A Deal...
Never in my life had I ever seen so many herbs in one room. Most Hatchlings before the age of one year were kept away from the medicine storage. There were helpful herbs in the storage. But they could also be toxic plants if used wrongly.
I tried to sit up on my bed of palm leaves but fell back with a groan. A figure rushes to my side, "Aqua! Slow down. You're not ready to move yet."
The bright blue Blind Quad wears a pouch tied onto a piece of strange, long vine that is looped many times around her neck so that I knew she was a certified healer.
She smiles at me soothingly, "I'm Scorpion. You did not break any bones in your fight with the snake. However, you're too bruised to be moved into a more comfortable spot at the moment. So stay still."
I wriggled about, feeling uncomfortable that a Healer called 'Scorpion' is looking after me, "Um, okay. What happened?"
Scorpion sat down beside me and I suddenly noticed how her tail curved upwards like a scorpion's.
She explained, "The Hunters were heading back when they saw, from a distance, the snake attacking you. Gold, your sister, rushed ahead and stopped the snake before it could kill you. Fortunately, not long after, the other Hunters arrived and killed the snake."
I thought about it for a moment as a fresh wave of guilt crashed onto the shores of my mind.
Scorpion jumped up into a standing position as a Blind Quad pushed his way into the herbs storage. His scales turned from blue, to gold, to a bronze dappled with silver.
Scorpion gasped, spreading her wings and bowing low, "Copper Eye."
The Tribe Leader waved his claw, "Stand up, Scorpion. I have not come for a grovelling session. I need to see Aqua."
I stood up in a rush, ignoring the murmurs of protest from Scorpion and the sharp jabs of pain.
"What is it, most wonderful Leader?"
Copper turned his calculating gaze to me and it softened, showing something as close to approval as I'd ever seen in his expression.
He said, "I would like to talk to you, in private, on top of my dunes. Meet me there in two minutes."
With that, he turned and flew out the opening of the herbs storage. The storage was built like a small tent so that the palm leaves that covered the entrance swayed as Copper left.
I quickly made to follow him but Scorpion grabbed my tail, "Don't! You're not ready!"
I shook her off easily and, stretching my wings, flew out after Copper.
My scales rippled through deep sea blue to a yellow as bright as Sandy's before settling into a rich aqua. The sun glinted off of my scales as I wondered why Gold hadn't been to see me yet. Then I landed on Copper's sand dunes and all I could think about was why he would want to see me.
He certainly took his time about it. I mean, my muscles were sore from flying over here in this state and he wasn't even here yet. I sat down to wait for him, curling my tail around myself and settling my wings, wondering again what on earth he would want me for.
"Aqua! NO!"
I turned eagerly at the sound of Gold's voice, springing up in delight. However, as I took everything in, I faltered. Copper had tied together Gold's talons and put a cover over her barb.
Sneering, he dragged Gold onto the sand dune by her wings, "What a lovely family reunion! Don't mind if I interrupt?"
I shifted my talons in the sand, raising my tail instinctively.
Copper shook his head at me as if I was naughty Hatchling, "Now, now! Don't raise your tail at me. I am still your glorious leader."
I lowered my tail uncertainly, "Of course, Copper Eye."
He flared his wings, one talon still holding Gold's wings.
"Let's get down to business."
He declared, "I heard that Aqua displayed a magnificent show of skill while battling the snake. Therefore, I would like for you to be my champion. I will make you an official Fighter and Hunter. You will accompany me wherever I go. You will swear your undying loyalty to me tomorrow night when your ceremony will commence."
He said all this with a calm certainty that I would obey. In fact, I was fascinated by the offer. Being the Leader's right-hand-Quad would definitely come with benefits. I would also be made a Hunter earlier than expected!
However, my excitement warred with a strong doubt, "I don't think that that's all."
Copper studied me for a tense moment then said slowly, "You're... right. Looks like you have as much brain as brawn."
I bristled.
Copper nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, you do. And I would like someone like you by my side. Do you accept?"
I pointed out, "You just admitted yourself that that wasn't all. What else do you want from me?"
Copper narrowed his eyes, "All I requested was undying loyalty. All I need is undying loyalty. But if you're going to make this difficult..."
He pushed Gold in front of him and she fell in a heap. Her eyes were wide with fear and she was bleeding in many places.
She whispered, "I'm so sorry, Aqua."
I rushed to her side, "Gold?"
Then I glared at Copper, "What did I you DO to her?!"
Copper shrugged, "She wouldn't cooperate so I had to use some force."
His eyes narrowed into slits, "Looks like it runs in the family."
He gave me an expectant look, "You're smart, Aqua. You've probably figured it out by now. If you don't agree with me then, Gold... she goes."
I stared at Gold, who had slipped into unconsciousness. A few of her scales were falling off. I kept my head bowed until I knew I had fixed my enraged expression into something more calm. Then I looked up at Copper.
"I accept."
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