Chapter 2: A Fucking Horrible Day at Work
TW - this chapter has some mentions of physical violence and sexual themes. Proceed with caution and take care of yourself <3
Cynthia would have been an excellent employee if she wasn't such a terrible employee. Unfortunately, as as they tended to be, the odds were stacked against her: in her life, she lived as a housewife until her death, she didn't understand modern technology, and her boss just so happened to be Vox.
Working as his assistant and professional calm-downer had left her in tears on more than one occasion, and she had gone from a doormat to the ground itself. So, she always made an effort to make sure not to make the man angry: she'd always look perfect, she'd always wear the stupid name badges with the demeaning nicknames he'd make for her, and most of all, she was never late.
Except for this morning.
She was barely awake, still cradling the permanent migraine that followed her around when she finally entered Vox's office. She was immediately met with yelling.
"Where the fuck have you been?! You're 3 minutes late!"
Not making eye contact, Cynthia simply murmured an apology and got to her pathetic desk in the corner.
"Whatever. Go make me a coffee. And be quick."
"Yes, sir." She responded, quickly going off. Last nights rosé hadn't quite worn off and rendered her a little unsteady in her stilettos, however it also took the edge off Vox's words, so she didn't really let it bother her. She got to making Vox's coffee in the way he liked: 4 sugars and a splash of cream, filling the cup three quarters of the way, and exactly 76.5°C. She made her way back to Vox's office.
Unfortunately for Cynthia, she didn't notice the small ridge in the carpet. Perhaps if she had been in a smaller pair of heels, or she hadn't been slightly tipsy, or she hadn't been so sleep deprived, she wouldn't have tripped and sent the coffee flying, narrowly missing Vox as it spilt on the floor.
Before Vox could start speaking, she immediately went to find the cup. "Oh, God, sir, I'm so sorry, I-I'll get you another, I-"
"Enough." Vox's voice was surprisingly calm. "Get up. Now."
Cynthia looked up at him and nodded, standing up.
"I am fucking sick of this, Cynthia. Every goddamn day it's something new, you're always fucking something up." Upon noticing her going to apologise, he stopped her. "No, don't say anything. You know, I kept you around at first because I thought maybe it'd just take you longer to learn. But, nope, you just keep proving to me you're completely useless."
Cynthia stared at the ground. She couldn't help the tears prickling in her eyes.
"Oh, well, at least you keep Val entertained. Go get me another fucking coffee. And if you drop it? You won't like what happens."
She quickly obliged, running off with the coffee cup, and tried not to get too many tears involved when making it.
A few floors up, Velvette was throwing clothes around in a rage. Oxie sat in boredom, in her underwear, as Velvette went through each garment offered to her and vetoed it.
"No, no, no! Right, what is that?" She held up a corset top, and glared at the designer who had shown her it. "Seriously, what is that meant to be? Do you have zero respect for me? Do you want me to kill myself?!"
Oxie sighed as she sat back and pulled out her phone. Velvette snatched it from her hands.
"And what do you think you're doing? I'm trying to find you the perfect outfit and you're sat texting?"
"Well, you're not really involving me. I thought I wouldn't be needed until whatever outfit you chose was ready."
"No, I need you watching! I'm keeping this." She tucked her phone away in her pocket and Oxie rolled her eyes.
"I am too sober for this."
Velvette didn't hear as she held up a dress, bringing it up to the light. "Now, that's nice. You know..." she turned to Oxie. "I could just imagine it now. Have you ever considered shaving your head?"
Oxie sighed. This would be a long day.
Angel Dust, meanwhile, was in the studio. He sighed softly to himself, lying stiffly in one position as Valentino spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to decide which angle showed off his body in the best way.
"Val, can I be straight with you?" He asked. "As long as they can see it, they'll watch it."
Valentino sat back in his chair and took a long puff of his cigarette and sighed. "That's true."
At that moment, the door opened, and Vox walked in, followed closely by Cynthia, who despite her small stature, was struggling with all his belongings.
"Vox, baby!" Valentino went over to him. "Angel, don't move, I gotta talk to Vox real quick. Oh, and it looks like he brought me a special treat~ why, hello, Cindy Doll."
Cynthia gave a polite smile, struggling with the bags still. It seemed excessive, seeing as they had just moved from one part of the Vee tower to another, but she didn't complain. Angel sighed: per his contract, he could leave when whatever they were shooting was done, and at this rate? He'd never get out.
Valentino yapped to Vox for what felt like hours about something unimportant, then he offered Cynthia a role which Vox quickly refused, before finally returning to his chair.
"Angel, I don't like that position. Can you lie on your front instead? And stay there. I want to see what angle works best."
Trying not to let his exasperation show, Angel obliged.
The working day was a long one, but not for Verina. She spent the better part of her morning trying to decide whether to show off her boobs or ass, before deciding both would work quite well, then another hour deciding what ribbons to tie bows onto her antennae with. She finally made her way downstairs, and saw Husk half-passed out at the bar, Niffty running after something, and just who she wanted to see: Alastor.
"Good morning, Sir." She smiled at him politely. His facial expression remained as unwavering as ever.
"Is it still morning?" His voice was as light as ever, but she could detect the snark, and she gave a laugh, touching his arm.
"Oh, you. Always joking."
Alastor's eyes narrowed at her touch, but he said nothing. "Well, your friends are currently at work. I'd recommend trying to find some way to make an effort at self improvement. We have a wonderful selection of self help books."
Verina blinked slowly. She had completely forgotten what this hotel even did, and reading a self help book was just about the last thing she felt like doing. Even so, Alastor pushed her into a seat, and she obeyed as a book was placed in her hands.
"Enjoy, my dear." And as quickly as he appeared, Alastor was gone.
Verina sighed and put the book down. Instead, she made her way over to the bar. She hadn't had a drink in over a day, and God, she felt like she needed one.
"Hey, pussycat."
Husk didn't respond to her.
"What are you, fuckin deaf?"
Husk growled softly. "I'll answer you when you call me by my actual name."
"Oh, my apologies, Husker, I didn't realise you were so formal. Could you get me a goddamn drink?"
"You gotta be more specific than that."
"I don't know, you got rosé?"
"No, Cynthia had the last bottle last night."
"Oh. I'll just get a sangria then."
Husk poured one out for her and pushed it in her direction. "You're not doing great at this redemption thing."
"Did I ask?"
"Just saying. If you were actually serious about it, you'd be giving that book a chance and sipping water."
She rolled her eyes. "Why do you care? I see you chugging that cheap booze all the time."
"I ain't trying to redeem myself. And I won't lie to you, I really doubt you're trying to do that too. So cut the fake act. If you just want a place to sleep cos your friends kicked you out you can say that."
"Believe what you want, Husk, you'll still get me a drink when I ask."
Husk rolled his eyes. "Sure. But just letting you know, this high school mean girl thing won't get you very far here. You are far from the snidest bitch in this hotel.
"Whatever you say."
At that moment, Cynthia, Oxie, and Angel Dust returned from their hellish day of work. Like a line of zombies, they sat at the bar in perfect unison.
"Let me guess. Tequila, whiskey, sex on the beach?"
They barely had to nod before Husk had the drinks set out in front of them. There was radio silence for a few minutes as the drinks were downed.
Finally, Angel spoke up. "Valentino is an arrogant little fuck boy."
"Velvette is a demanding bitch with more makeup than brain cells."
"Vox is a dislikeable person."
"I swear to God, why are they sat here trying to make our lives miserable?!" Angel sighed and took a long sip of his drink.
"I don't know." Oxie downed the rest of her whiskey. Husk quickly topped up her glass again. "If Velvette asks me one more time to do something stupid for one of her fashion shows like fucking- I don't know, shave my head, or get some kind of freaky piercing, I'm gonna end it all."
"At least she gives you the choice." Angel sighed. "With Val, it's, ass up! Or, dick out! Or, mouth open! No second to breathe."
"Vox slapped me today."
There was an awkward silence. "Oh. Well, I hope you're okay." Angel said after a moment. Cynthia didn't reply, staring at her empty glass. Husk went to refill it, but she just took the whole bottle from him.
"Seriously, Cynthia, I don't think drinking a whole bottle of tequila is gonna help you right now." He said.
"I'll be fine." She responded. She stood up, taking her glass with her as she walked in the direction of her room.
There was a moment of silence. "Someone check on her in a couple hours. Make sure she isn't killing herself from alcohol poisoning." Husk sighed. As he was saying so, none other than Sir Pentious entered the room.
"Where has Miss Cynthia gone? I saw her in here a moment ago."
"She went to bed with a bottle of tequila." Angel said. "Why?"
" reason, no reason at all..."
Angel and Oxie exchanged a glance, knowing smiles crossing their faces slightly. Verina finally spoke up.
"So if the Vees treat you so badly, why don't you just tell them to leave you alone? They're massive pushovers, in my experience."
"...probably because having them be your colleagues and having them own your souls are entirely different things, sweetheart." Oxie said to her. "I can't make Velvette shut up with my tits like you can."
" show Velvette your tits?"
"Why would you care?" Angel asked. "I thought you didn't associate with them anymore."
"I don't. I was just, uh, surprised. That you'd... objectify yourself like that."
"Who said anything about objectifying? I'm her model, she's seen me naked probably as much as she's seen herself naked, to the point they're just body parts to her."
"Okay, then. If getting naked is what you like doing..." Verina rolled her eyes and looked away.
"Meow." Angel laughed. "Getting a little catty there, huh? Specially for someone who I've seen first hand sexualise herself to the point I'm surprised she's not walking around naked right now."
"What the hell are you talking about, Porno?"
"I'm just saying. Whenever I was in the studio, you wouldn't be too far from Valentino. Usually sitting on his lap, or sat leaning against him. Those little tiny outfits. They're cute as fuck but don't leave much to the imagination. That's before we even talk about the BBL and tit lift."
Verina tensed up at the mention of Val. "That's rich coming from you."
"Hit a nerve? I'm not denying it, baby, I might be a slut, but at least I know it. Nymphos like you who try to act all pure and innocent don't get anywhere."
Verina stood up, slamming her hands on the bar. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
Nobody said anything as she left the room.
"That was a little uncalled for." Husk said.
Angel sighed. "Nothing pisses me off more than a hypocrite. I'm the last person to care what someone does with their tits or ass. But when they shame someone else for it? Don't talk to me about uncalled for."
Again, nobody spoke, until there was a crash from the direction of Cynthia's room.
"Oh, that'll be the tequila. Someone go check on her."
Before anyone could move, Sir Pentious bolted in the direction of Cynthia's room.
"Well, sounds like she's having fun. Hey, Husk, top me up?" Angel handed over his glass, and with that, the especially bad day was promptly forgotten to be dealt with later.
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