Ch2: Critical Mission
USS Essex LHD-2
Ready room
7:20 AM
All the pilots aboard the aircraft carrier ran into the Ready room, a room that looked more like a classroom than a tactical room, only that instead of students there were highly trained military personnel and the teacher was a commander with a long history behind. It is located on the level just below the runway. Pilots come here before each flight mission and are briefed on the plan for the next mission they will undertake. But today was a day quite different from the norm because on this occasion there were people standing, which was because these rooms were reserved only for the pilots and perhaps the captains of the platoons. There were even new people who had not been seen before on the ship. Leading the crowd was Commander Mark, the person with the highest rank who was responsible for the USS Essex carrier group and responsible for the lives of everyone present. People literally lived or died according to his orders. Due to his great competition as a leader, his skill as a strategist, and perhaps also luck, he has had one of the most victorious careers in the war, but even so, he has experienced several defeats which have served as a lesson for situations such as the present.
Currently a war hero, but with his sights set on even more. His fearless and aggressive attitude had earned her the respect of the people under his command. There was a great possibility that in the future when the war is in the past, a person with his qualities and background would be the ideal profile for someone who wants to be the president of the United States. Although if he is a little older, it is not anywhere near what you would expect from a person in his position, he still had a little of color in his hair. Maybe even if he groomed himself a little, he could pass for a young man again. And always accompanied by his classic navy uniform, who despite being in the middle of the sea and surrounded by people who legitimately don't care how he dresses, refuses to stop wearing it.
"I will try to be quick as we don't have much time in this operation." the commander began to speak.
"48 hours ago after the Empire launched a new offensive in the northern theater of operations in Norway."
"They have caught us completely by surprise due to their earlier attempted incursion into Africa."
"Why are we here?"
"The I.S.C. has a research complex in Oslo, the capital, the same city that is under attack at the moment."
"They were apparently developing a new set of weapons that the Alliance so badly needs to counter the great technological advantage that the Empire has."
"Our mission is to rescue both the scientists and the weapons they were creating in the best way possible."
"The Marine Expeditionary team will try to hold off the Empire's assault as long as possible to the southeast."
"We will disembark at the Oslo Opera House, the city's theater offers suitable terrain and the facility can be quickly converted into a fortress due to its construction."
"At the west end of the city there is an evacuation post for both civilians and neutral troops, since we do not have enough troops we have asked the Fenrir mercenary group to help us protect the place."
"Do not think that because they are mercenaries their efficiency is questionable, Fenrir is actually a great combat force already proven in battle."
"We will do the usual in terms of defense, the territory is precindible so it doesn't matter if we lose it since we were planning to leave the place anyway."
"Outside of the facility itself there is not much of importance here, that's why our superiors believe they are after the research facility itself."
"As for your strategy, it will be in the hands of two groups."
"Phoenix Squadron will protect the immediate perimeter of the I.S.C. facility."
"While the evacuation will be carried out by the Arkadia squadron."
"They will have to take the research team to the city's extraction point, which is protected by Fenrir."
"We will try to maintain air control of the area, but a strong presence of enemy fighters is expected, so don't take it for granted."
"Any questions?"he added
We were several teams that were here in the aircraft carrier. First, the Marine Expeditionary team were the ground transporters, as well as armored units. Long ago they beat them up but now they want revenge. Thanks to the ability of the USS Essex that includes a floodable dock inside the ship, landing craft can be used to deploy troops and armored vehicles. Team Phoenix is where I am, special ops. Although I am only the pilot of their helicopter or plane, it depends on what they need. They have also been there from the beginning, although the casualties suffered are notable. We are still Mark's lucky charm, we always deliver no matter what. This may be partly my fault in looking for the Codex.
Our captain Cedric is also a character on his own. He is the typical guy who fights for justice and for everything good Although seeing his people die for his decisions has made him a more realistic person. Now he just tries to get out alive from what they tell him to do But if you press that personality will come out again, which somehow has worked for him, giving him ideas that luckily turned out well. That or that the angels have helped us more than it seems. But the new team, Arcadia, I don't know at all. And speaking of the Captain.
"Sir, with all due respect"Cedric interrupts the silence of the room. He was a fairly young person too, if you saw him without the bandages on his head and on one of his legs you would think that he left the academy just yesterday, his hair is completely disheveled, although it is probably because at this point he does not care, Well, for a soldier wearing a helmet is an obligation that nobody is willing to challenge, but that if his uniform is impeccable, he must have fixed it in his free time because of his recovery.
"I don't think putting a new team as the centerpiece of all of this is a good idea. In addition to how hasty we are doing all this, it increases the probability of a failure that ruins everything".
"I know very well the concerns they must have. But the Command has confidence in them, and they are the ones who decided that I'm just following orders. Also, I have to tell you that the Arcadia team uses Arksuits so that it makes them the best option for this" the Commander answered honestly.
Then a spark ignited in my head when I heard that keyword. So they are Arksuit users. That explains several things. Was a new mobility and power equipment, it is the closest thing to having a superhero suit. It has thrusters to make big jumps or move quickly. And with its high energy capacity, they are able to use high-powered weapons such as a mini rail cannon in exchange for simple energy bars that they use as batteries. But something like this is extremely expensive and difficult to produce, so this is the first time see a team in person.
Obviously, this is information that I should not have, but with my contacts, she has me well informed of secret things.
These teams are in charge of countering the best weapons available to the Empire. The so-called "DOLL" Which despite their appearance are not human, would be impossible with that monstrous strength and ridiculous defense they have. As if that were not enough, they do not suffer from fatigue either. Only one on the battlefield towards the difference It could end entire armies in a matter of days if left. The only thing the Alliance can do is send a team of 10 Arksuits and hope for the best. That has been the real game in this war, the rest of us are just a distraction, the command must be horrified at this attack if they send a new team there and also that they expect a DOLL to appear too.
This can't get any worse and it hasn't started yet.
"Once they arrive at the place, Lieutenant Akane, leader of the Arcadia squad, will take command of the extraction, since we do not know how the state of the city and the roads are" the commander Mark resumed his speech. Just after the crowd in the room came out a girl who walked alongside him
"Hello and good morning" she said.
"I hope we can support each other in this operation".
She was a serious woman, but unlike the girl in white before, she seemed angry even when she was greeting others in a friendly way. She also looked like someone older to someone who just got out of training, she had short brown hair, she was wearing the normal uniform and you could see that she had several scars on her hands, it probably had to do with the equipment they use and some problem with them.
"Can you tell what kind of mystery weapon it is?" add another of those present in the room, this time from the other side of the room, it seems to be one of Cedric's men, although I cannot know since he is also covering his face with a balaclava.
"Negative" explained the man with his impeccable naval suit
"They only sent us to take out what the researchers say".
"I don't know what it will be, we may even have to change the transport depending on how much it is" he waited a few seconds after that and added
"OK, no more questions!"
"We're wasting so much time, we'll leave in 30 minutes".
After the meeting, I went directly to the helicopter to see that everything is in order to fly.
The deck of an operating aircraft carrier is one of the most dangerous places on the planet, the best way to describe it is CONTROLLED CHAOS in capital letters. Hundreds of people doing hundreds of different things at the same time, against time, and that a simple mistake can cost you your life: being near a cable, being badly positioned when taking off, a wrongly placed gun safety, a simple loose screw can kill several people so everything must be done perfectly. These people may not normally be in combat, but they are fighting their own here to get all these planes and helicopters off the ground. One of the things that I like to see the most here is to see all these people doing so many things but in a perfect way as if it were a dance.
Also now that I know that I am going to have a failure and I will have to leave the vehicle behind in advance, it would be better to prepare equipment for combat and have it at hand.
Remember, Cesar your mission is to get the crystal out of the city, that's all, that's your true goal. When you're done with that you can finally leave the army and go home. I don't even have to do a good job for the Alliance, the angels will take care of that, it's what they do best. Oh!. I think I got too distracted getting ready, here comes that guy again.
"Cesar!" said someone who was coming to where I was.
He was one of the fighter pilots, he was a cheerful person, although we have only really talked to each other with the full aviator suit so I have never seen his face, and now that I think about it I don't know his name either. We had worked together for a while in Italy, we were in charge of patrolling the area at that time, but since we were in different squads, we didn't see much of each other either.
"I heard from the boys of the 5th that another time you return to these as a driver for Phoenix ".
"It seems that it will be the one for the next one that you return to be with us".
"Pilots are more useful in the sky than on the ground" I said.
"I'm a fighter pilot, not a helicopter pilot".
"Don't pass so many tests just to be a taxi driver".
"Why don't they return me to my old position on a plane !!".
"I don't have to be with the ground squads".
"They are things of the commander. The truth is I think the same" The unnamed pilot told me
"But we also don't have many fighters right now for each of the pilots"
"According to the rumors, you are also quite good on the ground since you was shot down in Italy"
"They haven't let me get on any plane since then!!" while saying this I finished loading my rifle and putting several magazines in my pilot's suit, I also put a bulletproof vest next to my driver's seat.
"Why are you preparing that rifle?"He asked me when I finished enlisting.
"Do you plan to fight personally? It is bad luck for a pilot to prepare to fight on the ground"
"Just caution in case they take me down again"
"I will not fall on the same stone twice"
"It's like you're waiting for it to happen"
"Losing preparation time?" said suddenly Captain Cedric came out just behind the pilot whose name I forgot
"I need my pilot ready to go".
"Please don't distract him" Cedric indicated to him.
Shit! Cedric caught me again in the middle of a conversation.
"Captain Cedric!"I said he was surprised to see it here because it only allows the preparation teams and the pilots to be on the runway. The soldiers must wait inside the boat until the moment of boarding their transport.
"I did not think to see it here".
"You don't plan to join us, do you?"
"I'm the captain of the Fenix squad"
"Of course I have to be where you are" he said while laughing at his own statement.
"I thought you were still recovering from last time" I told him in an apology way for what happened that time, well it was my fault trying to help the angels that he got hurt.
"I almost died that time but you helped me out of that one with just one shot" he said without losing his joy.
"But right now they need us more than ever".
"I have to participate injured or not".
It was always the same, the exemplary soldier. Always taking the initiative.
I have seen several with those qualities. They usually don't last long in violent times like these but for some reason, that doesn't apply to him.
So it might be that he's really good at this or that he has legendary luck.
Everything contrary to me, for something he has won his position.
Without a doubt, he should be the person who should lead this mission.
Both he and we knew it.
"Sorry Captain" said the pilot close to me.
"I was just talking to Cesar about his time as a fighter pilot"
"I did not want to bother you" and with this, he left, towards his plane that just went up the elevator of the aircraft carrier.
"That again?"Cedric asked.
"Look I know how frustrated you are"
"But they wouldn't trust you with another helicopter if you were so bad at flying"
"Do you really think we can accomplish ¨that important mission¨ by taking care of an agent who has no experience" I complained.
"We don't have many options left either" he added.
"And what about Akane" I said because this really was suspicious to put without experience to someone so new.
"She doesn't know what she's getting into either"
"She is not the one for such the mission!"
"Captain it's time to go out" Said one of the aircraft carrier's runway operators, driving Cedric out of the place until it was time to get on the helicopter.
"Roger" said the captain with a smile trying to hide the fact of breaking the rules. But his face turned serious when he spoke to me again.
"We were commissioned with this mission because simply our aircraft carrier was the closest to that place".
"Nothing more"
"You think they would not have brought a greater force"
"Also I only follow orders All this is the commander's decision"
"For now let's focus on returning alive and with another mission accomplished" while patting me on the shoulder trying to comfort myself for my fears about this.
So it's time to go out
Ok it's time to end this all at once
With this I prepare the helicopter for take-off:
Checking the propellers.
see that the helicopter configuration is correct one more time.
Wait for my brothers-in-arms to enter.
Wait for the order to take off.
And here we go.
A 2-hour flight to our destination awaits us.
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