𝓥 meeting 𝓥
i woke up early, but not feeling tired at all. i dressed up, choosing my clothes wisely, then i ate a bowl of cereals because i hadn't eaten much the day before because of all those new feelings, and finally i did my morning routine, very careful to do everything well : brushing my newly red hair, applying a tiny bit of makeup, but not too much to keep a natural look.
i finished everything 30 minutes early. is it that i was in a hurry to meet mark? well, probably. but i can't risk to do something bad while waiting these 30 minutes, so i got out and headed to the bus stop. i walked slowly, dreaming about the scene of yesterday, completely satisfied with my life.
when i arrived at the bus stop, i was 15 minutes early, so i sat on the bench, put my headphones on and listened to some music, distressed because i was early and i felt perfect in my skin.
no longer than 10 minutes after, mark arrived, smiling when he noticed me.
"you came early!" he said, sitting on the bench next to me.
"you did too." i replied "how are you?"
"i'm good, what about you?"
"fine... oh, i wanted to thank you again..."
"what for?" he inquired.
"well, for accompanying me to school when you have class one hour later."
he put his hand on my shoulder, causing my heart to melt. "hey, it's normal, yesterday, you started the conversation, which was a big step. so, it is my turn to make a step, which is accompanying you to class. but don't worry, it doesn't bother me at all. it's great having someone to be with."
the bus arrived seconds after, and we sat next to each other for the ride. it was silent, too silent. we started little conversations, but nothing big: asking each other about our grades, our classes and our hobbies. arriving in front of school, we sat together on a bench to wait for the opening of the school's gate.
as an awkward silence entered at the end of a conversation, a guy approached us, his eyes glued on mark. i knew who he was, even though he didn't know me.
"mark! what are you doing here? we start at 10."
this guy was a classmate of mark and lucas: juyeon, whose boyfriend was eric, a guy from my level.
"yo, i came with donghyuck" he said directing his attention towards me, causing me to lower my gaze. "and what about you?"
"eric has a break from 9 to 10, so i'm coming to stay with him."
"oh okay."
for the next minutes, until the gates opened, jacob and mark talked a bit about their lessons, mark including me in the conversation from time to time. when we passed through the gates, juyeon walked away, leaving mark and i alone.
"thanks again for accompanying me, it was nice spending some time with you." i said when we arrived in front of my class.
"no problem, it was cool. hope we'll see each other again today! good luck for your lesson." he smiled widely.
"thank you, see ya!" i ended the conversation entering in the room. fighting my way across the room, dodging every table in the way, i found my seat, next to the wall, where i thought deeply about mark for the next 60 minutes.
as soon as the bell rang, waking me up from my one-hour trance, i felt the need to tell lucas about it. i "calmed my tidies" (as lucas would have said) really quick when i remembered lucas was always late, and that he would arrive at the end of the break time. so, i packed up my books, left the class and headed towards the gate taking my time.
two minutes before the end of break time, lucas arrived panting.
"i'm not late!" he exclaimed seeing me waiting for him.
"lucas! lucas! lucas!!!! you won't guess what happened!!"
"wow donghyuck, you seem very happy today."
i stopped bouncing on my feet to catch my breath
"tell me!! i want to know!" he whined because of my slowness.
"me, lee donghyuck, myself, i- are you sure you're ready to know?"
"move your ass before i shove this copybook in your mouth" he said, obviously irritated by my non-funny humor.
"i had a real, like face to face, conversation with mark lee."
lucas looked at mee shocked. "a real conversation? like you and i right now?"
"yes, like we could touch, do you understand!!" i started raising my voice. "and you don't know what's even better... it is that this morning, he took me to class at 9:00 a.m. while you guys started at 10!!!!!"
"oh my hell, hyuck, you're on the good way!! if you continue like this, you'll be married in a week!" lucas exclaimed engulfing me in a hug. that's when the bell rang, startling us. "shit I gotta go, that physician dude is very strict on schedules. we'll talk about your marriage tonight!"
"yay, good luck for today!" i screamed across the playground as lucas was getting further and further from the place i stood.
what a good way to start a day...
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