out to look for something, and he never come back after that." Logan said standing up snd pacing back and forth across the room.
"Logan calm down, maybe you're over thinking it. If he goes out late after dark he knows what to do.." Roman said trying to calm him down. "Yeah but-" The door opened and a tired looking man, dressed in a navy blue t-shirt, khaki pants, and a cardigan wrapped around his shoulders barged in.
"L-Logan.." The man said running up to him. "Pat.." Logan said and wrapped his arms around the shorter man and just hugged him for about a minute before pulling away. "Where have you been!? I was so scared. I thought I lost you.." Logan said holding Patton's hands.
"I-I'm sorry. I got distracted and didn't realize the sun was almost coming up. I had to run and find a place to hide, so I just dug underground and stayed there until the sun went away." Patton said and sat down on the chair in the middle of the room.
"Why are you covered in dirt?" Roman asked him walking over to both of them and crossed his arms. "U-Um... I kinda ran into some trouble on the way." The man in blue said and bit on his thumb. "What kind of trouble? Are you hurt?" Logan asked checking Patton, seeing if he had any injures.
"I'm fine, but have to get a move on. I tried my best to distract most of them, and I got away, but they're close.." Patton said looking at Roman with worry in his eyes.
"What do you mean distract them?" Roman asked tensing up. "I made a bit of a mess a few miles back, they didn't see my face, but I think they knew it was me.." Patton said and looked down.
"Patton why the hell would you do that?!" Roman said grabbing Patton's shoulders. "They were close to here and I wanted to give you time to run away and-"
"Patton you know that you're a target now right? You know they're gonna hunt you down the same way they're gonna hunt me down." Roman interrupted with his outburst.
"Then we run." Virgil said and walked up to them. Everyone looked over at him. "I know I'm new and none of you know me that well, but all I know is that Roman is my sire, and you are his friends, who seem nice by the way, and If you're in trouble then we all stick together and fight these assholes." Virgil said looking at all of them.
Patton jumped off the chair and walked up to Virgil putting his arm around his shoulder. "Yes! We run together. We are a group and we will stick with that." Patton said and Virgil smiled a bit.
Roman walked over to Virgil. "It's to dangerous V." He said and looked at him. "I can take care of myself." Virgil said and stared him down. "I'm up for this, and I'm not going back. I'm already dead, and I'm down to give it a second shot just to keep your ass safe." Virgil said.
Patton lit up and smiled. "I like him."
Logan walked over to all of them. "We're not slowing down, so if you get tired you better suck it up because I wont hesitate to leave you." Logan said, and stared at Virgil. The man with purple streaks walked up to him. "I wont hesitate to leave you either-" he whispered, "-just know, if you ever, and I mean ever, give me crap, I wont be afraid to kill your ass, and this time you will die. Permanently. So don't you ever underestimate me." Virgil said and walked away from him.
Logan stood there and looked at Roman who just smirked and walked over to Virgil.
"Everyone ready?" Virgil asked looking at everyone.
"Because It's gonna be one hell of a trip."
9:01 pm
I'm excited for Halloween.
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