San just couldn't stop smiling as he rocked Caspian back and forth in his arms. Yeosang was right, he did get his dimples. San poked one of them with his finger and made pouting lips as Caspian yawned.
He looked up at where Yeosang was dozing in the rocking chair that Mingi had brought back for him after one of their trips. Even though he looked exhausted, he was a vision of beauty.
San walked over to him and kissed his lover's forehead. "Let's get you to bed." He whispered, shifting Caspian to hold him in one arm so he could help Yeosang out of the rocker.
"No, no I'm find. I'll have to feed him here soon." Yeosang said with a yawn as he smiled at San. "That is if you can bring yourself to hand him over."
Giggling, San kissed his son and handed him back to his mother.
There was a knock on the door before it cracked open. "Hello?"
"Hey Yunho! Mingi! You're back!" San ran over to give them a hug and pull them inside. "Come on, come on!"
Both visitors laughed as he yanked on them. Then Mingi gasped, "Is that him?" A look of pure aw crossed his face as he crept over to where Caspian was currently trying to nurse.
"Yes, this is our baby boy." Yeosang beamed as he looked down at Caspian.
"He's beautiful." Mingi said quietly, crouching down.
San spun around at the tiny voice to see Yunho picking up a little boy who was looking around at everything. "Hello there! Who is this?" he asked, looked at his friend with wide eyes.
"Well, we have some news as well." Mingi stood up and walked over to wrap his hand around Yunho's waist.
"Mini! Mini hug me!" the boy said, reaching for the pirate. Mingi grabbed him and held him tight, blowing a raspberry against his neck and sending the boy into a giggling fit.
"This is Milo. Our son." Yunho said, the brightest smile crossing his face.
"Son?!" Yeosang and San said at the same time.
"Yeah, Jongho and I came across him and his mom at the ocean city. She didn't make it to Utopia." Mingi said, now tickling the boy. "I may or may not have grown as attached to him as he did to me." He smiled bashfully as Milo patted his cheek.
"He is precious." San said.
"Hey buddy, can you say hi to our friends?" Mingi asked, pointing at San. "This is San. And that is Yeosang."
Milo looked at both of them with wide eyes, then hid his face in Mingi's neck. Everyone chuckled as they watched him.
"He's a little shy, he's been meeting a lot of people." Yunho said, rubbing his back.
"Speaking of people." Yeosang said, his tone getting harsh.
"Baby, not now." San walked to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We don't need to do this." He knew Yeosang wanted to talk about what happened with Quinn now that things died down, but he didn't want to mess with it. Not when all four of them were celebrating becoming parents.
"What's going on?" Yunho asked, sending them a concerned look.
San sighed and ran his hand through his hair when his lover gave him a harsh look. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this now, but... Do you think you could talk to your sister?"
Yunho tilted his head to the side. "Why?"
"She kind of... Came on to me the other day, telling me how she could show me a good time and Sangie walked in on it. That's what sent him into labor."
"Yeah, after I slapped her! How dare she touch my man!" Yeosang huffed, adjusting his grip on Caspian.
Yunho's mouth opened slightly and he looked like he almost didn't believe him. "That's why her cheek was red... I'm sorry, she's always been a little bit of a flirt. I'll try to talk to her about it." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"You should probably warn the other's too if you think this could be a problem." Yeosang said. "We don't need her causing any more trouble for us." Yunho flinched at his words, but then Yeosang's features softened as Caspian made a tiny sound while yawning.
They stood in silence for a moment before Yeosang said quietly, "I wish Wooyoung could be here to see this. Jongho hasn't even come by yet, but I can understand why... I would do the same thing if it were San."
"Jo-Jo?" Milo said, looking around the room.
"No buddy, Jongho isn't here right now." Mingi said, smiling at the boy.
"Jo-Jo no cry." Milo said, patting Mingi's hand softly. "Jo-Jo ok."
San chewed on his lip, then turned to take Caspian from Yeosang to burp him. "He'll be ok. Your mom should be back any time now, right?"
"I hope so, she's been gone for so long. I know she's our only hope." Yeosang looked out the window to the ocean.
The four of them stood there in silence before eventually Yunho and Mingi left, hauling a sleeping Milo with them. San and Yeosang put their baby down for bed then curled up with each other on their bed.
"Mama!" Aurora squeals, waddling after him as he carries in clean laundry after it has dried on the clothes line.
"Come on sweet girl," Seonghwa chuckles, holding the door open as Aurora comes running in the house, shoving her tiny fist in her mouth only to make a face at the little bit of sand she had on her hand that was now in her mouth.
"Yucky," she whines, holding her hand up to Seonghwa still making her disgusted face (which Hongjoong has mentioned more than once that reminds him of Seonghwa's disgusted face).
Seonghwa laughs, sitting the basket of clothes down and huffing as he rubs his large belly, "Baby girl you know sand tastes nasty you've done this multiple times."
She looks at her hand before looking at Seonghwa again and frowns as she holds her hand up to him, "Off."
Seonghwa rolls his eyes, grabbing a clean rag and wiping her hand free of saliva and sand. He makes a face and just as he is wiping her hand clean, Hongjoong steps in and laughs at the sight. Seonghwa arches his eyebrow, the captain holding his belly as he laughs harder, "What is so funny?" He straightens up and puts his hands on his hips.
"Your faces," he wheezes, sitting in a kitchen chair as he starts lacing up his boots, "Both of you had the exact same face of disgust and you look so much alike."
Seonghwa smiles fondly, rubbing his belly as he felt the baby kick and move inside him, "Hopefully this little one looks like their daddy."
Hongjoong chuckles, standing once his shoes were on and coming over to kiss his lover softly, placing a hand on the baby bump to feel their child move and kick, "He or she will be perfect whoever they look like. And they're already so active!"
Seonghwa laughs, smiling fondly at his lover but his attention was soon drawn to Aurora when she squeals, "Dada! Up!"
"Daddy's getting ready to leave," Hongjoong picks her up, hugging her close and kissing her cheek, "I'm going to help Jo-Jo find Youngie."
"Youngie?" Aurora tilts her head, looking at Seonghwa, "Mama, Youngie?"
"He's... busy baby," Seonghwa hesitates. It's hard explaining to a one year old that one of her favorite uncles has gone missing and the little girl misses him terribly. They've just been telling her she couldn't see him right now because he was 'busy.'
"I Youngie," she whines, her lip wobbles and she rubs her eyes, "I Youngie mama!"
"I know baby," Seonghwa pouts, "soon we'll go see him."
Hongjoong puts her down and she stomps her little feet while crying. Seonghwa sighs, picking her up and she immediately cuddles into him while sobbing. Hongjoong tries not to laugh as he kisses both of their cheeks, "I'm leaving."
"Bye! Be careful!" Seonghwa calls, carrying their crying daughter to the rocking chair and rocking her to sleep, singing her little song as he done so.
Once she's asleep, he puts her in her little bassinet and begins making a late lunch, knowing Hongjoong is going to be starving when he's done helping with Hongjoong. Come to think of it, he didn't even remember if Hongjoong ate breakfast. He quickly packs some bread, an apple, and some left over meat from the night before and wraps it in a little pouch. He makes Jongho some lunch too, remembering the younger didn't look good the last time he seen him so he was going to be forced to eat.
After packing both, he carries both sacks in his hands and waffles out the door after checking on Aurora. He knew she would sleep well, she was a heavy sleeper like him. He walks down he marked trail, following the chopped down grass and marked trees until he hears voices ahead. His feet were sore and this was a pretty long walk, so hopefully he can find a place to sit down before he tracks back home and puts his swollen feet up.
But that doesn't go as planned when he steps around a corner of grass, and sees Quinn rubbing her hand all over Hongjoong's chest with a seductive look in her eyes. Hongjoong looked uncomfortable as she touches him, trying many times to get her hands off of him, but Quinn seemed to not understand and continue to lay her hands on Hongjoong with pathetic excuses of cute giggles. Seonghwa glares, taking in a deep breath before waddling over to them.
Hongjoong makes a last attempt to get away from Quinn's touches, when he catches Seonghwa's angry eyes and his own widen, "Baby-"
"Not now," Seonghwa growls.
He advances forward, eyes locked on Quinn and Hongjoong steps in front of him, "Baby calm down-"
"Move. Now." Seonghwa grits out, blue eyes piercing his own soft brown and Hongjoong gulps, stepping aside. Quinn's eyes widen in fear as Seonghwa easily towers over her, making it a little hard with the baby bump but he still managed to do so, "I don't care if you are Yunho's sister, if I see you around my man or if you even come near any of us, I will make sure every last breath is drained from your little slutty body and throw you in the ocean for the sharks to devour you. Understand?"
Quinn swallows, nodding quickly and Seonghwa growls, "Go," he points away from them and she takes off running, not looking back.
Hongjoong was hesitant, but he puts a hand on Seonghwa's hip. The older looks to him, cups his face in his hands and kisses him softly, deepening it and letting his tongue over take Hongjoong's. This was he first time in forever he took control, and he pecks Hongjoong's lips once more before smiling at him innocently, "You are mine, and mine only. Okay?"
Hongjoong chuckles, kissing Seonghwa for the third time before pulling away, "That was pretty sexy to see you all riled up like that."
"Don't let it happen again if we want this baby to be healthy," Seonghwa warns, handing his lover the food he remembered he made and kissing him once more, "I love you, and if she comes back to try and flirt with her again, kick her ass," he hums, "Oh, there's food there for Jongho too."
He turns and starts waddling back home, trying not to let it upset him, but he was really angry that someone had touched his man. Hongjoong was his, and only his, and Seonghwa was not afraid to let a little bitch know that.
Written by flamewhipper and @jinjin0309!!
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