"Hey! Stay close!" Wooyoung called out to the two small children running in front of him. They giggled and ran back to him, holding onto his legs.
He smiled and picked them both up to carry them back to their makeshift daycare.
Seonghwa stood holding Aurora while looking over a few of the other children. They had decided to open one up so the families coming to live on Utopia could work to keep everything running properly without having to worry about their kids. A few of the other mother's worked there as well, but Seonghwa was in charge.
Wooyoung set the kids down in the little play area and sighed.
"What's the matter?" Seonghwa asked while tickling Aurora's cheek.
Wooyoung smiled at the little girl. "It's nothing."
"Youngie." Seonghwa said with a stern tone to his voice.
"I mean, it's silly really. I'm just, kind of jealous of Yeosang." Wooyoung felt his cheeks turn red. "And not bec-cause of anything with San." He bit his lip and turned away from the older.
Seonghwa placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's natural to want a family. Have you talked to Jongho about it?"
Aurora made a small whining sound and reached for Wooyoung, who happily took her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. He hugged her tight and closed his eyes. "No, not yet. I'm not sure how to bring it up. Especially because we don't even know if I'd be able to."
Seonghwa kissed the top of his head. "Talk to him, sweetie. You two have been through a lot together, don't let this fester." He walked away to attend to some of the other children.
That night, Wooyoung did his best to prepare a nice dinner for Jongho. He worked hard all day in the fields tending to crops, so he was always tired when he got home. Now that Wooyoung thought about it, it had been awhile since they had been intimate.
He bit his lip as he went to light a few candles.
Jongho arrived a short time later covered in dirt and his shirt was soaked with sweat. But a huge smile still crossed his face when Wooyoung turned to great him, holding a mixing bowl in his arms.
"Welcome home!" The older said, walking around their small table.
"Hey, Woo." They gave each other a quick peck on the lips before Jongho walked into their room, taking off his shirt as he went.
Wooyoung let his eyes drift over his lover. Working in the fields every day had done wonders for his upper body.
"What's for dinner?" Jongho asked, rolling his shoulders.
"I've got some deer roasting out back and I'm working on a salad right now." Wooyoung said, but he set the bowl down and moved to stand behind Jongho. He grabbed his shoulders and guided him into a chair to sit down.
The younger tried to protest, but once Wooyoung started massaging his shoulders, he groaned and closed his eyes. "That feels good, Woo..."
Wooyoung smiled and shook some of his black hair out of his face before leaning over and kissing the side of Jongho's neck. The other side and tilted his head. Wooyoung continued, letting his kisses get longer and harder as he moved to the other side too.
Then Jongho placed a hand on his head and ruffled his hair. "While I love this, I really need to go wash up." He stood and walked out of Wooyoung's grip, leaving the older feeling slightly empty. He sighed and returned to making the salad, a slight pout crossing his face.
He could hear Jongho out back washing in their small basin, singing softly to himself. His voice was so soothing, Wooyoung couldn't help but hum along once he recognized the song.
After a few minutes, Jongho wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's stomach and rested his head on his back between his shoulders. "How was your day my love?"
"It was good. I love being with the children." He placed his free hand over Jongho's where they were resting on his stomach. "How was yours?"
"Productive. The crops are coming in nicely, we should be able to harvest some soon. That book that Mingi brought back has been a life saver."
"Well dinner is ready, will you set the table while I go get the deer?"
Jongho hummed and tightened his grip on Wooyoung, causing him to laugh and swat at his hands. The younger pouted but did as he was asked.
Dinner was silent to start with. Wooyoung fidgeted in his seat, trying to think of the best way to ask Jongho about having kids.
"Ok, what is it?" The younger finally asked, glancing over at Wooyoung.
The older pursed his lips and blushed. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times. Jongho waited patiently, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Finally, Wooyoung sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Have you thought about having kids?" He said quickly.
Jongho paused, the smile fading from his face. "What?"
"I've just been thinking... With Yeosang being pregnant, and... and... well, I had grown up wanting a family. Of course I always thought it would be with one of the girls on the island, just because, well, we didn't know that guys... anyway I've just been thinking about it a lot and I wouldn't mind startingafamilywithyoubecauseIloveyouand..."
"Woo, Woo, baby slow down." Jongho said, leaning over to take his hands.
Wooyoung took a deep breath realizing he had been speaking really fast. "Sorry..." He muttered.
"Come here." Jongho pulled him from the table and into their bedroom where they sat next to each other on the bed.
Wooyoung felt his heart sink when Jongho wouldn't look at him.
"I have to be honest with you." The younger said quietly. "I... I don't know if I want to have kids..."
Wooyoung's heart broke a little.
Jongho looked up and gave him a panicked look. "Please, please let me explain." He stroked Wooyoung's cheek and pulled him closer. "It's nothing to do with you. I promise. You're my world. But... I'm scared I would be a bad parent, after what my parents did to me... I couldn't live with myself if I turned into them." The younger got quiet as he spoke and a few tears rolled down his cheek.
Wooyoung moved so he could sit on Jongho's lap, straddling him and wrapping his arms around his neck. The younger looked up at him, a pained look on his face. "You will never be your parents."
Jongho wrapped his arms around Wooyoung and pulled him closer. "We just don't know that. We don't know what the future will bring. I still avoid people when I can. You're the first person I really let break down my walls, and there are days that if I could convince to run away with me so it could just be the two of us I would. I know, I'm selfish that way."
"And there are days that I would go with you." Wooyoung said, leaning forward to kiss him. Jongho inhaled sharply through his nose as he spread his hands over Wooyoung's back. "I don't have to have kids to be happy with you." Wooyoung whispered into Jongho's lips.
"Are you sure? I want you to be happy. If I could give you the moon I would. I would do anything for you Woo, I'm just scared that..." Wooyoung cut him off by sealing the distanced between their lips again.
The older twisted his fingers in Jongho's hair, bringing a small moan from him. "I'm sure." He gasped, needing a break to breathe. "As much as I want a baby, I get to work with them every day at the day care." He sat back so he could lock eyes with his lover. "It was just an idea fueled by Yeosang getting pregnant."
"Please, be honest with me."
Wooyoung laughed. "I am! It's not something that needs to happen in order for me to be happy. I already have everything I need. We made it to Utopia with our family. And I have you." He kissed Jongho for a third time, and this time the younger took charge.
He ran his tongue over Wooyoung's lips, groaning as they parted and Wooyoung's tongue met his. His hands clenched, fisting the older's shirt as he tried to pull him closer.
Wooyoung could feel his heart racing. He knew that his words had been true, especially once Jongho spoke about his fears. As much as he had thought he wanted one, he didn't want to change anything about his life now. It was perfect, just the way it was.
Jongho placed his hands on the back of Wooyoung's thighs and stood. The older responded by wrapping his legs around Jongho's waist as he walked forward, pressing Wooyoung's back against the wall.
Their kiss continued and Wooyoung could feel them both getting hard through their thin, cotton pants. He took initiative and rocked his hips a little. Jongho bit his lip in response, pulling his head back to let his teeth graze across the soft flesh.
Wooyoung sighed, then let out a small whimper as his lover started to match the rocking back, both of them desiring friction.
They spun in a circle and soon were back on the bed with Jongho on top. They both made quick work of their clothes before reconnecting and moving back and forth, loving the feeling of their skin rubbing against each other.
Wooyoung ran his hands down Jongho's back until he cupped his ass and squeezed a little. The younger groaned in response and started to rub his thumbs over Wooyoung's nipples.
He then began to trail kisses along the older's jaw and neck, focusing on the area where his jaw met his neck, knowing it drove Wooyoung insane. Still respecting Wooyoung's past, he never sucked or nipped hard enough to leave a mark, but that didn't stop him from focusing on the areas for as long as he dared.
The fact that he was so respectful toward him just made Wooyoung love Jongho even more. He couldn't imagine ever being with anyone else.
Jongho broke their kiss, leaving Wooyoung gasping, and started to kiss down his chest. He kept circling Wooyoung's buds with his thumbs.
The older whimpered at the touch, loving that Jongho seemed to set him on fire.
Soon, he was kissing near Wooyoung's hard member, but he didn't touch it, instead focusing on kissing the inside of his thighs.
"Jongho..." Wooyoung whined, not liking that he wasn't being touched where he needed to be. Jongho just chuckled in response, then leaned forward to let his tongue circle around Wooyoung's entrance. The older bit his lip and whimpered a little, loving the feeling.
Ever so slowly, Jongho pushed in one of his fingers next to his tongue. Wooyoung clenched around him, not used to the stretch since it had been awhile since they had done this, but Jongho continued to help him relax as he let his tongue travel higher.
He added a second finger just as he ran his tongue from the base of Wooyoung's length up to the top. The older arched his back and shivered at the touch.
Jongho twisted his fingers, grazing Wooyoung's walls and his prostate, causing Wooyoung to gasp and buck his hips off the bed.
"Please..." Wooyoung said. "I need you." He reached for his lover, not wanting to wait anymore.
Jongho obliged and gathered up some of the slick he had created and stroked himself before lining up with Wooyoung entrance.
"Wait." Wooyoung said sucking in a breath. Jongho tilted his head and he pushed himself off the bed and grabbed the younger's shoulders. He pushed Jongho so he was sitting on the bed and saw a spark flash through his eyes.
Wooyoung lifted himself up and slowly lowered himself onto Jongho, wincing at the stretch as he got lower. Jongho placed his hands on his hips and squeezed. When he bottomed out, Wooyoung sat there for a moment, getting used to the full feeling he had missed so much and peppered Jongho's neck with kisses while the younger stroked his back.
Then Wooyoung nodded and started to move up and down while Jongho rocked his hips to add to the sensation. Wooyoung moaned as he savored the feeling. Oh he felt so good. This feeling... Jongho inside of him and holding him close, it was the best feeling in the world. It made Wooyoung feel complete.
Jongho started to pick up the pace, getting to the point where Wooyoung couldn't keep up with him, so he let Jongho take control.
The younger thrust up into him, hitting his prostate over and over, causing Wooyoung to cry out and his head fell back as he tried to not dig his nails into Jongho's back. His cries got louder as he felt himself getting closer to his climax.
Then Jongho stood up and pushed Wooyoung against the wall again, allowing him to have more leverage and thrust even faster.
Wooyoung's eyes rolled to the back of his head at the sensation. He never wanted it to end, but he wanted that release at the same time.
It felt like it came to fast.
Soon he was shooting white strings over their chests and he whimpered as Jongho continued to pump into him. Then he felt his insides fill with a pleasant warmth as Jongho groaned and thrust through his own climax.
He stumbled back to the bed, both of them breathing heavily, before pulling out and setting Wooyoung down. He grabbed an old rag to clean both of them up before they climbed under the covers and laid down with their foreheads pressed together.
They exchanged a few more kisses while wrapped in each other's arms.
Jongho pulled him closer so their chests touched. "I love you, Woo."
Wooyoung hummed and kissed him again. "I love you too."
This, right here, this was Wooyoung's Utopia.
They fell asleep, still clinging to each other.
Written by flamewhipper
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