Ch59: The Players Of The Game
February 17th
New central I.S.C office, the Raven Tower, Marunouchi, Tokyo
I can not believe that another time was happening again!. the only thing that idiots had to do was to enter that damn home and kill everyone, it was a surprise attack, there were no security guards, and even so, those fools don't could go from the stupid door!. Now they have ruined me. I thought to end this quickly but now I'm going to have to delay the project several weeks thanks to that she does not disappear as she was supposed. Now the police have more evidence to work, and it's just a question of time that the damned Mr. Miyazaki sees again. Almost as invoking him the phone from my Sono office with a strong tone, it was clear that he was, surely he is calling to laugh at my face.
"Hello, Mr. Brandon speaks"
"Oh perfect just with whom I wanted to talk"
"I am Mr. Miyazaki again"
"I wanted to talk back with you for your new incident"
"What did we not have been clear with the part of being subtle?"
"I'm sorry, several of my men failed at the time of ending the loose ends"
"We did not expect such a level of failure"
"I'm sure I would also feel bad if my boys will also fail so ridiculous"
"But that does not change the fact of the result"
"Is there something my bosses should fear?"
"Do not worry, in case something like this happened this time if you work do preventive way to hide identities and or a possible relationship with us"
"That is good"
"With respect to the inspector, we are lucky that your other operation already showing results"
"Right now the police are putting all their efforts to find these other subjects"
"To give them a little more motivation we are also preparing them to result"
"Maybe in this way overlook your error"
"But tell me what price will this come from?"
"We believe that things will delay only a couple of weeks more"
"Do not worry about the project, because it is not in any danger"
"The main part of the development I love myself personally"
"The section affects will be one of our laboratories from which we developed some of the chemical components that we need"
"After this, I am sure that the police, at last, will leave us alone and we can focus completely on the project."
"Okay, once again I leave the details to you"
"And please do not return to make the ridiculous again"
"There is a limited amount of times that you can ignore an error"
After saying that Mr. Miyazaki finally hung up the phone. Although it was not nice to talk to them at least to know that although they want to pretend to be those who have the last word in the background are completely obsessed with that this works too. Just then the door of my office was opened, a girl passed, she was finals in her twins and had brown hair. I spend a couple of documents and then she speaks.
"The preparations are ready, the team is in the place and stops that they managed to be detected, they are ready to start as soon as I arrive there and present the final details"
"Perfect, then prepare your things, the yellow boxes and in case it also uses your Arksuit"
"Use it as your last resource to get out there"
"We can not let the Police catch you for any reason"
"Okay, I'm going I just finished with that"
"One more thing, Akane!"
"I want a great shock"
"We want this to come out in the news, that the event comes out in the news for the next few weeks"
"So it selects a good day to achieve that"
"That's all, good luck"
With that, the girl said goodbye and left the place. Now she just depended on them to make it. And this time the plan is perfect because only if it causes a little panic we will have fulfilled our objective.
Metropolitan Police HQ, Chiyoda, Tokyo
Mr. Yamamoto was also sitting in his office, in front of him he had several documents with the photos of the shooting two days ago in his friend's house, Mrs. Adelis. According to the other detectives, there was no one identifying those people or relating them with a particular event. But the old man watching the photos could clearly see the equipment that these men were the same kind of weapons used by the armed group in the harbor. There was no way to enhance him, he wise truth completely. Those insurance men had been used by the I.S.C to meet the objectives of it, and if they had to end someone important as Adelis. However, luck was on her side, because according to the inspector it seemed that the girl in white was still awake and managed to stop them in a timely manner before they did any damage. But they know that people who do not fear justice attack a person so important as her it without hesitation that they would not do against someone like him and his granddaughter.
What was worse is that he doubted now from his own subordinates, it was possible that two groups as dangerous as these would have arrived in Tokyo from nowhere and despite having been detained all the police was not looking for those culprits seriously, it did not seem that they were investigating a problem so serious thoroughly. It will be that any of his co-workers of his were also helping I.S.C? Right now that even the superiors of the inspector claimed to use officers to monitor their granddaughter and decide that it does not belong to use police resources for personal use. So the only thing he could do was trust that the girl in white fulfilled the word of him in spite of not having been able to do much to help them.
Then someone from the new detectives calls at the door of the office, I entered later and notify the old man who had managed to identify some of the terrorists who had them so busy these days. It seemed that they had managed to identify two going out from Tokyo in a self leaving the East. This new detail fell like a bucket of cold water to Mr. Yamamoto, because now it would be a whole bureaucratic problem to coordinate the other police departments outside the city because they will have to depend on the other offices to recognize the Suspicious
Temporary Office of the Alliance in Japan, Akasaka Press Center, Minato, Tokyo.
I had already spent half a day and I was still busy with work, despite what I had tried to advance as much as possible yesterday, the conversion of Cesar with my granddaughters was so interesting that in the end, it came out against me. I had the idea of carrying the twins in my cafeteria, but it is not left with another, I'm going to work all day today and so tomorrow I have free time to take them and may even cook them a cake for them. My Greater concern right now as for my work here is the fact that the empire seems to be several steps ahead of us. I thought that with the capture of its capital this ended but after what happened that night, I have no doubt that you may be something that we can not even imagine. But how I notify the others that my suspicions if I tell them that I have a something like that I had an astral trip to another world where it seemed that maybe it was remotely possible that the Empire was dealing with a new Doll model so dangerous. What is worse I can not let them know that I have two of them living in my house or that would take me to more problems. Since Cesar came back, has not stopped happening crazy things without stopping. I also have to turn in the project cost reports, which are likely to cut expenses even more now that they believe they are safe. I am going to have to choose carefully which are the ones that are going to go ahead and are most beneficial in the long run. It also seems that the negotiations with the Government of Japan have stagnated right now because everyone is still pending on what happened in Vienna. Nobody wants to take a step until the leaders talk about what they will do from now on. The phone rang suddenly, without answering a voice to be heard through him.
"Mrs. Adelis, Commander Phillips is here to talk with you" mention the girl on the other side, it was Xian, one of my employees, who since as a teacher has free on weekends she comes to continue with her real work here .
Oh shit! He wanted to talk about what shooting in my house on Saturday. The army believes that a policeman was the one who saved me, but the most likely thing is that he thinks about put guards in my house to protect me. I can not let that happen. How I would explain to them to the transparent angel and the goddess who can change shape and also I have two dolls, two of the machines that fear the most army right now as my granddaughters now. Well, the best thing would be to face him head-on and look for an opportunity to get rid of him.
"Okay let it pass, but let him know that I have little time right now so I hope it is short" "All right" Moments later Commander Phillips came in in his perfectly neat uniform, had his hat under his arm, and closed the door with such force that I thought about charging him for the repair in case it was broken. He was an older man than me, but unlike me, who would never have something like that, he began to see gray hair, even though with the force with which he closed the door I thought he was angry, on his face you could see a slight smile. "I saw what happened at your house on Saturday, I'm sorry that you had to experience something as scary as that"
"If I had this there to help you, without a doubt, we would have reached the person responsible for this immediately"
"But I think we have been fortunate that one of those useless cops has finally been of use for the first time."
"Maybe I'll give him a reward for saving someone so important to me" Yes, there was also that detail. He thinks he has a chance to go out with me if he talks to me like that. If only he knew that it only took a couple of minutes for my husband that night to remind me why I loved him. So I don't have the slightest intention of dating him. It was also thanks to my son who in an impressive way managed to finish off 4 armed people while he was wounded, that would have earned him at least one medal of honor, something that the commander is missing. "Yes it is a pity that my husband is not still alive, I am sure that he would have prevented all that from happening without my realizing it, to begin with."
"That's exactly what I wanted to get to"
"It was our recklessness to have let you be free"
"That day I was open to my eyes and I realized that you really need capable people around you"
"People who are able to protect you from any danger"
"What, are you thinking of getting down and just being a guard?"
"I think you're too old to even hold a rifle"
"Unfortunately you are right, my age is undoubtedly a great impediment to return to being the great warrior that I was in the past"
"Also, someone in my position can't be bothered to do such tedious tasks"
"You know, most real soldiers would be offended if they were told that they were not capable of holding a weapon"
"And Officer Yamamoto worked as guard holding a rifle before leaving the army, despite being even older than you"
"He is also still working even though he should be retired"
"Ok, but that is not the point"
"What I wanted to tell you is that I took the trouble to gather a team that can protect you in case something remotely similar came to occur"
"I have a list of people ready to act at any time as well as work as a bodyguard both in your work and at home"
"Sorry but that is not necessary"
"I already have everything I need right now"
"But what are you saying, are you not afraid that something similar will happen again?"
"You need someone to protect you whether you like it or not"
"There is the difference, I am able to get people who are capable of protecting me for something more than a letter of recommendation"
"And they are also people that I can trust blindly"
"But I'm sure someone used to disappointments like you won't be able to understand"
"You don't understand the situation!"
"I am the commander of this facility and the airbase!"
"It is an order that you accept these guards that I propose!"
"I think the one who doesn't understand the situation is you, Commander Phillips."
"I am helping in the cooperation between the different armies that make up the alliance"
"If I think that you are not suitable to exercise your position, your superiors will make a list with all the pleasure of the world with all the possible people who will be happy to receive your position."
"I just need to make a call from that phone and for the next week you will be looking for a job in a fast-food chain when you return to the United States."
"But ma'am, I even managed to get someone to care!"
"He is a war hero, right now he was on his way after receiving a medal from the president"
"I can't just tell him to go back"
"How curious, because I can"
"It's Mr. Cedric!"
"The work under your orders that you don't remember?"
"It is thanks to him and his squad that several of your plans were able to go ahead"
"That you don't trust him to be that capable person?"
What the hell, how was he able to get someone like him? After that, he left, but I'm not sure he would have given up on his stupid plan. But of one thing I'm sure, I'm not going to let him win on this issue.
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