Ch18: The Wheel Of Fate Is Turning
Oriente 6, Heaven
When I woke up again I was back in the room, once again on the futon, it was daytime, and I had bandages on my belly, they were from the wound from my first time in the forest, it did not seem that anything serious had happened to me this time. The sound of someone walking made me turn my head, although it was a bit difficult to see her because she was the crystal girl, she barely saw that my eyes were open, she spoke.
"Are you trying to break a record as the person with the most time unconscious?"
"How long was I away?"
"Is it a day again?" I told as I sat down
"No day has passed, it is only the afternoon, this morning you went to the forest, you have only been unconscious for 1 hour, by the way, it was because you had low sugar level. It will go away if you start eating better" She said as she also took a seat near me.
"Well the truth is that except for breakfast yesterday and today I do not remember having eaten anything else since I was on the aircraft carrier"
"That happened last year!"
"You have to take more care of yourself, you are still recovering from several injuries you had when you escaped, in addition to the fact that yesterday you also had another quite serious one, the hospital doctors do not want to see you so often"
"Of course I will, when I am with my family, but the problems seem to haunt me"
"Well, you don't seem to put much of your part to avoid them"
"Do you know where Tamamo is?"
"The girl you brought from the forest?"
"She is recovering right now another room nearby"
"What the hell happened to you?"
"I was hoping they would try to attack you, not that you would kidnap her!"
"Then I made it ..."
"It's good to see that the effort was worth it"I breathed in relief.
"I also expected the same, but a crystal monster appeared and attacked us both"
"I did not know that there could be hostile creatures here, I thought they did not exist here"
"I brought you something for you to eat" she handed me a plate with two sandwiches and a tea.
"You should get your strength back after all this nonsense you did"
"If you only waited like normal people you would avoid all these problems"
"I'm sorry but right now I'm pretty nervous about Maria"
"I want to tell my family that I am fine and see how their health has been"
"But I've only made things worse"
"Also I owe an apology to that girl, because of me she was quite hurt"
After that Momo took a couple of things and went to the hot springs because thanks to me now he has nothing to do until the portal parts arrive. I went to the hotel reception thinking of ways to introduce myself to the girl who was injured because of me. I was thinking of getting another cake again since the first one must be in the middle of the forest. But while I was going to the restaurant another girl appeared, it was the owner of the place who when she saw me she went to me.
"Are you not hurt in any way?"
"Don't you need a doctor again?"
"What are you planning to do now?"
"If you continue like this, I will recover the hotel only with the bill that he will send to your father"
"Thank you for your concern towards me"
"About what I'm going to do is visit the girl I brought with me and apologize to her"
"But can you tell me what you know about her?"
"What do you mean?"
"Just a girl that I met in the forest nothing more"
"And by chance, she looks just like the girl you attacked and described?"
"I swear to you that it is just a very big coincidence"
"Do you know that I used to hunt demons before?"
"Some even try to blend in with the human society, so being good at uncovering lies is an important part of a yokai hunter" She said with a suspicious look.
"I swear to you that if all this goes well I will talk to my father about your problem with the hotel because you would be doing me a great help"
"Are you sure?"
"What is after all an old rivalry from the past with the possibility of not losing my source of income" she changed her face to one of hope.
"But I warn you that if the slightest thing happens you will have to see how you talk to all the people, not just me"
After finally getting the cake and tea. I went straight to the room where Tamamo was because apparently, it was Urakaze's idea to give her a room just for her to increase the price of my stay here even more.
When I got to the room I knocked on the door and said hello. When I entered the room and saw her I was completely surprised, her appearance almost seemed like another person completely. her hair was longer and blonde than before, it was like seeing the rays of the sun, her eyes were also lighter too, but without losing the blue, her biggest change now was that she also had fox ears similar to mine, but her tail was different because she had several behind her, they had the same color as her hair and she had also arranged them in a fan shape so that when she was sitting it gave the impression that she was sitting on a throne. Her clothes also changed a lot, now she was wearing a kimono with the colors white and red, they reminded a bit of the one a Miko uses but I'm sure they wore less revealing clothes than the ones she was wearing. She had a melancholy look on her face, she seemed even slightly sad, which added to her charming beauty without a doubt reminded me of the powerful being that she had in front of me, she was a Goddess.
"So you've come to see me" she said looking up at me.
"I'm very sorry how this all ended" I bowed my head
"I don't know how to respond to my lack"
"By my impatience I have made you hurt"
There was an awkward silence for a few moments before she raised her voice again.
"Although it was not really your fault, you come to apologize to the person you saved"
"Who exactly are you?"
"What do you want from me?" She said.
"Okay, it seems to me right after what happened to you because of me"
"I will tell you the truth although I do not doubt that you believe me" I said with a little doubt in my voice.
"My real name is Cesar"
"I am a human who ended up trapped in this body"
"My sister had a couple of problems with illnesses in the past, so I'm afraid that strong news about me could harm her, so she wants to go see her immediately to show her that everything is fine"
"After discovering that you were a Goddess I thought that maybe you could help me to operate a portal that returns me to earth with your magic".
"I think you have a bad head if you think that they will let you out of heaven so easy" She said with a tone that emphasizes contempt.
"The permit I already have, it was given to me by THE BOSS himself, what I lack is the means of transportation, because due to a couple of technical problems the portal will be out of service for at least a month" I replied.
"That's amazing"
"But it has a big flaw"
"I do not know if you know me but I am not a Goddess who can be considered good"
"I have killed many people"
"For what I'm under arrest"
"Technically being here right now would be considered an escape and you would be my accomplice for helping me"
"So it would be better for you if you just walk away now and pretend you don't know me" She said again with a sad face.
Her face seemed about to cry from sadness and loneliness, she tried to hide it by looking at the window while she spoke, at no time did she turn her head to see my face. I didn't know her well, but I still wanted to help her, or at least comfort her, because I knew very well how horrible it is to be alone for a long time without anyone to help you.
"You are not totally an evil goddess are you?" I said softly and calmly.
"Wha...What are you talking about!?" she answered with surprise because she clearly did not expect me to ask her that.
"When you attacked me the first time, you were scared and trying to defend your house, weren't you?"
"You are also warning me that I should stay away if I do not want to have problems with the angels"
"And the fact that you haven't tried to escape despite waking up"
"Besides that, I already knew your story from before and it always seemed very unfair to me the way they treated you. You just wanted to have a normal life and help people as a human but they only persecuted you for a crime that you did not commit. After that, you just tried to defend your life from those who wanted to hurt you"
"Is that bad trying to defend yourself?".
She almost cried for a second when she heard me speak, so I decided to change the subject with the first thing that crossed my mind.
"By the way, I hope you like chocolate cake"
"I brought you a bit as an apology for what happened"
She finally turned to look in my direction, she now had a surprised face, and after a few seconds, she outlined a smile and spoke again. For my part, I started serving dessert and tea to eat both.
"What a strange human you are"
"You have not only managed to beat me in combat fairly"
"Also later you rescue me from a monster and you even come to me with an offering as an apology for that"
"When I was on earth no one showed me such kindness even when I was in the palace"
"Everyone there treated me well at first, but it was only because I was in a good position within the palace. Nobody really looked after me or how I was. And when the hard times came they blamed and persecuted me for no reason other than being different from them, for not being a human"
"But with you, everything has been reversed"
"We have only seen ourselves in bad situations"
"And yet you have treated me kindly in all that you could"
"As if you were a hero of a story, a story that I thought it was not possible for me to experience it first hand"
Then she closed her eyes for a moment and put her hand on her chest before speaking again.
"You said your real name was Cesar right?"
"I imagine then that with that name you are actually a man"
"I am right?"
"That's right"
"My current body is now that of a girl, but I really am a man" I sincerely told her.
"Alright" she said opening her eyes.
"Then it's decided"
"I can help you return to earth"
"But I want something in return"
"It's fair, right?"
"I agree"
"I'll do whatever if you can get me down to earth"
"Ok, I have to prepare a couple of things"
"Come back in a while, probably for the night it's ready"
"If you can help me I will be eternally grateful" I told.
"Yes, but soon you will be even more grateful to me"
"No one has ever managed to make me as excited as I am now"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Do not worry everything will be fine"
"Don't you have anything like that to do?"
"I'm sure there was a crystal girl that you had to take care of, or was it the other way around?"
"Go and do something while I prepare everything, and don't you dare spy"
She said as she pushed me out of the room and slammed the door. Seeing that she was right, I thought about going back and hanging out with Momo while she got ready for whatever she planned.
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