† 1 †
it was a pretty normal school day for donghyuck, renjun and jaemin. as usual, they had had classes this morning – very boring classes you could add – and now, they were at the canteen, seated around their usual table, enjoying their lunch.
"hello gays."chenle exclaimed, loudly putting his tray next to donghyuck's.
the three boys saluted their friend before going back to eating.
"why are you this excited?"jaemin asked nonchalantly to chenle who was literally bouncing on his chair.
"it's about time they come in!"he replied, eyes flickering between his watch and the closed canteen doors.
jaemin rolled his eyes, and, almost instantly, the canteen doors opened in a loud 'bang' revealing three boys wearing black walking side to side in the canteen like they owned the place.
renjun turned around discreetly to look at them as chenle squealed. these were behaviours the three popular boys were perfectly used to. everywhere they got, they were admired, followed and asked by countless of boys and girls to be their lover. however, they never said yes.
"they are ridiculous..."jaemin rolled his eyes again.
"let them think they're cool... at least they don't bother us."donghyuck replied, eyes not leaving his phone.
jaemin and donghyuck were the two exceptions of the school. they didn't understand at all what the others saw in these three boys.
these three boys were park jisung, lee jeno and mark lee, and they were vampires.
that's propably why the whole school was gawking over them. in fact, neither jaemin nor donghyuck were seduced by the idea of someone with fangs, drinking blood and able to do supernatural things; something that the rest of the school seemed to be fan of.
"if only jisung could notice me..."chenle sighed once the three vampires had sat at their table.
"oh, with your loudness, i'm sure he did."donghyuck remarked eyes still glued to his device.
chenle blushed.
"don't get your hopes to high, i won't let you date a monster."jaemin said protectively.
"they're not monsters."renjun piped in.
"let me think a second."donghyuck slammed his phone on the table and readjusted his glasses. "they have pale skin. they have red eyes. they have fangs. they suck blood. they have superpowers. they are immortal. they are not humans... well, yeah, basically, they are monsters."he listed.
"they are humans like us! they were just transformed into vampires, that's all!" chenle piped in.
"that's all?!"donghyuck scoffed. "they are supposed to be dead!"
"but they aren't!"renjun, who was usually silent, joined the debate.
jaemin puffed his cheeks. "i don't understand what attracts you in them..."
"jeno is just... jeno..." renjun whispered with dreamy eyes.
sadly, jaemin liked renjun. he had liked him for very long, but he had never been able to express his feelings. and now that he wanted to tell him, renjun had discovered jeno the vampire existed...
jaemin already despised vampires, but the fact this vampire had stolen his soon to be boyfriend had made him hate them even more. jaemin could see how much renjun liked jeno, it was painful to watch, but he couldn't do anything...
"like, imagine having a vampie boyfriend."renjun continued. "him protecting you at all costs... you being his property... oh! and him sinking his fangs into your neck while you are doing- "
"SHUT UP!"jaemin slammed his hand on renjun's mouth. "i don't want to imagine anything."
chenle still was in a trance. "how much i want jisung to do that to me..."
"you guys are disgusting."donghyuck declared. "jaemin, come with me, i need to go to the toilet."
"are you girls or what?" chenle asked."needing to go to the toilet by pairs."
"are you seriously asking that?" jaemin facepalmed. "both of you were dreaming of having your blood suck by those leeches."
and with those words, jaemin and donghyuck got out of the canteen, leaving renjun and chenle behind with their staring occupations.
"i can't do it anymore."jaemin sighed. donghyuck as the only one aware of his crush on renjun.
"i don't know what to tell you, bud."
"can't they just die already?!"
dognhyuck chuckled. "i think they're immortal."
"but there should be a way to kill them!"
donghyuck shrugged. "surely, but if you do that, renjun will never forgive you."
"you're right." jaemin thought for a second. "then i'm condemned to suffer for the rest of my life..."
donghyuck flicked his friend's forehead. "stop saying bullshit. you'll find someone, don't worry."
"i hope you're right..."jaemin opened the boys bathroom's door. "what about you?"
"me?"donghyuck pointed at himself.
"yes, you. who do you love?"
"i don't love anyone and it's better this way."donghyuck declared.
jaemin pouted, clinging on his friend's arm. "life is sad without love..."
"well, have you seen your face five minutes ago? life is sad with love as well sometimes."
jaemin rolled his eyes. "nevermind. let's make a deal."
"cool, but be quick because i need to pee."
jaemin hit donghyuck's head.
"let's say we should find someone to date before the end of the year." jaemin said.
"we have time!"donghyuck laughed.
"yeah, but the quicker the better."
donghyuck pulled his arm from jaemin's grasp. "and what if we don't?"he asked.
"then... our only option would be to date each other."
donghyuck widened his eyes. "what?! are you crazy?!"
jaemin laughed. "your face was... priceless..."
"shut up..."donghyuck whined.
"so, deal?"
"finding boyfriends before the end of the year or dating each other?" donghyuck asked to which jaemin nodded.
"deal." both said at the same time.
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