Tokiya X Male Reader
The purple haired sighed in relief as the moist air of the hot spring hit his face letting out a satisfied sigh and small smile. He had just came back from a show with Starish and Quartet Night which honestly wasn't that bad and they did pretty well releasing some of their new songs that they recorded together.
"Tokiya!" I shouted as I ran into the hot springs right before the door closed my body was small enough to get in almost dropping the towel that was tied behind my waist. "Don't tell me you almost forgot me!" You stated pouting slightly rolling you eyes and crossing your arms like a 5 year old who was upset.
"How could I forget you? Your voice is so memorable even the muses wouldn't be able to forget." Tokiya stated with a small evil smirk which was slightly meant as a insult but then again he cared for the boy as a close friend....Sometimes even more.
"Oh! hahaah! Thank you." I replied clueless to what he was saying dropping my towel slwoly stepping into the hot springs my face warming up since it was only the two of us in here. The rest said hat they were to tired to even have the though of coming to the hot spring to restore their body and relax. Masato was the one that really suprised me since he adored hot springs but he went before they performed- But still!
"Y/N...You...Ummm." Tokiya started to speak his eyes traveling up and down my body as I turned my head and body slightly to see eye to eye with him tilting my head then I looked away in embarrassment. "Try n-not to be s-so loud." Tokiya told you honestly before he dropped his towel the steam covering him slightly but you still being able to earn a small look of his special gift. Which was rather larger than yours but you tried not to say anything you sat on the other side far from him while he did the same leaning back.
The man was always trying to relax but you could feel that there was a better and stronger feeling. "I...." Tokiya started, you quickly looked over at him setting your towel on the tables were they were suppose to go before moving in the water going right in front of him bending down slightly.
"What's wrong?" You asked him curiously before things toke a rather interesting turn that you or him couldn't explain. He suddenly grabbed you by your arms pulling you close so your faces were a inch apart. Feeling each others breath, and your faces hotter than the hot spring it self did not help you could feel your own body temperature rise quickly. You always liked him and if he was going to stop here and just be a tease you were going to make the most of it. Crashing your lips onto his as he quickly moved his hands down to your hips forcing you to sit down on his lap.
All you wanted to do was steal a kiss from him not expecting for him to do all of this all at once, which made him rather excited for what came next in our spending time with each other. "W-Wait, a-a-are you sure t-this i-is what y-you want?"
((Just a little teaser for ya sinners))
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