Vacation On Hell
It's been a week that me and Sebastian were here in his house in Hell.
Last week we're going to take a vacation from work as the Dog of Queen and I ask to my butler were he like to go and he said he miss home.
Then I told him like from nowere "we go to hell Sebastian" and he respondended "yes, my lord"
So Sebastian is something like a prince of hell and I meet his mother Lilith and his phater Lucifer. I was really scared when I saw Lucifer and he told me "you little boy take care of my son"
Of course a 15 years old boy taking care of a demon, but Lucifer voice was so impotent that I imiting Sebastian I just said "Yes, my lord"
After that Sebastian take me to a beautiful lake and here we are now drinking tea with cookies.
_ Stop laughing Sebastian
_ I'm sorry my lord, but it was really funny
_ You never told me that Lucifer is your phater
_ You never ask
_ Now enjoy the tea bocchan
Hell wasn't dark and horrible as I tought but is hot right now so I walk into the water, Sebastian says that I can swim here.
Water is nice and Sebastian gets into to, he says to taking care of me. But he is splashes me and I follow the game and we laugh
After that we back to the castle and I take a bath then I get dress to dinner.
After dinner I go to my room and Sebastian invent a history to make me sleep.
_ Good night Sebastian
_ Good night Ciel
Version en español publicada
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