21 • Cool
"So... when did you lose your v-card?" Lisa asked with a lopsided grin.
The two had been going on and on with their game of Twenty Questions for a while now, asking each other about the most random stuff, like whose vocals they admired the most in the whole K-pop industry (Jungkook picked Lee Jieun and even sang the chorus of his favorite IU song) and who was their ultimate crush among their idol peers (Lisa said it was Taeyang for her, "oppa is just so nice to us, y'know? Even when we haven't debuted yet. And my god, the way he treats Hyorin-unnie. They're my relationship goals!").
A grunt could be heard from Jeon Jungkook, who was sitting lazily opposite her. "Are we really going to keep talking about my sex life?"
Now that he was indulging her curiosity, she can't seem to stop asking him such personal questions. She desperately wanted to know this side of him, if he will let her.
Not to mention, she had consumed enough wine to be nothing but shameless now. "Heck to the yes!"
"There's not much to tell, I lost it when I was nineteen," Jungkook shrugged, his eyes glossy. "That's it."
"Wow. To whom?"
"That's another question," the boy sighed heavily, "you haven't been following the rules all night."
Giggling, she told him, "live a little, Kook! So... with whom did you do it first?"
It took half a minute for him to answer her. "A childhood friend back in Busan."
It was getting more and more difficult for her to form coherent questions. Still, she managed to blurt out, "if you don't mind me asking, was it with a male or female?"
"With a female, Lisa..."
"We couldn't be too sure now, could we?" She defended herself, before gulping the last of the strawberry wine. The girl was done with her bottle and feeling all sorts of happy she could burst.
"You're really something. Asking three different questions in one round." Jungkook shook his head at her. "For my next question... are you down to date someone younger than you?"
Her interest was piqued, distracting her from the tirade of sex-related questions she wanted to drop on him. "How young are we talking about here? Three years younger? Five?"
Jungkook regarded her with an amused expression. "At least a year younger, perhaps?"
"A year younger?" The female idol rolled her eyes at that. "That's no problem at all! If he's, if the boy's brave enough to ask me out, why the heck not?" Then, she remembered a trait of her ideal man that was of paramount importance, "but, of course, he needs to be cute enough, too!"
"Okay," was his clipped reply, the corner of his mouth quirking up.
"My turn!" The girl wasn't even going to try to beat around the bush anymore. "So... how many girls have you been with, uh, intimately?"
He didn't answer straightway. She peeked at the boy, thinking that he maybe fell asleep in the middle of their game, but he was just busy looking at the sea. Eventually, he muttered, "just one. Hey, where is this sudden interest in my sex life coming from?"
"I just," she told him the first thing that popped into her head, "I don't really have anyone to talk to about these things back home. It feels so... so... liberating to talk about sex. Don't you think so, too?"
"I guess, yeah," he agreed, "in a way, it does feel liberating."
The girl knew he would understand. But, he wasn't off the hook yet. "So... how was it?"
Jungkook took his sweet time drinking the rest of his booze. Despite the way her head was spinning and the way her lips felt weirdly numb, she watched him closely.
She didn't mind waiting for his reply, especially when he looked this cool.
If she could paint, she'd paint him this way: Jeon Jungkook gazing at the moonlit sea, his long black hair flowing in the ocean breeze, and his beautiful eyes reflecting his beautiful soul inside.
But, she can't paint, so she was going to do the impossible instead: to try and cement this hazy moment in her memory forever.
Finally, the boy said shyly, "I don't kiss and tell, Lisa. I don't want to share such information to anyone, not even to my members, not that they asked," he was quiet for a second, as if gathering his thoughts. "I respect the girl I had been with too much... to go around talking about her. And I trust that she does— I hope she does the same for me."
His honesty left her at a loss for words. Lisa laid down the powdery sand and fixed her brown orbs on the moon shining above them. The dark clouds did nothing to dull its light.
"You're the coolest person I know, Jungkook," she admitted, finally closing her lids. It had been such a long day.
She then felt the boy's warm presence beside her. The girl didn't know when he moved closer, but she was glad to be lying next to him nonetheless. After what seemed like an eternity, she found his hand in the darkness.
"I like you. You're a good man, Jungkook."
"I like you, too," whispered the golden boy, and she drifted off to dreamland, his warm fingers clasped tightly to hers.
End of Chapter 21
Author's Note:
I'm dedicating this chapter to LisasLostBoot. Thank you for your patience! 🤗
Also, thank you to LIZGGUK for including three of my books in her must-read list. It means a lot to me! ☺️☺️
Alaska 💕
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