Episode 1: The Revolutionary Transfer Student
Act One
True Calendar year 71. In this year, which would later come to be known as the first year of the Third Galactic Empire, humanity was in the midst of expanding its sphere of activity beyond Earth. The development of Dyson Spheres accelerated humanity's progress into space, and 70% of the total population now resides in space.
Transfer students arrive at the Paradis Dyson Sphere.
A spacecraft approaches Paradis Dyson Sphere No. 1, Module 77 carrying five teenagers.
"This is Paradis Sphere No. 1, Module 77. Please identify yourself." Says a voice on the intercom from the module.
"This is GS-2776 flight 21. Requesting permission to dock", came a reply from the ship.
"Identification successful. Docking permitted." The operator responds, "You have two transfer students for Attack Academy on board, correct?"
"Affirmative", the pilot replies as a raven haired youth looks to the front.
Scene change to Attack Academy
Male Student: "Keep going, Eren!"
Female Student: "You got him Historia!"
Male Student 2: "They're neck and neck!"
Male Student 3: "C'mon!"
Male Student 4: "Get 'em!"
Male Student 5: You got this, bro!
Such words and cheers were heard around the school grounds of Attack Academy as Eren Yeager is stuffing sandwiches down his mouth as part of an eating contest against his childhood friend and fellow classmate, Historia Reiss.
"How unsightly", student council president Marlo Sand proclaims as he watches the eating contest from afar.
"They're holding an eating contest by way of deciding who gets to use the grounds", says one of his friends matter-of-factly.
"How petty. Am I really in high school?" says Marlo in exasperation.
Behind him Hitch and her two friends walk by. "Isn't it nice? So peaceful." She says and giggles.
Back at the eating contest:
Eren coughs out some of food while Historia pounds her chest
"Eren!" cries Mina in concern.
Not wasting a moment after seeing her friend's distress Historia shoves the final sandwich into her mouth, stands up and points to the sky.
The female students cheer as the males look on in despair.
"You're frickin' useless, Eren"/"I was counting on you dude"/"Thanks for nothing, man", says Eren's classmates as they passively take the remaining food and leave as Eren's best friend Bertolt simply facepalms and lightly punches Eren's shoulder when he sees his friend's embarrassment.
Historia simply smiles and gives Eren the peace/victory sign and pumps her left fist
"I told you I don't want to do this" says Eren in a pouting tone.
"You can blame the rock-paper-scissors gods for that" says Bertolt being supportive to his friend and putting his hand on his shoulder.
Not missing a beat Connie says to the remaining people gathered, "Statistically, the odds of the loser coming back in the next round are..."
"...zero!" interrupts Historia, "No matter how determined he is Eren just isn't good enough"
"Says the girl with the weird T-shirt" Eren retorts.
"Weird?" questions Historia in confusion before pointing around and looking at the crowd.
"Mikasa?" she accuses.
"You, Historia!" snaps Eren, causing everyone except Bertolt to point at Historia.
"Eh?" She questions before she starts blushing and pointing at herself, "EHHHH?!" she questions more loudly.
Scene change to a hallway in space
A man in a suit and his secretary approach a group of new transfer students.
"Welcome to Paradis Module 77." Says a man in suit in a welcoming tone. "The weather for today will be-"
"Huh?" he questions when he sees the number of students approaching. "Weren't there supposed to be only two of you?"
A short raven-haired transfer student says nothing and pulls out a knife and slashes at the man and his secretary, splattering their blood on the windows.
"Paradis shows once again how much peace makes you soft" says the blonde with a smile.
A dirty blonde haired teen doesn't respond and grabs the man's tablet, letting out a chuckle at the picture of his short friend in glasses and his red-haired companion.
Scene change to a classroom
A teacher teaches the class about the balance of power between the countries of Marley and Eldia.
"It's all kept in check by the power balance between Marley and Eldia. Both countries kept expanding their sphere of influence through multiple multinational treaties. Marley concentrated its efforts in the military, while Eldia held a more market-centered approach." Says the teacher as he drones, giving his lesson. (A/N: This is the teacher from the Junior High manga)
While the teacher talks Eren can't help but glance at Historia from behind.
Students text each other rather than focus on class.
Student: What's gonna be on the exam?
Student: Well, they only opened this school three years ago.
Student: It'd be such a drag to return to Earth.
Student: This school's so nice.
Student: We can use WIRED to.
Student: You know about that little shrine, right?
Student: Ah, you mean how if you pray there your love will be requited?
Meanwhile Annie is ignoring her gym class and looks at her phone.
"Have you heard the news, by the way? The Marleyian army violated our territory again." messages Connie before quickly turning off his screen as the teacher passes by.
Reiner is lying on a hill staring at the sky.
Student: Let me guess, we're just gonna pay them to leave.
Student: Wow, again? That's so lame.
Connie: Whatever, man. Still cheaper than maintaining an army.
Armin is typing on a computer hidden away in a storage room.
Student: It's because of people like you this country's going to the dogs.
Bertolt texts Eren a message, "Hey, Eren. Why don't you just tell Historia how you feel?"
This causes Eren to cough in surprise and confusion.
Historia hears this and turns to Eren, and starts texting
Historia: What?
Eren: Nothing! It's really nothing!
Historia: Really?
After sending this message she looks at Eren accusingly.
Eren looks embarrassed and simply responds with a "Yeah"
On his phone screen a message from Bertolt is visible.
Bertolt: It'll be too late to cry if someone gets to her first
Historia, not believing what Eren is texting crawls down the aisle to his desk and peers over the edge.
"Hey! You keep looking my way all the time. Something's up." says Historia before trying to grab Eren's phone, "Show me!"
"Buzz off! It's nothing!" says Eren in embarrassment.
(Still Trying to grab Eren's phone while Eren keeps it away) "So show me, then!" she retorts.
"It's nothing!" insists Eren as he tries to keep his phone away from her grabbing hands.
Historia: Eren!
Mikasa who sits behind Eren quickly snatches his phone.
"Huh? Hey!" whisper-shouts Eren.
"Pass" says Mikasa monotonously as she throws the phone to Historia.
"Nice one!" says a thankful Historia.
"Give it back! Give it back or I'll never talk to you again!" threatens Eren as he tries to reclaim his phone while Historia uses her arm to keep him away.
"Then tell me why you kept looking my way!" challenges Historia as she glares at her friend.
"I, uh..."
Realizing that he can get out of this situation he gets embarrassed and honestly answers; "I was thinking how cute you are when you aren't forcing yourself to be kind."
Historia starts blushing, "Wh... Wh..."
Eren immediately tries to play damage control, embarrassedly saying; "Only when you're quiet and not pretending, though! That's it!" Making the situation worse.
"So I'm ugly when I'm kind?!" accuses Historia
"No, not ugly..." says Eren thoroughly embarrassed.
"Then I'm cute?" she questions.
"Uh, not exactly..." He responds.
"Then what?" She questions accusingly.
"Ain't youth grand?" deadpans Mikasa, watching their argument.
Time Skip to Sunset and Scene Change to Outside the School
"You only ever talk about money, Bertolt." Teases Mina as she walks with Bertolt.
"I'll eventually become the richest person in the world." Responds Bertolt with a smile despite his nervous sweating.
"Keep your dreams colossal right?" says Mina
"Excuse me! Can we have a moment?" comes a friendly voice.
"Could you help us find our way?" asks a teen with short black hair.
Meanwhile their friends approach them
"Um..." Mina responds, not knowing what to make of these strangers.
"I like your skirt, girl." Says the golden blonde flirtiously causing Mina to hide behind Bertolt.
"Shut up. I'll do the talking." The short, black-haired boy cuts off his friend.
"And you're snobbier than a peacock in a tux." The blonde retorts, "What, you gonna invite her to the ball or something?"
"Manners aren't something you save for a rainy day." Responds the short, black-haired boy.
A dirty-blonde-haired teen shuts off their argument telling them; "We should minimize contact with the locals."
"Wait! Do you know the way?" questions the blonde.
"The sprinklers" says the short raven-haired boy.
"Huh? The what?" questions the blonde who is thoroughly confused.
"The sprinklers are 13 metres apart here, but they are 12.5 metres apart near that building. I see forty seats through the window. There are 480 students. However, the construction exhibits a simple laminated design. Considering the maximum weight such a structure can endure, it cannot house any extra personnel. Therefore we can conclude it is under that building." Explains the short boy.
"Amazing as always." Compliments the dirty-blonde boy.
The golden-blonde teen sighs, winks and waves at Mina before following his friends.
"What year are they?" Mina asks Bertolt
However Bertolt is confused and simply responds, "Never seen them before."
"Maybe transfer students?" Mina asks again.
Scene Change to an Equipment Room
Eren and Historia are getting cleaning equipment out of a locker while Historia starts lecturing Eren.
"Eren, you have no real goal." accuses Historia
"What do you mean?" Eren questions her
"Our competition earlier. You didn't really put your heart into it, did you?" lectures Historia.
"That's not it. I'd just prefer a world where we don't have to fight for what we are free to have." Eren defends himself.
Hearing this the short, raven-haired teen looks over to Eren.
"We could just use half of the grounds each." suggests Eren
Hearing what he is saying the short, black haired teen gives a death glare to Eren "Half..." he repeats (A/N: Half, like Marco :P)
He walks over to the arguing teens and swipes the keys from Eren"
Eren and Historia look at him in surprise while his friends look at him, wondering what he's doing.
"Would you split the part of ravioli in half, orsplit your love for a girl in half?" he asks rhetorically.
"Uh..." responds a dumbfounded Eren
His companions continue to look on in surprise, debating whether to intervene.
"Happiness isn't something you divide in halves." He continues. (A/N Marco was happy... :'( )
"Hey, what year are you?" asks Historia angrily to the midget who is disrespecting her friend.
Eren tries grabbing the keys back from the teen before he trips him.
"What are you doing?!" asks Historia angrily
"No! Stay there, Historia!" Eren tells her protectively.
Still holding the key the short boy asks, "Even if you don't want to fight, what if someone comes and smashes you in the face?"
This question makes Eren looks at Levi angrily, not liking how he thinks he knows best.
"You'd let them walk over with you with a big smile on your face? If you don't want that to happen, you've got no choice but to fight." He continues as he starts clenching his fist.
Eren glares at him, hating him for telling him something he knows while he glares at Eren for his supposed pacifism.
Scene Change to pool
"What's wrong, Ms. Zoe?" asks a female student
"Annie's supposed to come for extra lessons, but she's not here." responds Ms. Zoe
"Ah, the celebrity?" asks Mikasa, unimpressed.
"Weird, Did I give her the wrong time?" Ms. Zoe asks herself as she scratches her head and checks her tablet.
Scene change to shrine
Annie sits on a rock and stares at her phone.
"What the hell? I'm sorry but I like keeping my ravioli together! The cheese is the most important part! Says Historia as she rants about their meeting with the rude transfer student.
"Yeah, the cheese is important" responds Eren passively.
At the same time Bert and Mina are having their own conversation of what happened.
"So Eren got knocked out cold, right?" Bert asks Mina quietly.
"I believe so..." Mina responds equally quiet.
"Eren said the same thing!" Historia continues as she starts swinging her broom around "He wasn't wrong!"
"Calm down!" proclaims a concerned and sweaty Bertolt
"But come on!" she retorts, not any calmer.
"Thanks, Historia." Eren quickly says, surprising Bertolt and Mina
"You're getting mad on my behalf. That's usually my thing. But I'm fine. I've gotten it off my mind, thanks to you." He continues in a thankful tone.
His response embarrasses Historia and she responds while averting her eyes "We're friends after all! And it's dangerous when you get mad for yourself."
"Heeeeey! That's not true..." Eren whines knowing it's the truth.
Scene change to The Transfer Students in an Elevator
The student with short black-hair is hacking on a control panel connected to the elevator, meanwhile his companions just stand waiting.
The dirty-blonde haired teen is the first to break the silence, asking the short teen; "I thought we were to keep interactions to a minimum."
"I'm in. It's open." Interrupted the short black-haired teen
Surely after he says this the doors start opening and the students start preparing.
Scene change back to the shrine
Eren knocks over an ema from the shrine and reads it
Ema: "May my love be requited <3"
"You're making a wish too, Eren?" asks Historia innocently as she approaches him.
"Huh? No..." he responds as he hides the ema behind his leg.
"They say if you confess here your feelings will be requited. This shrine is legendary." Continues Historia.
Eren looks at Historia as she says this, considering the truth in her words
She can't help but chuckle as she continues; "Funny that, considering the school only opened three years ago!"
Historia looks over to Eren who is looking at her, his face not expressing anything.
After a few seconds of silence between them Historia finally says something.
"...Hey,,, Eren?" she asks hesitantly.
Scene change to space
On a ship in space a messenger was delivering a message to his commander
"Word from Levi. Bats fly in the cloudy sky."
A young woman with long black hair stood next to a blond man sitting in a chair,
"Very impressive students you have, Warchief."
The Warchief smiled at her words and told her, "That's exactly right". After praising his second in command he gives the crew his next order; "Send word home. Begin Operation Virgin Road."
The crew responds with an enthusiastic "Yessir!/Blitzendagen!"
Scene change back to the shrine
"WAIT, WAIT!" yelled Historia.
"Huh? What?" asks a confused Eren.
Historia was panicking and could only repeat herself; "Wait!"
Eren looks at Historia with concern, not knowing how to respond in this situation.
"I" was all she could get out.
Scene change to space
The Marleyan crew begins preparing for battle
Operator: "Titan, unit one, box launch!"
Multiple "boxes" approach the sphere
Scene change back to the shrine
Finally being able to calm herself down for the most part Historia was finally able to continue her words; "Ok... Ok, I'm ready"
Still blushing Historia continues begins to say what she want to tell her lifelong friend; "Eren... You know... I..."
Before she can continue her words an explosion shakes the ground interrupting her as Eren and Historia collide into each other
Act Two
The Nw507Be Titans enter the Dyson Sphere, some citizens panic while others think it is a military parade. Scouts launch to defend the Dyson Sphere but they fail.
Male Civilian: What's going on?
Female Civilian: Aren't they flying a bit low
Male Civilian 2: So noisy.
Male Civilian 3: Is this a parade or something?
Male Civilian 4: Do you know where they're from?
Male Civilian 5: Probably everwhere.
Male Civilian 6: They're from Marley.
Male Civilian 7: So close!
The Titans fly over Attack Academy and defenses activate.
Students were panicking not knowing what to make of the situation.
Female Student: Where are they going?!
Female Student 2: What's going on?!
Connie was running after the aircraft with two friends, making a video and identifying what they were; "Marley ID NW50PA! Those are manned Titan units!"
Students were panicking, trying to make sense of the situation, "What's going on?!" they asked.
Hange quickly takes charge giving instructions to the nearby students, "Every one, take shelter in the building!"
"What's going on?!" yells Bert
"Is it war?" asks Eren, suprisingly calm about the whole the situation.
In a ruined building Hitch hugs her two friends close.
Marlo gets up and sees the injured students around him
Reiner protects his friend, yelling to the world; "What the hell is going on?!"
Scene change to a facilty
Crew Member: Marleyan fleet detected!
Crew Member 2: Request ground backup!
Female Crew Member: We can't! Communication is down!
Scene change to another facilty
A group of scientist are arguing among themselves.
"Why's the Marleyan fleet here?"
"Can we still not get in contact with the ground?"
"They're bombarding us."
"But why? Paradis is a neutral country!"
"We should use the Valvrave!"
"Go ahead, if you take the blame!"
"BANG!" A scientist gets shot in the head, shortly before all the other scientists are systematically shot down.
A door opens fully as the infiltrators walk into the room housing a red mecha.
"Not half bad." Proclaims the golden-blond teen.
Inversely the small redhead teen is not happy at her companion's efficiency
"Big Bro, you took them all out by yourself again." She says poutily
Ignoring his companions the short raven-haired boy moves forward and looks at the mecha. However a still living scientist presses a button which raises the Mecha out of the facility.
"He's alive!" says the red-haired girl when she finds the living scientist and promptly shoots him dead with a smile.
The short raven-haired boy merely glares where the mecha was raised.
The mecha raises out of the water, catching Eren's attention.
"Wait!" He yells as he turns around and stares in awe at the mecha .
"A robot?" asks a nervous Bert.
"HISTORIA!" yells Mina, diverting everyone's attention from the robot, turning to see Historia running to a ruined car.
"There's someone in that car!" she proclaims
Eren yells at her trying to get her to run away from the danger,
"HISTORIA! Come back!"
"I'll be fine! Go ahead!"
A nearby Titan shoots at an Paradis defense robot, missing its target and causes a large explosion next to Historia who barely reaches the car.
"HISTORIA!" yells Eren.
The group gets up and look at the spot where Historia just was.
"Historia..." It's all Eren can say, not wanting to believe what just happened, he cradles arm and runs to the spot'
"Eren!" yells Mina in concern.
"This isn't the time to be playing hide-and-seek, Historia... Come on out... Historia... Historia..."
"Come on, Eren!" says Bertolt not wanting his friend to get hurt despite sweating and being close to crying.
"Eren! Just..." Mina tries to persuade him to run.
Eren still not believing that his closest friend is dead cuts her off; "I'm not going! She's..."
"Enough!" yells Annie in a voice that was close to tears"Just acccept it! She's dead!"
Eren finally comes to the realization that Historia is dead causing him to almost cry but instead puts on an angry face.
Eren screams to the sky in anguish;
Eren climbs into the Valvrave "I'll make them pay." He proclaims
Bertolt tries to reason with his friend, begging for him to get to safety; "Eren, please stop! Wait for the adults to come!"
Eren ignores him and continues climbing into the cockpit.
"I'll make them pay..." Eren repeats, "I'll make them pay... I'll make them pay... EVERY LAST ONE!"
Eren touches the screen that says ValVraVe, causing a girl with pink clothes and a brown ponytail to appear. The Valvrave's eyes flash as its holding mechanism begins to release it.
Outside the Valvrave:
Bertolt grabs Mina's hand and runs;
"Oh crap! Run!"
The Valvrave starts standing up and raising Eren's seat.
In some nearby fighting Titans
"A humanoid? Captain! Primary target spots north-east of us!" says a pilot.
"So the kids failed? I told you!" yells the Captain.
"I'll get the pilot out! Wait a moment." says the pilot as he presses his controls.
In the Valvrave
Eren desperately tries to start the Valvrave, furiously pressing controls
"Move! You're a robot! Move, dammit. I owe this to Historia! Please!"
The Valvrave suddenly shakes as a Titan tackles and punches the mecha
Eren starts getting increasingly angry
"Move! Move! Move, dammit!"
The Titan shoots the Valvrave
Screen: It is necessary to answer the following questions to start VALVRAVE
Do you resign as a human being?
Yes No
Outside the Valvrave
At the same time nearby security camera points at the Valvrave being assaulted.
"And... stream." Says a blond boy in a secret location.
On Armin's screen:
Reporter: There information regarding the Dorssian invasion of Paradis remains scarce and still no announcement from the government.
Commentors: They're done for! What's that? Is that an Paradis mech? What's going on? This is... Isn't this war footage? Someone Help us! It's the Marleyan Titan! You do it then! It has feet!
In the Valvrave:
"You've got no weapons? You're a weapon aren't you?" says Eren as he presses more controls.
The Valvrave shakes again causing Eren to drop his phone. The Titan continues its assaults. Multiple caution warings appear in the mech as the display shows 81/100. Many people around the world show fear of the invasion.
85/100 The Valvrave begins to overheat
Eren starts to realize the situation he is in, starting to feel increasing despair.
"I'm losing... Is this it? I'm gonna die without avenging her? No... Historia... I still... "
Flashing back to earlier:
Historia: You didn't really put your heart into it, did you?
End of Flashback
Eren looks on in acknowledgement
Scene change to the ruined school ground
Students huddle together in fear. Bertolt and Mina look at his phone for news.
Scene change to the Valvrave
"I..." is all Eren can say as he looks back at the screen.
"If you don't want that to happen, you've got no choice but to fight." Eren remembers the short boy's words from earlier.
"I can't let them win." Says Eren steeling himself "
"I promised to make them pay, EVERY LAST ONE!" he yells as he taps "yes" on the screen causing a wall of text to appear as the girl on the screen gestures to it.
The Valvrave starts flashing green signs on the walls of the cockpit. Objects come out of the seat and bite into Eren's neck. On the screen a green bar representing status check fills up as the mechanics are turned on. The Valvrave glows in a blue light as Eren steels himself for what comes next. The Valvrave is now ready to use.
Eren uses the Valvrave to retaliate against the attacking Titan, grabbing it in its hand.
"It changed?" asks the Titan Pilot in fear, "The field powered up!" "AHHHHH!" he yells as he gets crushed.
"How could you fall to a barely weaned kid?!" yells the Captain as he shoots at Eren.
The Valvrave breaks through the ammunition and dodges the lasers getting closer to the attacking Titans, summoning energy blades to destroy one Titan before pulling out a sickle to destroy two more.
"What is that light?!" he yells as he attacks again
Eren dodges the shots before summoning energy blades to attack which break on the Titan's shield and starts circling the Titan.
"It's too fast! What? What's going on?! What kind of light is that?!" questions the Captain as he becomes increasingly fearful.
Eren finshes the fight by unsheathing a sword and destroys the Titan, causing an explosion.
On Armin's Screen:
Commenters: He did it! He fricking did it! Amazing! Hell yeah! That was close! Are you kidding me? Did you see the news on the net? Yeah, I saw it! Where did that robot come from? Not half bad. It doesn't look Eldian. Was that for real? I uploaded the video! Here he comes!
Armin looks at the screen in surprise for a moment before smiling.
At the Valvrave
"It stopped..." says Eren as he before he sighs in relief and steps out of the Valvrave
Classmates: It's Eren! No way! Who? He's from the class next door! Thank you, Eren! He was that guy! He was there this morning! I've seen him before! That wasn't some movie? Eren! He's my friend!
At the sight of her friend alive Mina sighs in relief.
"I'm so glad..." she says
Commentors: No way! A kid was piloting it? Is he German? Who's that? Its Eldia's secret weapon! He's a high school kid?! His name is Yeager? Why was he piloting the robot? Don't you think he's cute? Let's friend him! He's the guy who lost this morning! You beat them all, Yeager!
Annie looks at her phone and smiles.
In spite of this sudden popularity Eren only has one thing on his mind, "Historia..." is all he can say before tearing up.
At the Coast
Eren scales down from his cockpit at the coast, he looks up and sees the short raven-haired boy from earlier approaching him.
"What a good joke, huh? You're right. There's no world without competition." Says Eren, understanding the truth in his words.
"Who are you?!"
"Marleyan Army Special Forces, Levi." says the boy without changing his expression.
Eren can only gasp as he learns the boy's identity.
Levi pulls a knife out of his sleeve and stabs Eren right in the heart who tries to stop him. Unfazed Levi pulls out his knife and shoves him to the ground before he shoots him two times to make sure.
"I win again, Petra" is all he says before he approaches the Valvrave
As Levi tries to get into the Valvrave, he notices something behind him, only having a moment to express shock before Eren, now with glowing crosses on his face bites his neck as his screams echo across the beach.
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