I quickly slipped on my black leather vest, red short sleeves flannel and a pair of jeans and black boots. Sam, Dean, Valery, and Zee were already getting ready awhile before me. We'd found a hunt that could possibly lead us closer to stopping the 'monsterpocalypse'
We'd already told Castiel and Kalmiya that'd Zee had come back and they seemed to be happy.
When we'd finished getting ready we all got into our cars and drove to the site of the case. We all parked our cars and got out. I tossed Sam a gun and he smiled at me, in which I returned it.
Dean and Zee stood side by side along with Valery. Meanwhile Cas and Miya waited to see if the coast was clear.
"We're good to go Dean."
Cas nodded and we all walked inside, guns loaded and rolling. We split into groups of two, course Valery went with Zee and Dean, Sam and I, and Cas and Miya.
We checked the basement, while Castiel and Kalmiya checked the hallways and other remaining rooms. Zee, Valery and Dean checked everything upstairs.
"Sam. Salt the windows just in case. I'll look around."
He nodded and I looked at him funny when he didn't grab it out of my duffle bag.
"So what're we looking for? Ghosts. Vamps? Demons?"
"Nope. Podities and Azuraphene are supposed to send a whole troop of werewolves and a few demons here."
"What? How'd you know?"
I asked Sam and he shrugged. To be honest, he hadn't been himself lately. He'd been a little violent, and when Valery tried to ask him questions he'd snap at her. He was acting like Dean. And I think only Zee can put up with that.
"Sam what's wrong? You aren't yourself lately and I want to know why. Whatever it is I can fix it!"
Sam let out a chuckle, and his eyes faded to black.
"Wow. You're good at this. I'm surprised you didn't find out sooner."
My eyes widened and I stared at him, cocking my gun.
"Woah now. Let's not go there. Besides, you wouldn't want to hurt this handsome old body would you?"
The demon taunted. I didn't know what to do at this point. I don't want to hurt Sam. I want the goddamn thing out of him. I pointed the gun at 'Sam' and glared.
"Get out of him now. I don't want to kill you."
The demon laughed.
"No, you don't want to kill him. Because you like him. Naughty little thing."
"What the hell does that even- nevermind."
I sighed and then heard yelling from upstairs.
"Sammy! How's it going down there?!"
"We're fine Dean! Nothing yet!"
The demon yelled back and I was shaking, my lip quivered and I realized I was crying.
"What do you w want?"
"You know what we want. We need your sister."
I glared and my gun nearly slipped out of my hand because of sweat.
"You can't take her. I won't let you."
"You don't really have a choice Alice. Oh! Where are my manners! I'm Podities."
I furrowed my brow and walked closer to him, my gun aimed at his chest.
"You. You're that son of a bitch who send the werewolf after Dean. YOU KILLED MY SISTER!"
"Well she's here now. But you won't be ."
I gasped as Podities took out a knife from behind his back and I started to run for my life. He threw the knife at me and it somehow it the back of my leg, I let out a groan and fell over, I managed to crawl the rest of the way up the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom.
He yelled and started breaking down the door. I didn't have any salt so I was probably screwed. But at least I'd I died the last thing I'll see is Sam. I just haven't had the guts to even get out an I love you. Podities successfully broke down the rest of the bathroom door, and held the knife up high, in a few seconds I could feel the world slow down and I'd managed to get out that last I love you, and I felt the knife hit my chest before I could hear Sam, the real Sam, scream my name. And it all went dark.
Tears started to fill my eyes as I dropped the knife and looked at Alice. The light faded from her eyes and she had a smile on her face. I.. I killed her? I killed her. I dropped to my knees and grabbed her, holding her tight.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry. I love you too. I-"
All of a sudden I heard a scream from upstairs. It was Zee. I didn't want to leave Alice. I have her one last look, we'd come back for her body later.
I immediately rushed up the stairs and found Dean and Valery unconscious. Cas and Miya vanished. Zee had her back facing me and I raised my eyebrow, and had a gun in my hand.
She turned around, smirking.
"Thanks a bunch, Sammy. Your meat suit was nice. But this... woo. Zee is really nice. Now. I haven't got time to chat. I gotta go get prepared for the. What did Dean call it? Monsterpocalypse."
"Let her go."
"Heh. Why? You don't talk to her or hardly know her Sam."
"She's family. Let. Her. Go."
"Nah. Besides. Your girlfriend is already dead. And you- killed her."
"Shut up. Shut up it wasn't me."
Podities smiled, and then he disappeared. A few minutes later both Dean and Valery woke up.
"Ugh. What the hell happened?"
Valery looked around while I helped Dean up.
"We were set up. Podities possessed Zee. And he killed Alice."
Valery and Dean exchanged glances with each other, and both of them began crying. I told them to stay there while I went back for Alice's body. I cried as I carried it back up the stairs and Dean nearly gagged when he saw.
We headed back to the bunker and buried her, then I sat down on my bed.
I guess Podities was right.
It's time for the monsterpocalypse.
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