† 8 †
"mark! what the hell was that!" taeyong yelled as soon as mark stepped in the house.
the vampire just growled as a response, pissing his leader off.
"you moody teenager..." taeyong groaned. "don't slam the door like that, you'll break it, and humans won't be able to repair it."
trust me, the number of times they had broken doors, windows or walls and then called human specialists for reparations was huge. and the number of times those humans could actually repair it properly could be counted on a single hand.
"by the way, why are you this moody?" taeyong yelled. by now, mark was surely in his room, so he didn't expect an answer.
"they are at school." mark said. he had just come down from his room to sit next to taeyong on the couch, passing by the kitchen to grab a blood patch that he was currently drinking, and all that, using his super speed.
let's say taeyong was quite surprised to see him here this quick.
"wanna one."
the leader raised a brow. "i thought you hadn't seen them."
"i guess we were busy with other things..." mark told, his mind wandering to a certain human.
"which means you didn't do your job..."
mark didn't listen to his leader's ranting. instead, he preferred thinking about how bad he wanted to kill those fuckers for hurting donghyuck.
"i thought you said you were bored learning the same things over and over again?!"
poor donghyuck. it was clear he couldn't see... it's a pity that such a beautiful being was gifted with such poor eyesight. he would really be perfect if he could see, well, he is already in mark's eyes...
"i asked jisung, jeno and you to do one thing and you couldn't even do it..."
however, it seems like donghyuck is already taken... he was waiting for someone at the end of classes, someone who would take him on a date. and this person is the one and only kang daniel.
"MARK! WHAT THE HELL!" taeyong yelled.
mark woke up from his trance and realised what he had done.
his grip on the blood patch had tightened so much that the patch had eventually exploded, spilling blood on mark, taeyong and staining the couch they were sitting on.
yes, the idea of donghyuck being with daniel enraged him this much.
"what is your problem now mark?!"
"i want them out of our territory." mark growled.
"well then, maybe if you had noticed they had infiltrated the school we could have done something, but now it's a bit too late."
"why the hell does it smell blood in- oh..." doyoung passed the living room doorframe and looked at the two blood stained boys. "whose blood is it?"
"an innocent... squirrel's one." taeyong said reading the tag that had been neatly applied on the blood patch.
they did chase animals in the woods nearby and keep their blood in patches that they stored in their fridge so that they could bring them to school or wherever they would go. and they did also stick tags with the name of the animal the blood came from as well, because one of the vampires living with them, known as ten, was allergic to deer blood. so, he needed to know precisely which animal the blood he drank came from.
"well, be quick to clean this mess up because the show i want to watch starts in 20 minutes and i'm not missing any minute of it."
taeyong and mark sighed before using their super speed to change clothes and clean as they could the squirrel's blood on the sofa.
"i don't know what you were thinking about mark, but whatever that was, i'll break it."
a picture of daniel with his arm around donghyuck's waist flashed in mark's mind and he smirked. "this would be a pleasure."
"so, what do we do?"
"about?" the leader questioned lifting his head from whatever he was reading.
"we wait." another boy entered the room, startling the two who were having a talk.
"why bother waiting, the faster we get rid of them, the faster we have their territory. that's what we came to get, isn't it?"
"daniel." the leader, known as jisung, said sternly, making the boy stop. "minhyun, what are you planning to do?"
the so-called boy shrugged. "we don't have much to do actually. they are far weaker than us. they are animal eaters; we have to keep that in mind. we can crush them whenever we want..."
"so why not doing it now?" daniel interrupted.
jisung sighed. "why do you want so much to attack now? we waited for a century already, we're not in a hurry."
"let's say i have an ongoing affair with mark lee from nct and i really want to crush him."
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