"How many bullets we got left?"
Dean asked, walking over to me. I was fiddling around with the Colt, and Sam was on his laptop looking for Azazel's location.
"Three. There isn't one for each of us. So you, Alice, and Sam can do it. Don't screw this up."
I smiled, and Dean did too. There was a brief moment of silence, then I asked Dean a question.
"How're you doing?"
He'd just lost his Dad, and I decided to tell Dean what John told me, but not telling him that I knew. I'd just get kicked out again.
"Dean. A few minutes before he died, I went to go check on him. I think he knew he was gonna die. Cause he told me that if anything were to happen, that he wants Alice and I to watch and take care of you and Sam. And I told him I would. I swore my life on it, Dean. And if anything happens to you or Sam, well. I might as well end my life too."
Dean shot me a look of sadness, grief. I smiled gently, and he pulled me into a hug. He buried his face in my shoulder, and we hugged and hugged.
"We'll kill Azazel, Dean. If it's the last thing I do."
I finished getting ready and out of my PJ's. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. Sam walked in to brush his teeth. I felt embarrassed because I'm short. And I have a fuckin giraffe over my head right now.
"Hey Sam."
"Hey Alice. How's it going down there?"
"I swear I'm going to grab a stool and kick your 6'0 ass."
I playfully griped and we both laughed.
"Sam. I'm still really sorry about John... And Jess. I know how much they meant to you."
Sam's smile faded to a frown, and I saw him tear up. Sam wouldn't listen to me, and I slid a stool over to me and stood on it, to where I equaled his height.
"Was that even necessary?"
"Yes. Listen, Sam. Zee told me what John told her. And he wanted... WANTS us to protect you two. And we will, okay."
Sam smiled, and hugged me, which lifted me off the stool and I was dangling in mid air.
"S Sam... C can't.... BrEAthE!"
Sam let go of me and I nearly fell over. That's when Zee called us into the room and I finished getting into my clothes then met up with her.
(What Alice is wearing)
"What's up?"
"We have some animal attacks going on a nearby area. In a pattern. The next place the creatures attacking is this... highschool?"
I closed my eyes and looked at Zee confused.
"Wait wait wait... Tommorow is prom night....."
Zee nodded, and then I realised what she was saying.
"Jesus Christ. You want us to go undercover as highschoolers... To prom?"
"Well. There's four of us aren't there?"
We all agreed that that's what we had to do. The parted ways and went to bed.
*Let time skip brought to you by a hamburger lovin angel 👼*
I found my old prom dress from my first ever dance, when I went with a boy named Keith. He turned out to be a total dick though.
I put on the dress, then did my hair.
(Alice's dress and hair)
(Sam's tuxedo)
Sam walked in wearing a silver tuxedo, and I stared and didn't realise I was blushing.
"Alice..... Stop staring.... It's freaking me out."
I snapped out if it even though I was still blushing, and laughed. "Oh see. Now you're staring at me."
"Cause you look beautiful."
I looked up at Sam in surprise.
"Haha. Very funny."
"No you do. I'm serious. Listen, Alice. What you said earlier about Jess. Yeah I loved her, a lot. But I have you, your sister and Dean. Right now that's all the family I need."
I smiled, and watched as Sam walked over to me.
"What are you doing..."
"Fixing your hair..."
"Done." You messed it up a little. I was helping you."
I smiled, then went to the couch and sat down, Sam followed me, and then we got caught up in a conversation.
After Alice and Sam got ready, it was my turn. I didn't have a prom dress, I never really liked dances, so Alice let me borrow one of hers. It took me awhile to put it on, but I managed. After that I did my hair.
(Their clothes/hair/whatever is in gifs at the end.)
Dean walked in, and his eyes lit up and started staring at me.
"You look... amazing."
I scoffed, biting my lip. Then Dean tried to do his tie, but failing miserably. I walked over and started doing it for him instead.
"Here, let me."
Dean was looking at me and smiling like an idiot. He thanked me and soon we were both smiling and blushing.
"Zee. I uh... I just wanted to say that I wouldn't have tonight any other way. I'm so happy that I get to go with you. You're my best friend, and I never got to go to things like this when I was young. I was never a kid."
I was still finishing up his tie, and my voice tone changed from happy, to sad, much less guilty sounding.
"Neither was I, Dean. But once all this hunting is done, all of us will go separate ways and settle for once."
Dean smiled, and when I finished his tie I grabbed his hands and smiled.
"We're gonna go to this prom, have fun. Then stop Azazel okay. No more surprises. Now c'mon. It starts in an hour or two."
Dean was driving the Impala, so I let Sam drive my car, after all, I trust him. We've been with Sam and Dean for months. They're family. I got in the passengers seat of the Impala, and most of the drive up there was silence, long, awkward silence.
I mean, this situation was awkward. None if us were dating, let alone liked each other in that particular way. I mean, we were all best friends I guess. So... having people think we're a thing is gonna be.... weird as hell.
After I had billions of thoughts pulsing through my mind, we'd made it to the highschool. West Peircesen High.
Dean got out of the Impala, and as I was getting out, he opened the door for me, and I looked up at him, my eyebrow raised.
"Too far?"
He asked, and I nodded. Course, he had to grab my arm, the way you do at dances or whatever, and I felt insanely awkward. When Sam and Alice arrived, they did the same.
Then I realised this was my old highschool. Before I moved.
I stared, thinking of what to do. I used to be the star student here. What will everyone think? Holy shit I'm doomed. I sighed, deciding to say.
"Zeeriana Valentine. This is Dean Winchester..."
The person in charge's eyes widened, and they stared.
"THE Zeeriana Valentine? What happened to you. One day you disappeared..."
"I moved. It wasn't my choice... We just kinda up and left. Oh. Behind me is my sister Alice. And her date Sam."
The woman smiled then let us inside. When we got in Alice and Sam were running around giggling and eating as much snacks as possible, Dean tanked me aside.
"You never told me you were THAT Zeeriana Valentine! YOU USED TO BE MY NEIGHBOR!"
My eyes widened and I looked at him.
"You're joking?"
I started laughing and he looked at me funny.
I stared at Dean, and then bursted out laughing.
"Well. Now you live with me, we're best friends. And at prom. You got lucky Winchester. But damn it's hot in here."
"Then stop standing so close to me."
"Dean I swear I'll take off these goddamn heels and shove em up your ass."
Dean raised his hands and backed away and I laughed. That's when I yanked him to the dance floor.
"Oh no... I don't dance."
I raised my eyebrow, crossing my arms.
"Dean. Do you want to know how many times I've caught you alone in a room or in the Impala having some sort of one man rock concert."
"Alright. Just not very well."
I rolled my eyes and started laughing when he failed at dancing.
Oh my god...
I looked at Sam and Alice, who was currently eating some cake and ice cream, and Alice was wiping icing all over his face. And I smiled, given that my sister was having the time of her life. Something I could never give her.
"Zee? You ok?"
"Hm? Yeah yeah. Just... look at how happy they are Dean. Like little kids. We were never that way. Y'know when Mom and Dad divorced I had to step in. And when your mom died and John was out hunting. You had to step in. I'm happy that they're happy y'know."
"Yeah. I do know Zee. I'm gonna go sit down, okay. Meet you at a table."
I nodded, then went over to the beverage stand. I found pie, and of course, it was Apple Pie. I grabbed two servings of pie, and some punch.
I walked over to the table where Dean was sitting, and he was on his phone, doing who knows what. I put the apple pie in front of him, and his eyes lit up, and he ate it like he bit into heaven.
"Oh my god I love you."
Dean said, even though it was muffled because of all the pie in his mouth.
I started laughing, and once I'd finished eating I went to go dance by myself.
A few minutes later, a slow song came on, and a random guy yanked me aside.
"Hello there."
"Uh... Hi?"
"Care for a dance?"
"... I came with my friend. I uh..."
"Oh no. I wasn't asking."
I gasped as I was somehow teleported into a different room. A lobby somewhere.
"Okay... What... and who the HELL are you?!"
"Oh I'm sorry. Let me introduce myself. My name is Azazel."
My eyes widened and I ran for the door, I tried to open it but it was locked. I started screaming and banging on it so someone would hear.
Azazel started chuckling, and I realised we weren't in the school anymore. We were in the building next to it.
"You see... Oh what does he call you. Zee? Yes that's it. You're kind of getting in the way of my plans for Dean. And Sam. Now. I need your sister, but not you. So the nicest thing I can do is get rid of you. No hard feelings?"
I was tearing up, and knew that Azazel was going to kill me. I felt like I'd let John down, and knew that he was going to hurt Dean. Azazel was going to do worse than hurt I'm sure. Because he wants Sam, I discovered.
"Azazel you touch them, and I swear I'll hurt you. I will KILL you!"
"Oh. But you won't be there to watch, or to help. Because I will... .... I am going to kill you first Zee."
"Azazel please. Just leave them alone! You're better than this.... okay well, you're far from it... but-"
"Oh I'm not. Believe me I'm not. And neither were you up until you betrayed us. You killed my children. They used to be family."
"Yeah. Used to be. Said it yourself. I'm not one of you anymore."
Azazel was getting fed up with our talk. And I closed my eyes, ready for him to kill me.
And he did.
"Le time skip brought to you by Sam for no reason. And switched to Dean's POV*
I started panicking, running around and bumping into dumbass highschoolers, I was asking around, asking if they'd seen Zee. She was missing, and I was freaking out.
That's when a voice spoke over the intercom.
"Attention all students! Prom is officially over! There was an emergency at the building over! A possible homicide! Go home, watch the news, stay safe! Goodnight!"
I ran to go get Alice and Sam, and was pushing through the crowd of panicked students.
"Dean. Where the hell is she!"
"I I dunno! Last thing she was here, got me pie, laughed, went to dance and then she's gone!"
"Goddammit! You shouldn't have left her alone! You know Azazel wants her!"
"Well why do you think I'm freaking out!"
Just then on the TV the news appeared, and showed the murder from next door.
"A few minutes ago, a murder took place at an abandoned facility, the victim was a 25 year old female, supposedly dressed for this year's prom night. No family has been reported, and experts are still trying to figure this case out. Stay safe, and have a good night."
My eyes widened and I rushed out the door, Alice and Sam started yelling my name and rushed out to chase me.
When I got there, there was yellow caution tape around the whole building. Being an idiot, I tried to run inside. A paramedic and police officer both stopped me, and I tried to push past them.
"Hey kid! You're not supposed to be back here!"
"No! No please! You don't understand! My friend was... She..."
They both exchanged a look, and sighed. The woman lifted up the caution tape and let me in, and I thanked her then began to walk inside. Sam and Alice waited for me, faces full of worry, sadness, and concern.
I heard another police officer yell at her and watched before going inside. I ran around trying to find her, and that's when I found a room with blood on the door handle and a bloodstained note.
Hey Dean.
I left you a little gift.
"No no no, you son of a bitch!"
I quickly opened the door. And there she was. Laying in a pool of her own blood. Azazel did it, and it was all my fault cause I left Zee alone. And I should've known better. I fell to my knees, and hesitated on holding her for one last time. But instead I laid my head on her chest and started to cry.
I just cried for a while, until paramedics came and dragged her away. And me with her.
There was only one thing in my mind right now. And that's finishing what Zee wanted to do.
Kill Azazel.
(I see why this was unpublished for so long haha)
(UPDATE: Zee's faceclaim has been changed back to Nina Dobrev, for the purpose of her original face claim suiting her better, apologies.)
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