† 10 †
"what went through your head when you did that?!"
"i don't know!"
"are you stupid?!"
"stop rubbing it in my face!"
"i still can't believe you did it!"
"i panicked okay?!"
"that's not a way to panic!"
jaemin woke up with a throbbing headache to two persons shouting at each other. his vision was blurry and his body was aching.
"mark, he's waking up."
the bickering stopped and the two boys who were fighting approached jaemin, helping him sitting up. the blue-haired recognized jeno and mark, the two vampires of his school, but he had no clue why he was with them.
"where am i?"
mark rubbed his neck. "you're at our house..."
mark looked at jeno, causing jaemin to look at the boy as well.
"hum... it's c-complicated actually..."
"jeno." mark said sternly. jaemin had never seen jeno stuttering. it must be something important then...
"jaemin, you're a vampire. i transformed you."
jaemin woke up from his slumber and sat up immediately.
"what the fuck was that dream?!" he cursed.
jaemin stretched and then widened his eyes when he noticed he wasn't in his room.
actually, it was the room of his dream.
he could hear voices approaching. soon, the door opened, revealing jisung and an older boy jaemin didn't know.
"mark! jeno! he has woken up!" jisun screamed before pulling the stranger away.
in a second, mark and jeno were standing in front of jaemin.
"are you... okay?" jeno asked unsure.
"if...if i am okay? you're asking me if i am okay?" jaemin raised his voice. "so, this is real? you turned me into a vampire?"
"yeah, and you passed out from shock." mark told, receiving a glare from jaemin and jeno. "you know what, i'll leave."
mark left, and jeno and jaemin stayed silent for a couple of seconds.
"i already hated you, but now... it's even worse..."
jeno scoffed. "i only did that so that i could kill you better."
"so, kill me now please. that's all i want. you turned me into a disgusting monster! how could you do that without my consent."
"i am a gentleman. i have manners. if we have to fight for renjun, we'll do that fairly. and as i am a vampire, for things to be fair, you should be a vampire as well." jeno growled.
"but can't you understand that i don't want to be a vampire for once?!" jaemin started crying, confusing jeno.
"you know what. let's fight. just... kill me. do it. i'll let you kill me, eat my body, drink my blood... whatever you want to do actually. i don't care. i just..." jaemin's face was covered in tears at the moment. jeno felt a tiny bit bad, but he would never admit it. "...i don't want to be a vampire. just kill me."
"if you insist." jeno rolled his eyes before grabbing jaemin's wrist to pull him somewhere.
"however." jaemin pulled his wrist back, his face now contorted by a smirk. "if you kill me... don't expect renjun to fall into your arms that easily..."
jaemin walked past jeno, intently bumping his shoulder on his way.
and jeno cursed under his breath.
donghyuck was in his small store, waiting for his shift to end.
the last customer had left half an hour ago, and no one had entered the shop ever since.
sometimes donghyuck really believed it wasn't useful to stay open until 1:00a.m.
feeling bored at the counter, donghyuck decided to take a look at the different alleys.
he stood up, and walked to the first alley, the drinks one, scrunching his nose when he saw the different types of mixtures that were sold here. seeing a cute seized bottle, donghyuck picked it and used it as a mike to act as if he was in a talk show, presenting products.
"good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sunshine talk show! today we'll be ranking drinks!" he faked a clapping session and continued his speech. "and here we have classical and timeless coke! on top of the ladder, as expected. and second place, i'll rank..."
his talk show continued for a bit of time until he walked into the next alley and started singing.
that was something he loved doing. singing. nobody knew he could sing actually. he didn't like other people to hear his voice. but he was talented, that's for sure.
so, he screamed at the top of his lungs, running through the alleys, completely oblivious about a vampire that was sitting on top of an alley, listening to his private concert.
"and thank you very much!" donghyuck said at the end of a song he had just perfectly sang, not expecting to get a reply.
however, someone clapped, making his eyes widen.
"you have a very beautiful voice. i mean, i'm not surprised, you're a very beautiful person."
"t-thank you..." donghyuck stammered, hands rearranging his glasses on his nose, face redder than a tomato. "when did you enter? i didn't hear the bell..."
"i have my ways." the vampire smirked.
donghyuck blushed more. "how much have you seen?"
"enough for me to know that you are adorable."
that was too much for donghyuck to handle.
"a-anyway... what are you here for?"
"to see you. and, there's something i need to tell you about jaemin."
donghyuck furrowed his browed and he approached the vampire. "you're scaring me mark. is it bad?"
"hum..." mark rubbed his nape. "jeno transformed him. jaemin has become a vampire."
"a what?!"
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