4:25 pm
another one bites the dust
Screaming everywhere, from every direction, there's no running from it. The sounds of the huge trucks driving around people, blocking them from escaping. Everyone running into the building, trying to hide themselves from the all the chaos surrounding them.
One scream that made everyone turn their head was a high pitched one, a child's scream.
Virgil grew tense when he saw a man jump off the truck and shoot Andrea in cold blood. Virgil's skin went cold, as he saw her body fall to the ground, with Elliot screaming for her to wake up. Anger washed over all three of them as they saw the man grab Elliot by the collar, and yank him upright.
Tears streaming down his face, as he tried to run, and break free from the mans grasp, but stopped when a blade went straight for the child's neck, pointing the sharpest part on his throat. With one swift move, he would be able to tear open the skin in seconds.
Roman growled, and walked over to the man, ignoring all the destruction going on around him. The three vampires followed, and Patton clenched his fists when he saw the man holding Elliot with a smirk, when Roman stood, arms length, in front of him.
"Well well well, it's been quite some time I will say. Oh I have missed you so much." The man said, his smirk growing wider, when Roman stepped forward a bit. "You've made a new pet I see." He looked at Virgil up and down shaking his head. Virgil stared at him, his eyes furrowed and growled lowly, making the man smile and turn away.
"Let Elliot go." Roman said, his voice dark making Virgil's skin crawl. "I'm afraid I can't do that. You finish your end of the deal, and I'll do your favor." The man grinned and watched Romans expression change to serious, when he put his hands in his pockets.
"I'm done. I finished the deal. I helped you become the strongest immortal to ever walk the earth. What else do you want from me Deceit?" Roman asked, and grew mad, when the man gripped the collar of Elliot's shirt tighter, making the child cough, and gasp for air.
"Let him go!" Patton yelled, gaining Deceits attention. The man looked over at Patton making him smile, showing his fangs. "Oh well this is even better!" The vampire started, and loosened his grip on the collar, only a little bit, Elliot still struggling to catch his breath,
"The man that killed half my men in 10 minuets? Right? I must say, I am very impressed with the work you did back there, but what is starting to really piss me off, is that you didn't die when I shot two bullets in your chest."
Logan looked over at Patton with worry, and betrayal go across his face. Patton didn't make eye contact, for he was to concentrated on Elliot at the moment. "Put him down. Take me, kill me for all I care! Just don't hurt Elliot." Patton practically begged, and watched Deceits intense gaze stare back at him.
"Now you see, that's the problem! I don't want to kill you, but I do want to hurt you, and what better why to do that is by..killing this poor innocent child in front of you. In front of all of you." Deceits smirk grew wider, but it showed no humor, just a dangerous smile that had no humanity. He looked at Elliot and whispered something into his ear, making the child choke out a sob, and bow his head.
Virgil was furious at what he was witnessing in front of him. Was he really going to kill him? A child?! The look of his face says the answer, but Virgil forced himself not to believe it. He told himself, that he would see the tomorrow stars, and see Elliot's little smile, that he has on everyday, making everyone happy.
Roman was about to lung forward when he was stopped by a sword aimed at him, by some other vampire that jumped from the truck. "Ah Ah Ah..step back'll regret it if you don't." They said, and Roman growled at the vampire in front of him, as he stepped back calmly.
The vampire smiled dangerously, as he went behind Roman kicking his leg hard, making him fall on his knees groaning.
"I want you to really watch, that poor little child's life..flash before their eyes." The vampire whispered into Romans ear and Roman clenched his fist. "Any last words.. Elliot...?" Deceit asked as he roughly pushed the child to the ground, making him fall on both knees, with the dagger still aimed at his throat.
Elliot looked into Romans eyes, and tears streamed down his face, "Thank you for helping me.." Elliot looked at the three vampires in the back, their eyes flashing with fear, as they looked back at him, "Thank you all. I'll miss you, don't forget me..."
"P-Please..keep fighting. Don't stop.., and who knows..maybe you'll find another kid in the woods who needs help..." Elliot smiled sadly, and sobbed.
"Heartwarming." Deceit slashed Elliot's neck, and the scent of blood over whelming all four of the vampires, as they saw they child die in front of them, choking until he fell, and stopped moving completely.
Patton choked back a sob, as Virgil let the tears stream down his face freely, as he looked at the body in front of him. Logan was to heartbroken to speak, as he watched the child's body lay dead next to the monster that killed him.
Roman...was furious. He lunged to his feet and grabbed the sword that was aimed at him, from the vampire behind him, and stabbed him in the heart, making him howl in pain, as he fell to the ground.
"Damn you brother." The vampire said through clenched teeth as he struggled to get the sword out. Roman ignored him and went straight for Deceit, who only smiled. Roman lunged towards him and brought both of them to the ground, which they both got up from, making them both covered in dirt.
"You wanna all my guest." Deceit whispered, and opened the giant doors of the trucks, and dozens of human armed guards, bolted out, and fired through the huge guns they owned.
While Roman was dodging most of them, Deceit was already on the third truck, making hundreds of people form around the four vampires, guns aimed at them.
Virgil wiped his tears, and looked at Patton and Logan, who nodded, and they all went different directions, and locked eyes with the people they were about to kill.
Patton made his way to the human guards that were surrounding the building. They all aimed their guns at Patton, and he lunged to the side, when bullets were being fired at him. Patton was filled with rage at the moment, and these guards were really starting to piss him off.
Patton tripped one by kicking his legs forward, making them drop to the ground, hitting their back. Patton took the gun from his hands, and hit the man in the face with the end of it, and started aiming the weapon at all the humans in front of him.
Patton shot 10 without missing, and dropped the gun, since it ran out of ammo. He growled at he started to run towards them, baring his fangs.
All of them screamed, when Patton snapped two of their necks with each hand. Only one was left, and he was running away. Patton rolled his eyes, and used his fast speed to end up in front of the man, smiling dangerously at him, as he sunk his fangs into his throat.
Logan put his hands in his pockets at he saw twenty humans run towards him. They shot bullets at the vampire, which he gracefully missed with only moving the top oh his body, still standing in the same place.
One of them had the nerve to run towards him, and aim a wooden stake at him. Logan grabbed his arm, mid way through the air, watching the fear fun across the humans face when he simply looked at the stake, and took it from his hand, stabbing it into his heart, as he twisted it making the man fall.
Logan walked over his body, and looked at the others with his eyebrow raised. The guards hesitantly kept their guns aimed at the immortal which was a big mistake. Logan took off his tie, and gently threw it on the floor, and walked towards the men with an intense glare making their hearts drop.
Logan grabbed two of them and gripped their necks lifting them from the ground. They struggled, and Logan roughly twisted his hands, snapping both of their necks at the same time.
Logan dropped them carelessly, and walked towards the sixteen remaining, and used his vampire speed to rip out the hearts of all sixteen, making them all fall in unison, as Logan dropped the last two hearts in his hand on the floor.
Virgil made his way to the fifteen men standing in front of him, their guns raised when they saw the vampire, Virgil hid a dangerous face and jumped on one of them and snatched the gun from him, and snapped his neck. He made eyes contact with another one, and stepped off the man from under him, and lunged forward.
The human shot bullets, and Virgil dodged them, by rolling to the ground and pouncing on him, making him let out a curse, as Virgil grabbed the gun, and gave it an easy twirl before shoving it into the guards chest, making him fall.
The next twelve were shooting at him from all around. Virgil jumped, and missed the bullets that were aimed at his feet, making him growl, and grab two men, and hitting them with each others heads, making them to dazed, to stand up again.
"Stay here. I'm not done with you two yet." Virgil said, and dropped to his knees, making him miss five bullets that were shot at him. "Bastards." Virgil got up and ran to the remaining ten, grabbing the gun from the guard that was dazed, and aimed it at the one who looked the strongest.
He shot two shots at him, making him groan in pain, but still stand up, and aim his gun at Virgil. "What the hell?" Virgil said to himself, and shot three more shots, that made the man fall completely down.
Virgil went towards the ones who were already shaking from the amount of blood Virgil had spattered on his face. He wiped it off in front of them, as he smiled devilishly, and dropped the gun at their feet, making them look at it.
"Hey friends. I'm gonna give you a choice okay? You can, let me twist both of your heads slowly until it pops right can tell me why your psycho of a leader is after Roman. The choice is yours..of course."
Roman looked straight at Deceit, as he was covered in blood from the mess he made behind him. Deceit clapped slowly smirking. "Wow..That was..quite a show. But I know you can do better than that." Deceit said, and stopped clapping when Roman didn't move.
"Oh don't tell me I bored you-" Deceit was cut off by a stake being stabbed from behind him, "No. You...bored me." The other vampire said as he twisted it more, making Deceit howl in pain. Roman smirked, as he saw Deceits face covered with agony, as he looked behind him to see the vampire that betrayed him in the eyes. "R-Remus. You s-sick idiot." Deceit said, clenching his teeth.
"I have a reputation." Remus said, and stabbed more, making the vampire scream, and speed away into the darkness. "God he's annoying." Remus said to himself as he looked to the direction, where the vampire ran to.
Roman looked at him shocked, "W-Why..?
"Oh it wasn't for you." Remus said and had an annoyed look on his face as he stared at Roman. Roman looked down and nodded. "Thanks though." Roman said silently.
"Whatever." Remus finished, and was about to walk away when Roman walked over and grabbed his arm turning him. "Where do you think you're going? You're gonna help us track down that dirty little bastard. He has to pay for the thing he's done, and I'm gonna need your help." Roman said, and watched Remus' gaze, as he looked shocked, and annoyed.
"Why?! I'm not your pet!"
"You were his."
Remus scoffed, and looked at his serious gaze, until he groaned. "Fine!" Remus finished and walked away.
Patton, Logan and Virgil walked over to Roman, Remus passing them giving them a mocking solute and turned away. Virgil was about to grab him, but Roman made a whistle sound, making him turn his head. Roman shook his head. Virgil was speechless, but still walked over to Roman.
"Why are you just letting him go!" Virgil asked, a hint of anger coming on his voice. "He helped me. He stabbed Deceit, and now he's going to come with us to search for him." Roman finished, and looked at the three men that had their mouths open in shock.
"You're kidding right?" Logan asked, and saw Roman shake his head, and Logan mumbled a curse under his breath as he walked away.
Patton only nodded, not wanting to show his anger, as he walked over to Logan. Virgil was almost to the verge of tears as he stared at Roman. He wanted to slap him, and hug him at the same time.
Virgil made a small whimper as he rapped his arms around Romans neck, and kissed him passionately. Roman kissed him back, and wrapped his arms around his waist pulling him closer.
They pulled away after a few seconds, and Virgil had a tear come down his face as he looked away, his eyes moving over slowly at the child's body that was on the ground. Roman moved his head away, making him look away from it, and Roman hugged Virgil letting him cry into his chest, as Roman let small tears come down his face.
They buried the body and started walking for hours until dawn started to come. Remus went farthest away from the four, and dug into the earth, falling asleep. Roman and Virgil slept the closest, and Logan and Patton kept a small distance from each other.
They slept until the moon was shinning down on them, as they awoke from their slumber, and began walking down the endless rode, as they went searching for the monster, that will bring hell on earth.
5:35 pm 2 days later
this took a bit longer then what I intended to..sorry
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