~ ☆ ~
The Children of The Gods
Cats: 17
Prey: 48
Sticks: 10
Herbs: 17
Border: 19/20
Runes Found: 9
Realm: Midgard
Season: Leaf-Bare (Fimbulwinter)
Weather: Snowing
Event: none
Leader: -
Second in Command: -
Healers: 2
Sons: 8
Daughters: 6
Trainees: 0
Little Ones: 1
Leader's Den: Built
Community Den: Built
Trainee's Den: Built
Nursery: Built
(Each Den will cost 10 sticks to build)
~ ☆ ~
Chapter 4: Fimbulwinter
Scene One
It was in the afternoon when Quartz was given the last two Runes she needed. Gunnr carefully held them in her paws, some of the cats in Camp looking on with curiosity.
"Ready? It's going to sting," Gunnr warned, her voice sharp and stern. The calico molly nodded her head.
"Ready," she answered.
Gunnr passed the Runes to Quartz, and just like last time, her vision when dark.
From the dark, should see the glowing outline of her mother, Hel. Her face was one of worry, and her sickly green eyes shined with uncertainty.
"Quartz," she greeted, "be careful, my dear. Something is wrong, the souls of those who passed are becoming restless. Without me, Helhiem is shaking, Helwalkers are starting to rise up in some towns and villages."
"What?" Quartz mumbled. Helwalkers? Helhiem shaking?
Hel shook her head. "That's not all. You all must find Hildr, she is trapped in-"
Another figure started to take shape, her form loose and uncentered, but the wings on her told Quartz she was a Valkyrie.
"I th--k I can as- for my o-n res--e, mi-s He-, tha-k you."
Her voice was hard to listen to, and would occasionally break in what sounded like static.
"T-ll Sig--n, I'm stuck in Ne--hiem, I have ---nd --nr--"
"What?" Quartz asked. The figure tried again, but her voice only grew worse.
"Te-- Si--u-, I- st--k i-n N---lh---, I ha-- fou-- F--r--!"
"Hildr! Hildr, we can't understand you," Hel said, she reached out to touch the Valkyrie, but she soon faded before she could.
Hel grumbled curses under her breath. She turned to Quartz, her eyes shining with uncertainty and unknown worry.
"She is in Neflhiem, I know that, tell Sigrun. Be careful, Quartz, you and all of the others."
The darknesses faded, until all Quartz was a the snowy camp around her. Gunnr looked at her with wide eyes.
"What... happened?"
Scene Two
Kratos was a lion of few words and actually responded to even fewer emotions. Atreus knew that, he was sure the other's knew that too.
So when he told the Valkyries they were leaving, Atreus knew the decision was final.
The white lion was speaking with Sigrun at the entrance of camp. Atreus and Valor watched them from a small bush on the outside of camp.
"Will you both be okay? I don't think you understood me right when I spoke about Fimbulwinter, Kratos," Sigrun muttered.
The white lion gave a huff. "An extra three years of winter. I heard you right. Atreus and I have spend long enough time here. We must head home," he grumbled.
Sigrun looked up at him, only coming up to his chest. "Kratos, Atreus seems to really enjoy it here. I know he and Valor get along, as does he and many of the other Children... well, besides François, but not a lot of cats get along with him
... besides Lunmir."
Valor was tucked beside Atreus in the bush, both of their ears pricked to listen to them. He could tell Atreus was getting nervous from the way the two were speaking.
"I know he gets along, which is why we should leave now. If Ragnarök is to happen, I don't want him to get hurt, much less watch any of his friends die. I have seen plenty in my time, I don't want him to be the same," the white lion answered.
Atreus's ears fell. "Dad..."
Sigrun looked up at him, a sympathy in her eyes as she watched. "I have heard tales about you, Kratos. The vicious lion who killed the Gods of Olympias, who slew Zeus with his own claws. The God of War of a far off land."
Kratos gave a small growl. "I am not the lion I use to be."
"I know," Sigrun muttered, "you have grown and matured, I can see it in you. Atreus is in good paws, as was the ones you have train in your time here."
Atreus could feel Valor's eyes on him, he knew the questions he wanted to ask.
Slowly, he stepped back from the bushes, Valor joining him. They were out of earshot a few paces way, and when they settled down in a clearing, Valor looked at him.
"Your dad is a God?"
Atreus nodded. "He... doesn't talk much about it. It wasn't a time in his life he's really proud of."
"Wait, so like, are you a demigod then?"
Atreus shook his head. "Kratos adopted me. I'm not a demigod, just... normal. He and my adopted mom took care of me ever since I was a kitten. They... found me at the bottom of a tree one winter, and took me in with them."
Valor's ears went down. "Wow... I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm... glad they found you then. Or else, I won't have gotten to meet you."
Atreus looked up, and gave a small smile. "And I never would have gotten to meet you, Valor."
The two leaned closer, Valor's tail wrapping around the other, who pressed his head to the Godling's chest.
They stayed like that for heartbeats, before a yowl was hurried.
"Children of The Gods! This is an important meeting!"
Scene Three
Estrid jumped when she heard Gunnr's yowl. She and Norell peaked out of their den, looking up at the tree Sigrun was now sitting in, Gunnr next to her.
"A meeting?" Norell muttered.
The two Healers walked out, Eir could be seen talking with Quartz underneath the tree branch in the snow.
Cats from all over camp came out of their Dens, she saw Valor and Atreus rush in from the entrance of camp.
When everyone assembled, Sigrun opened her wings to quiet down any murmuring.
"Children, Quartz has unlocked her godly powers, and in doing so, she has spoken with her mother Hel, the Goddess of the Underworld. While speaking, a Valkyrie by the name of Hildr reached out to her to ask for help."
Murmurs started. "A Valkyrie who can connect with others?"
"Hildr? Who is that?"
"Not a lot of you know about her. Hildr is a Valkyrie who has a deep connection with spirits, and can project herself into other's dreams. She has reached out from Neflhiem to ask for help, what help, I'm not sure; but..."
Lunmir rose his head, just like last time.
"Are we gonna go to Neflhiem?" He asked.
Murmurs started again, excited one's at that.
"Finally we can get out of this snow!"
"Wait, isn't Neflhiem like, full of even more ice and stuff?"
Sigrun opened her wings again. "No... I'm fear no one is quiet ready yet for a journey like this. I and Gunnr will go, Eir will stay. Please continue to grow your skills while we are gone."
A loud noise of disappointment went across the Godlings.
~ ☆ ~
A loud booming voice was heard announcing Fimbulwinter has arrived. A discussion chain will be place for everyone to discuss what this means and what to do.
There is now an Activity Chain!
Kratos has started to mumble about he and Atreus going home soon. In the meantime, he is still offering training.
Atreus will now be able to join hunting patrol. When he joins, they're in a 20% chance of bringing home some massive prey!
Quartz is now Level 5 in her PowerSkills!
(You will now be able to speak with the souls of cats that had passed on into Helhiem or in the mortal world (not Valhalla). There is a 100% chance of success, but a 10% for said soul to become angry and become a Helwalker (undead cat). In battle, if a pack member goes down, you may reanimated their body to be used in combat and a chance to inflict poison on an enemy)
Valor is now Level 2 in his PowerSkills!
(Once every attack on the camp, you will be able to refill up to two cats of your choosing's energy by +1, meaning they will have at least 1 energy once the battle is over)
Seneca is now Level 1 in her PowerSkills!
(You will given the ability to blind your enemies for a second in battle, allowing you an extra turn to attack without any energy lose)
Gunhuer has given birth to one kit! Please welcome Mintpelt1!
Atreus and Valor are now mates!
Prey is starting to be harder to come by...
Herbs are starting to wilt...
Sigrun and Gunnr have left camp
Eir has been left behind to watch over the Children.
There's still snow! Used the command /play in the snow (cat) to see if you can find something!
Use /Search for Runes (cat) to look for Runes
~ ☆ ~
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Second in Command
~ ☆ ~
Name: Estrid sugary_seraphim
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Rank: Healer
Looks: Fluffy black cat with lighter grey spots and a darker black surrounding them. Her fur is long and fluffy, and is constantly groomed, as well as soft to the touch.
Godly Parent: Njord, God of the Seas, Wind, Fish, and Wealth
HealingSkills: 5/5
ForagingSkills: 5/5
HuntingSkills: 1/5
PowerSkills: 3/5
- Seneca (4/5)
- Atreus (4/5)
- Norell (2/5)
- François (4/5)
- Yrsa (5/5)
- Sigrun (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Norell DetectiveQuack
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Rank: Healer
Looks: A feminine framed longhair oriental tom with a chestnut silver tabby pattern. He has wide bright golden eyes and a long sleek body.
Godly Parent: Skadi, God of Winter
HealingSkills: 1/5
ForagingSkills: 2/5
HuntingSkills: 2/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
- Estrid (2/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
~ ☆ ~
Sons of The Gods
Name: Keahi Leo-Pad
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Rank: Son of the Gods
Looks: lanky and dark, his fur almost black in color with a slight red sheen, large bright green eyes, he has paws that seem almost too large for his body with tall ears like a hare. His tail is long and wispy like the trail of a flame.
Godly parent: Baldur, God of Beauty, Peace, Innocence, and Joy
HuntingSkills: 5/5
BattleSkills: 5/5
ForagingSkills: 3/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
- Seneca (4/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Earthquake Darkheart277
Gender: Tom
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: Son of the Gods
Looks: Dark brown with swirl stripes of varying shades of fawn and brown, cream socks and belly, black whiskers and pawpads, hazel eyes
Godly Parent: Bragi, God of Poetry and Music
HuntingSkills: 4/5
BattleSkills: 1/5
ForagingSkills: 2/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
- Seneca (1/5)
- Quartz (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name; Argent Charcoalss-
Sexuality; Questioning
Rank; Son of the Gods
Looks; A misty, swirled pewter tom with flecks of white dusted across his short, downy pelt. A bone white face, and powdery cobalt eyes.
Godly Parent: Heimdall, God of Surveillance, Foresight, and Foreknowledge
HuntingSkills: 3/5
BattleSkills: 5/5
ForagingSkills: 1/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
- Yrsa (1/5)
- Quartz (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: François DogInATuxedo
Gender: Tom-cat
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: Son of The Gods
Looks: A short-haired, yellow-eyed black cat with white paws, a white chin, and a white tail-tip.
Godly Parent: Sif, Goddess of Harvest
HuntingSkills: 2/5
BattleSkills: 2/5
ForagingSkills: 1/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
- Lumnir (2/5)
- Atreus (-1/5)
- Estrid (4/5)
- Sylvie (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Lunmir Degal_Heartfang
Gender: Tom
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: Son of The Gods
Looks: A small, white tom with a round face, with a gentle blue eyes. Half deaf in his right ear, has a large scar on his right side from the Asgard attack.
Godly Parent: Frigg, The Goddess of Love and Fertility
HuntingSkills: 5/5
BattleSkills: 3/5
ForagingSkills: 3/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
- François (2/5)
- Quartz (1/5)
- Sylvie (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Valor HowlingMist2
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Looks: A white cat with a dark brown mask, paws, and tail. Has bright blue-green eyes, a fluffy tail, and has small fangs
Rank: Son of The Gods
Godly Parent: Tyr, God of War
HuntingSkills: 5/5
BattleSkills: 3/5
ForagingSkills: 1/5
PowerSkills: 2/5
- Atreus (5/5) (mate)
- Kratos (1/5) (Father-in-law)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Demier equinoxz
Gender: Tom
Sexually: Pansexual
Looks: A dusky gray tabby tom with black eyes and faded stripe along his back, has a long tail, small ears, and a white face
Rank: Son of the Gods
Godly Parent: Vali, God of Vengeance
HuntingSkills: 2/5
BattleSkills: 3/5
ForagingSkills: 0/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Asbrand LegendofDymin
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: Son of the Gods
Looks: A small blue and cream mackerel calico tom with short fur and yellow eyes.
Godly Parent: Loki, God of Mischief and Trickery
HuntingSkills: 2.5/5
BattleSkills: 5/5
ForagingSkills: 1/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
~ ☆ ~
Daughters of The Gods
Name: Seneca QueenPoisonstar
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: Daughter of the Gods
Looks: Pure white with a small body, long fur, and a long tail. Small, soft paws, a soft and gentle voice, and a sweet disposition. She would be a healer but her swindling memory won't allow for it. Plus, she loves to explore.
Godly Parent: Sunna, The Goddess of The Sun
Hunting Skills: 2/5
BattleSkills: 2/5
ForagingSkills: 3/5
PowerSkills: 1/5
- Earthquake (1/5)
- Keahi (4/5)
- Yrsa (1/5)
- Estrid (4/5)
- Atreus (3/5)
- Quartz (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Quartz ffaelix
Gender: Female (uses she/they/he pronouns if thats ok)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Rank: Daughter of the gods
Looks: Calico, Bright light blue-grey
Godly Parent: Hel, Queen of The Underworld
HuntingSkills: 5/5
BattleSkills: 5/5
ForagingSkills: 5/5
PowerSkills: 5/5
- Lunmir (1/5)
- Earthquake (1/5)
- François (1/5)
- Seneca (1/5)
- Yrsa (1/5)
- Atreus (1/5)
- Sylvie (1/5)
- Argent (1/5)
- Sigrun (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Yrsa rosellecrowns
Gender: Female
Sexuality; Pansexual
Rank: Daughter of the Gods
Looks: A fluffy, large light brown molly with a darker face, ears, and tail. She has bright crystal blue eyes and long white whiskers that stand out crookedly. Her left eye is blind from a large scar that runs across it.
Godly Parent: Nott, The Goddess of Night
HuntingSkills: 4.5/5
BattleSkills: 5/5
ForagingSkills: 4/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
- Seneca (1/5)
- Atreus (1/5)
- Estrid (5/5)
- Gunnr (5/5)
- Quartz (1/5)
- Argent (1/5)
- Kratos (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Jaws DatBoyGork
Sexuality: unlabeled
Gender: Female
Rank: Daughter of The Gods
Looks: a black cat on the larger/muscular side, and on their head there seems to be large metal jaws covering there whole head section allowing others to only be able to see their large orange eyes
Godly Parent: Vadirr, God of The Forest, Revenge, and Silence
HuntingSkills: 2/5
BattleSkills: 0/5
ForagingSkills: 2/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Gunhuer jerejere123
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: Daughter of the Gods
Look: A gray tabby she-cat with white paws. Has blue eyes, and a long bushy tail.
Godly Parent: Freyr, God of Peace, Fertility, Rain, and Sunshine
HuntingSkills: 4/5
BattleSkills: 2/5
ForagingSkills: 2/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
Status: - Nursery - (0 energy)
Name: Sylvie xX__Cinderblaze__Xx
Sexuality: unlabelled
Rank: Trainee
Looks: A small longfurred strawberry blonde and white marbled she-cat with large hazel eyes that have a splotch of blue in each. She has a long plumed tail and a slender frame.
Godly Parent: Thor, the God of Thunder
HuntingSkills: 3/5
BattleSkills: 2/5
ForagingSkills: 1/5
PowerSkills: 0/5
- Lunmir (1/5)
- Quartz (1/5)
- François (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
~ ☆ ~
~ ☆ ~
Name: Gunhuer
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: Daughter of the Gods
Look: A gray tabby she-cat with white paws. Has blue eyes, and a long bushy tail.
Godly Parent: Freyr, God of Peace, Fertility, Rain, and Sunshine
- Kit One
~ ☆ ~
Little Ones
Name: Kit One Mintpelt1
Gender: She-cat
Looks: A small, dark gray tabby she-cat with white on her chest, neck, paws, and belly. Has baby blue eyes.
Age: 0 moons
Rank: Little One
Plays: 0/6
- Gunhuer (5/5) (mother)
Status: Healthy (1 energy
~ ☆ ~
Visitors in Camp
Name: Atreus
Gender: Tom
Sexuality: Pansexual
Looks: A lanky young white, ginger, and black calico tom with longish fur. Has amber eyes, and a snub tail. Has an extra toe on each paw.
Rank: Visitor
HuntingSkills: 5/5
BattleSkills: 3/5
ForagingSkills: 2/5
PowerSkills: 3/5
- Kratos (5/5) (father)
- Seneca (3/5)
- Estrid (4/5)
- François (-1/5)
- Valor (5/5) (mate)
- Yrsa (1/5)
- Quartz (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
Name: Kratos
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: A giant, well muscled white lion with a thick mane and dark amber eyes. He is wearing a set of armor unknown to the Godlings. Extremely large claws, even for his size.
HuntingSkills: 5/5
BattleSkills: 8/8
ForagingSkills: 3/5
PowerSkills: 5/5
- Atreus (5/5) (son)
- Valor (1/5) (son-in-law)
- Yrsa (1/5)
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
~ ☆ ~
Valkyries in Camp
Name: Eir, the Merciful
Gender: Female
Sexuality: ???
Looks: A sweet, agile light gray fluffy molly with eyes as sharp as an falcon's. Her wings are those of a Great Horned Owl, which she uses to shield those in battles
Rank: Valkyrie
HealingSkills: 5/5
ForagingSkills: 5/5
HuntingSkills: 4/5
Status: Healthy (3 energy)
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