Chapter 1: A Little Game
Hey guys!!
I decided to explore a few of my HH OCs in this fic, so we have Verina, our protagonist, a butterfly demon and one of the Vees, Cynthia, a fox demon and probably the only valid person in Hell, and Oxie (who is one of my best friends OCs), a black widow demon who belongs to Velvette and dates Cherri Bomb.
Please enjoy and if you have any questions or suggestions lmk!!
(not proofread so apologies for any mistakes)
The door to Vox's office opened and there stood Verina, leaning against the doorframe and cleaning her knife.
"Hello, darling." She purred at him.
Vox, not looking up from his work but seeming considerably more annoyed at her presence, replied back. "What?"
She stepped into the room, standing before him at his desk. With a hand on her hip, she leant upon the desk, giving him a good view of her chest. "How's work?"
Vox leant back, sighed, looked her up and down, and scowled at her. "Just say what you want to say, Verina, I don't have all day."
She bit her lip straight back at him, her tone as coquettish as always. "I have information that could be of use to you."
"And what, you want me to fuck it out of you? Pull your shirt up and tell me or get out of my office."
She giggled. "Always so brash, Voxy... we're friends, aren't we?"
"Are we?"
There was a moment and Verina shot him a glare. "You want to know or not?"
"Apologies. Go on."
She took a seat on his desk. "Did you know Alastor has been around? Following the Princess around?"
Vox sighed. "I already discussed this with the others. Do you have any useful information?"
"Do you ever give me a chance to fucking speak? Do you even know what it is her slutty little hotel does?"
"Well, vaguely."
"It's an open programme to redeem sinners. They accept literally anyone."
Vox leant forwards, suddenly interested. "Anyone?"
A smile crossed his face slowly. "And you're suggesting..."
"If one of us joined the hotel, it would put us in direct proximity to Alastor."
Vox nodded. "That's true."
"But this can't be as simple as... just stabbing the shit out of him, you know? We need to... get close to him. Make him let his guard down. That's when we strike. Otherwise, to be frank, we have no chance."
"Let's call a meeting with the others. We can discuss it properly then."
The only thought that could cross Verina's mind as she trudged her way to the hotel was, why me?
When she suggested the idea, her intention wasn't for her to be chosen to figuratively cuddle up with Alastor. But after discussing it and deciding the other three Vees had too much to lose with their own individual empires, and the heavy implication that Verina was good for nothing other than... "stress relief" and getting rid of smaller enemies, the decision was made that she should go.
As she approached the hotel closer, glowering at anyone who dared stare at her for a moment too long, she pulled her skirt up higher, revealing more of her shapely thighs. She had her own ways of appealing to the masses, and if she wanted any chance at this, she would have to appeal to every damn person in that hotel. Her wings twitched behind her; she really didn't want to do this.
And there it stood: the Hazbin Hotel. Verina felt it was pathetic in comparison to the Vee tower, but in all fairness, she felt everything was pathetic in comparison to anything Vee-made. She sighed, took half a moment to prepare, and knocked on the door. She had barely retracted her hand when the door flew open.
Goddamn, Charlie Morningstar was a lot taller than she expected. Verina's eyes couldn't help but widen as she gazed upward at her.
"...oh! Hello! Uh, Verina, right? Can I- can I help?"
Verina responded by plastering on a smile and trying to not scowl. "I would like to be redeemed."
Her words hung in the air for a moment as Charlie blinked in surprise. " want to be redeemed?"
"Why are you surprised? Do you not believe I can do it?"
She quickly shook her head. "No, no! Not at all, I was just, uh... not expecting a Vee. Forgive me, but... did something happen?"
Thinking on the spot, Verina nodded. "Ah, uh, yes. It was unfortunate, but, uh, the Vees and I have parted ways, because of, uh... personal issues."
Charlie nodded, her face softening. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
There was a moment of awkward silence before Verina spoke again. "So, mind letting me in?"
"Oh! Of course, come in, come-" Charlie was cut off as Verina pushed straight past her and started looking around. ""
Taking in her surroundings, Verina's eyes locked first upon the bar, then the people surrounding it. Before she had the chance to take any of them in, however, Charlie was back by her side.
"So, would you like a tour? I can show you around, and-"
"Maybe later." Verina responded, her tone cool. Charlie looked a little surprised but nodded.
"Oh! Uh, okay, sure, just whenever you want. So, uh... I'll just grab you a room key."
Left by herself, Verina approached the bar. She looked the bartender up and down.
"Hey, kitty cat." She cocked her head and smiled. "You got any sangria?"
Husk stared right back at her with a glare. "That's Husk to you."
"Whatever you say..." she looked over. The fox woman sat at the bar looked familiar, but she couldn't put her finger quite upon it... until, she remembered the hundreds of times she'd heard Vox screaming at her. "Oh, my, is that Cynthia?"
Cynthia turned, and looked a little nervous of her, before nodding. "Uh, yes, hello."
Verina laughed as Husk handed her her drink. "Wow, I'd have thought you'd be in Vox's office right now getting him his coffee."
Cynthia was about to say something but Husk interrupted. "I have a question. What are you doing away from the Vees?"
Verina tried to not glare at him, but she was sure her annoyance would be showing past her smile. She knew now repeating the story would get old very quickly. "I'm not in the Vees no more, Tomcat."
Husk gave her a look that described exactly every last suspicion he had of her, but didn't question further. "Well, enjoy your stay here. Bar closes at 11."
Charlie returned then, now carrying a set of keys and followed by a few new faces: a shorter woman, an even shorter woman, but more to Verina's interest, the tall, smiling bastard himself, Alastor.
"Verina! Here's your key, I just wanted to introduce you to some of our staff! I see you're acquainted with Husk, but, uh, this is Vaggie, our manager and my girlfriend-"
"Vaggie?" a smile crossed Verina's face. "Nice name."
She was met with a glare from Vaggie. Charlie blinked. "Uh- so, this is our cleaner, Niffty, and our executive producer, Alastor."
Verina smiled back at Alastor, but the grin she got back made something in her mind unnerved. Her skin crawled.
"Why, hello!" Alastor kept intense eye contact as he spoke to her. "I never thought I'd see the day that an ex- Vee would join us! A pleasure, I'm sure..."
"It's my pleasure, Mr Alastor, sir." Verina approached him and offered her hand to shake. Alastor simply looked at it and laughed.
"No need for such formalities, my dear."
She blinked before nodding. Nobody had ever denied touching her before. "Of course."
Charlie instead grabbed her hand. "I can't wait for you to meet our other guests. There's Angel, Oxie, Sir Pentious, and it seems like you've already met Cynthia."
Verina nodded with a smile. Her face was starting to ache; she wondered briefly how Alastor did it. Just as she was about to reply, the door opened, and Angel Dust walked in, seemingly still talking to someone outside.
"Okay, you two, don't be too long, the whole street doesn't need to see you scissoring!" He laughed, when he suddenly noticed Verina stood there. She tried not to scowl: she had forgotten about Val's massive outburst about him staying here. Now realising there was not one, but two souls belonging to the Vees at this hotel, she began to register how difficult this would be. Angel glared at her. "The fuck are you doing here?"
Charlie looked over at Angel and squeezed Verina's hand in hers. "Angel! You know Verina?"
"Course I do. She's Val's so-called 'favourite colleague'. Did he send you here?"
"No." Verina replied, rolling her eyes. "I'm not associated with him, or any of the other Vees anymore. I decided to give redemption a shot."
Angel eyed her. "Oh, please. I don't know what's faker, that ass or that excuse."
Verina tried to respond, but was taken genuinely off guard. "My ass isn't fake!"
"Drop the bullshit, babe. Why are you really here?"
"I just told you why."
"What's going on?" Cherri came in, her hand in a taller woman's - similarly built to Angel, but somehow edgier.
"Oxie, look who's here." Angel said. Still keeping one of her hands in Cherri's, she crossed one set of her arms.
"Aww, it's Velvette's pillow princess."
"Not anymore, apparently. She's hanging around here cos the Vees kicked her out."
Oxie laughed. "Oh, damn, really?"
"I never said that." Verina crossed her arms. "I said, it was a private matter."
"So they kicked you out." Cherri looked at her.
"It's okay if they did!" Charlie said quickly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We won't judge, right guys?"
Glances were exchanged and nobody said anything. Trying to resist the urge to not take out the anger penting up inside, Verina smiled once again. "So, that's everyone?"
"No. You haven't met Sir Pentious yet." Cynthia's voice came from the bar.
"Oh, it speaks!" Verina shot at her, before closing her mouth. "Sorry."
Charlie started leading Verina away. "Well, you can meet him in good time. For now, I think you ought to get to your room."
Verina knew Charlie was just trying to break tension, so she let her lead her away into her new room. She took a breath as she finally got to sit down.
"So, uh, feel free to ask if you need anything. There's food in the kitchen, help yourself as you see fit. Uh, please just... I know maybe Oxie and Angel came off a little rude there, but don't take it personally."
"I won't." She responded. She looked her up and down and bit her lip. "Thank you, princess."
Charlie wore an expression of surprise at that, before nodding. "Of course. No problem."
She quickly made off to leave, and Verina laid back on her bed, going over the plan she had constructed with the other Vees.
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