† 13 †
the halloween party was approaching fast.
the boys had all confirmed that they would go – even donghyuck – and they were currently thinking about costumes ideas, in the school garden during lunch break.
"what about smurfs? like each of us would be a different one." chenle exclaimed.
"what are we? 10? i won't dress as a smurf. it's ridiculous." jeno spat.
"hey." jisung nudged his vampire friend. "don't be rude with him. he's only giving ideas. that's much more that anything you're doing." he said, wrapping his arms around the chinese in a protective manner.
during the past few days, jisung and chenle had gotten closer; but like, real close. it was now normal to see the two boys hold hands or hug. chenle was always stuck to jisung and jisung always had an arm wrapped around chenle, ready to attack the first enemy who would try to steal chenle from his grip.
the humans hung out less with daniel and his friends.
first because now they had to stay with jeno, mark and jisung who had to guard jaemin.
second because daniel and his friends had gained popularity among the students at school and they didn't seem to have enough time to stay with everybody.
and third because they were apparently very busy with some preparations.
however, daniel and donghyuck were still in contact. they texted often, and they even saw each other sometimes.
"i have an idea!" jaemin exclaimed tapping chenle's shoulder and sending him flying meters away because of him not really being able to control his strength.
"jaemin!" donghyuck widened his eyes.
jisung rushed to chenle, pulling him up and checking if he was injured. as chenle's body was intact, both boys came back to sit with their friends.
"dude, control your strength. you're going to kill someone." jisung told jaemin who apologized.
"what were you going to say, jaem?" renjun asked.
jaemin smiled to his crush, happy to have his attention. "i wanted to propose to make teams. and each team has to surprise the others with their costumes."
"that way we can help each other and have the surprise at the same time..." renjun mumbled finding the idea rather good.
"what's the prize for the best costume?" donghyuck asked.
"i don't know yet. we'll decide later." jaemin declared. "and for the teams..."
"i want to be with donghyuck." mark said.
"that's a big no." jaemin told. "it's his first party, and, as his best friend, i want to be the one to dress him. plus, i already have an idea for hyuckie... so, donghyuck, jeno and i will be a team."
"why me?"
"because you are my protector stupid leech."
"leech yourself fucker."
"anyway." chenle cut their bickering. "is it okay if i team with renjun and jisung with mark? it will be easier for the houses and everything."
"perfect for us."
"what is your idea for me?" donghyuck asked jaemin.
"you'll see." jaemin responded with a smirk as the bell rung signalling the beginning of afternoon classes.
"where are we going?" jaemin asked as jeno was dragging him across the corridor at the end of classes.
"mine? or yours?"
"mine, obviously." jeno rolled his eyes. "why would i bring you at yours?"
"i don't know, but the exit is the other way." jaemin told trying to pull jeno towards the opposite direction, but the older continued pulling jaemin effortlessly.
"yes, but i need to pee right now." he explained pointing at the toilet door. "so, now you stay here for one minute like a good boy and you stop annoying me." he spat before entering the room and slamming the door behind his back.
"pff... 'now you stay here for one minute like a good boy'. who does he think i am? his dog?" jaemin mocked jeno's voice. "this mother- "a strong smell cut him in his ranting.
jaemin, pushed by his cognitive senses, followed the smell, not even realising that he had gotten far away from the bathroom jeno was in. what he had not noticed either was that his eyes had tuned red and that his fangs had appeared. no. all he could think about right now was this delicious blood smell that lingered in the school's hallways.
jaemin arrived to the source of the smell in a matter of seconds and immediately smiled. a snack was served.
"oh, jaemin! have you got a tissue? i'm putting blood everywhere."
lee donghyuck had a cut going from his elbow to the middle of his forearm, and it was bleeding a lot.
"jaemin?" donghyuck asked looking at his friend strangely, obviously not realising the effect he had on him. "do you feel good?"
jaemin was close to donghyuck at this point. so, close that it started scaring donghyuck who had tears forming in his eyes. suddenly, jaemin gripped donghyuck's arm, bringing it to his lips to lick the blood.
"j-jaemin?" donghyuck panicked trying to pull his arm back, but jaemin only glared at him.
donghyuck really panicked when he saw jaemin threatening to sink his fangs inside his arms. that's when it hit donghyuck. jaemin was a new vampire, he surely didn't know how to stop. so, donghyuck would probably end up dead.
donghyuck shut his eyes tight, ready to accept his death. however, jaemin's fangs never touched his skin.
donghyuck opened one eye and then the other, thanking the god above.
mark was standing between jaemin and him, and he was blocking jaemin from doing anything.
"don't. touch. him." mark growled.
"i'm hungry." jaemin growled back.
jeno came running from the end of the corridor. "i smelt blood and i came the quickest possible." he said.
"watch your vampire, jeno. he almost killed my human." mark spat, still preventing jaemin to jump on donghyuck. the smell of blood was still in the air, and if mark and jeno could control themselves, jaemin surely wasn't powerful enough to do that.
"jaemin, come here." jeno said sternly but jaemin didn't even bulge. jeno rolled his eyes before bringing his pointer finger to his mouth and biting it so hard that he cut it, making blood drip. jeno then put his finger under jaemin's nose and delicately put a droplet of blood on the vampire's lips whose eyes widened before adverting his attention to jeno and following his finger. that's how jeno could take jaemin away from donghyuck, making the new vampire follow jeno like a lost puppy.
mark immediately turned towards the human.
"are you alright."
donghyuck nodded, sniffling.
"what happened?"
"i broke a glass in the chemistry lab." he told.
mark nodded. "come on. i'll help you clean that."
"are you going to drink it?" donghyuck asked confused.
mark raised a brow. "not if you don't want me to." he told, taking out a tissue.
"you're a vampire... i mean... i thought you would want to drink blood but... never mind..."
"would you let a vampire drink your blood donghyuck?" mark asked to which donghyuck shook his head as no.
"no, but i... i would let you." donghyuck lowered his head.
"but, i am a vampire."
"but you are you."
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