Ch71: Not Everything Is As We Want
After the inspector was attacked, he called us the next day to inform us and ask for information on who that thing could be. Because the inspector thought that he had something to do with me, my mother for the moment managed to distract him by saying that she believed that she must be some new agent of the I.S.C. But now we had proof that this thing is acting with an objective in mind which we do not know and it seems to be different from trying to kill me. Realizing that this thing is a real threat, we have put more effort on our part to monitor the journalist Nozomi Yasuda.
This brings us to today because Tamamo and I were sitting on the benches in a park right now having a soda while we rested. On one side of the park, there is a fast-food restaurant in which right now the journalist was spending time typing on a computer while she had a coffee. Shortly after a subject arrived, he quickly introduced himself to Nozomi and sat down to talk to her. The man looked a bit nervous as if he was afraid of being chased by something.
"The man who just arrived to talk to Nozomi is called Fuji Igarashi"
"He is part of the Biolife Laboratories research team"
"A company specialized in the research and production of transgenic crops and genetically modified animals"
"They have worked for years with the I.S.C in order to create stronger and more effective penicillin, as well as lower production costs even more" Kazumi said what he discovered about the subject through the communicator that Tamamo and I had
"Okay" I replied thinking about how terrifyingly fast my daughter identified him and got the information.
The two of you seemed to be talking about something, like a swap of sheets and a USB stick.
"Kazumi, can you find out what documents he gave her?"
"I'm sorry but Mrs. Nozomi is quite a paranoid person with this investigation that she is doing"
"The computer she is using is bought second hand and is not connected to the internet in any way"
"It is impossible for me to find out what she has on the hard drive"
"Don't worry about it, you can't always have what you want"
"What you are doing for now is very helpful for us"
"You're welcome dad"
Now I am a real father, right?
She was right, right now it's not just me that I have to watch over. Now I have even more obligations than in the past and yet here I am taking advantage of my daughter's talent to be able to end my problems. This is not going to go anywhere as this continues, I have to do something about it again. But then what about me again? When is the day that I can continue to live my life the correct way?
"Honey, are you thinking of something sad again?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Again you are making that face that you are thinking of something that causes you anguish"
"What, no, it's nothing"
"I have already told you several times that you can trust me for anything, I am not going to laugh at how silly or small your fear is"
"I plan to help you defeat them with all my ability" Tamamo said with a radiant passion and in turn affection in her eyes, the same look that had already helped me several times these last days.
"Okay, you win" "I was just thinking about what I would do when this was all over."
"When is it over?"
"Well, I was thinking what would I do after we managed to stop the demon and stop the I.S.C?"
"When I have nothing else to do, when I'm free from this cat and mouse game"
"What will happen to me?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Are you afraid that something else bad will happen?"
"No, is not that"
"I was wondering what I would do from that moment on"
"And if I can finally return to a normal life and I stop have to continue making this nonsense to survive the day to day"
"You know, quite a few years ago when I was a kid my dream was to be a racing driver."
"It was a time when I was completely innocent and I thought it was easy to get."
"When I was in school and reality came to get me down from the clouds, I had to change my plans"
"At the time I was just thinking of getting into a good university, finding an honest and quiet office job, and marrying a girl I might meet later."
"But one more time when time passed and I left university I came across the harsh reality of looking for a job in my country, with a title that nobody wanted and due to Maria's illness nobody would help me"
"The need for money grew and I returned to resign myself with my plans once more, now I was only interested in getting money whatever it was, so I spent several years on the first thing that appeared to me"
"From working on fast food to the janitor at my own school"
"When I talked to my friends and heard their success stories or that they were getting married, I was jealous."
"I couldn't stop thinking about when it would be my turn to succeed, when would it be my chance to get something for myself"
"One day by chance I won a tourist trip to Russia and from there everything was craziness that never ended"
"The worst part was hearing how my brother Leon did because, unlike his stupid older brother, he has managed to do what he set out to do since he was young"
"His desire to become a programmer even worked for him to get a scholarship in the United States, and once there he managed to get a job even without finishing his studies"
"He currently works there, he has a wife and daughter who was born while I was sleeping in a damn coffin on a ship"
"He even sends money to Grandma, Mom and Maria"
"And I meanwhile what do I do?"
"Sitting on a bench while I drink a juice with money that my mother gave me, maybe it's even the same one my brother gave her"
"Although I don't like it, right now I am living in my mother's house, without work, without money and making my poor mother pay so that my family can eat"
"All because I have to play go school again."
"How can I be responsible for a family if I don't even know what will happen to me in the future"
"My body won't change in the slightest no matter how long pass the time"
"I can't go to school forever, paying for a college is out of place, because that's for Maria"
"And who would basically give a meter and a half tomboy girl a job?"
"I don't want you to misunderstand me, because I love you and I'm glad we got married, it was the best thing that happened to my life"
"You are a light for me"
"But I don't know what will happen to my life with things the way they are right now"
"And what's worse is that even with those I decided to bring Kazumi and Charlotte here despite that"
"That they don't deserve something better than a father who is smaller than them?"
"Well, if something I've heard many times is that making mistakes is from humans" said my wife while hugging me
"But I'm sure it can apply to almost everyone because I too have been wrong and I'm sure our daughters will too"
"The important part is what you will do about it later with that mistake"
"If you are a man, accept it and face it head-on to solve it"
"Or stay home crying without being able to let it go"
"If there is one thing I am sure of that the person in front of me is a warrior who did not give up even when the world was ending, then what will he not be able to achieve?"
"You may not see it now but surely later you will be able to find a solution to your problem"
"And even if you can't, who said you have to go it alone?"
"Remember that now I am here with you and Momo too"
"And our daughters!"
"Between all of us, we can find a way to fix it"
"Who knows, maybe with all these crazy things that happen near you maybe it is even normal for you to fulfill your dream as a child"
"Ha, you really think that's possible"
"The world should then be upside down to let me drive a car with my height" I said a little with pity
"And wasn't it happened in the past? And you still managed to avoid it."
"Don't underestimate yourself so much"
"The angels have respect for you and you have a goddess by your side"
"Not even the most successful person on the planet could achieve what is normal for you now"
"Well, my mother is still there"
"You are helping her and Momo have respect for her"
"You're right about that, I think I should have thought of something better to say" Tamamo said with a slight smile.
"Mom, Dad, the journalist is leaving the restaurant"
"Okay thanks, it's your turn to rest now, change your position with Charlotte"
"We already changed a few moments ago, I am Charlotte."
"Sorry, I confused you"
"It's because you two have the same voice"
"I can't tell who is who "
"No worry dad, we are aware of it"
"One day we changed clothes with my sister and you did not notice"
"Wait what, when did that happen?"
"Why did you do it?"
"It was yesterday, and it was mom's idea after seeing a movie about twins"
"Well, maybe it could be useful to do something similar to kill the villains!" Tamamo answered happily
"We have to practice new movements and tactics!"
"The original power of Barry Allen's Flash was fast running but even so he always finds new ways to use his power"
"Barry Allen with his powers is almost his own worst enemy!"
"But let's save that for another time, this time I'm going to be walking a block away"
"Tamamo you change shape and follow her closely, if something happens notify immediately"
"And please be sure to wear that gold pin in your hair or near the neck on your clothes so you can know that it's you and not someone else."
"I don't want to have to go back to a police station waiting for my mother because I started talking to that weird fat man thinking it was you in the park."
"I'm still afraid to think about what he might be able to do"
"I hope that he is in prison"
The man ran as fast as his feet allowed him, but no matter how much he treated her, that monster did not stop chasing him, with his diabolical smile, a demon that enjoyed hunting. He went into an alley to the left, because he knew the place quite well, he passed by almost every day on his way to work, Biolife Laboratories. He was thinking of doing a series of quick turns to lose sight of his pursuer, even making sure to throw things on the ground to slow down. When there was little left to be able to leave the alley towards the main street again, the man felt a huge prick in one of his legs, then he felt as if they had spilled hot water in that same place. He turned to see what had happened, only to find a large metal needle embedded in the top of his left leg. Knowing the seriousness of the problem, the man decided to continue with all his might to get to the main box to ask for help, but then the process was repeated again, now he had another on the other leg and this time he had thrown with as much force as the needle. it was embedded in the earth, making it now impossible to escape.
"What do you want!?"
"You are already late, that information is in a place far from you!"
"Neither with all their stupid money nor agents could prevent the truth from seeing the light!"
"It is useless what you are doing!"
"Anyway, you are the next on his list when you are not of his use"
"I won"
"I think you're confusing things"
"I don't work for the I.S.C"
"Don't you think they would kill to know how I got these?" The girl said as she opened her monstrous claws that had instead of hands and took another of her metal stakes from a bag.
"They will go later, but you on the other hand are as guilty as they"
"Thanks to you, all the work done will be in vain"
"Everything will repeat itself again"
"That is why we shall kill all of you before it's too late"
"Finishing you will get them to get the message and give me the time I need"
"AAAAHHH!" the man shouted in pain as he lost the mobility of his arm due to the brutal attack that the demon girl launched.
But it was more terrifying to see the happy face with which the girl was seeing him twisting in pain, it seemed that she enjoyed it like a child to see the blood flow from the wounds. The worst thing that happened was that no one found the man until the next day, nailed to a wall in the alley with multiple stakes piercing his body. The police could not create the crime that had also taken place, because according to the investigation it was revealed that with the injuries that the man had suffered he must have been alive several hours before dying, hours of pure pain trying to ask for help that never arrived. And all this just a couple of days after the woman who died in a park in an equally violent way. But Inspector Yamamo ruled out that the two were perpetrated by the same suspect, because the methods were very different, that and because seeing the metal stakes equal to the ones he had kept in his house when that demon attacked him.
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