Waking up in the morning with my body pleasantly aching, I carefully detach myself from Anthony, and go into the bathroom. I brush my teeth, then fill our jacuzzi with steaming water and sandalwood oils before lighting a couple of lavender scented candles, then start the shower.
I return to the bedroom and brush my fingers across Anthony's jawline. His eyes flutter open, and he smiles at me. I smile back, and take his hand, gently pulling him from the bed.
"Join me for a quick rinse, then a soak in the jacuzzi before breakfast." I whisper.
Anthony's face lights up as he sweeps me up into his arms and carries me to the bathroom, stopping briefly by the intercom to request breakfast to be brought to our suite. He checks the shower temperature, then adjusts it slightly before stepping in, still carrying me. He gently sets me on my feet, and kisses my forehead.
"I've been neglecting you a bit, haven't I, love?" He asks.
"Not really," I reply. "We've both been kinda busy. But, I figured today could be just for us."
Anthony smiles and hums in agreement. "Stay in bed all day, watch a few movies, make love until the sun goes down. Sounds like a perfect day to me."
I nod in agreement, and pull him into a kiss. We wash up quickly, and turn off the shower. Going to the jacuzzi, Anthony steps in, and offers me a hand. I take it, and he sits down as I step in, and settle in his lap. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer.
We soak until the water begins to cool, then step out and wrap ourselves in our fluffy robes, heading back to our room just as a knock sounds on the door. Anthony opens it for a pack member with a covered breakfast tray on a cart. Anthony thanks the girl, and shows her out before moving the cart further into our room, uncovering the tray, and setting up the food on the small table beside our balcony doors.
We enjoy a peaceful breakfast, and Anthony sets the cart outside the door, then calls down to the kitchen to inform them that we will be taking all meals in our room today before joining me back in bed. We spend the day just as we planned, in endless lovemaking between light meals to keep our strength up for the next rounds.
We talk about anything and everything that comes to mind, drifting off to sleep a few hours past sunset. The next morning is back to our regular schedules. We both sigh in resignation and Anthony shrugs as we dress for the day. We share a kiss at our doorway before parting ways to go about our duties.
I head for the training center, doing my usual routine before sparring with a few warriors. Then, I make my way to the library to meet up with Archer and Joseph. They both smirk at me, noticing a couple of marks that Anthony left on my neck.
"I take it you and Anthony had a good day yesterday?" Archer asks. "Jer and I figured you'd go out and do something, but a pack member told us you'd requested all your meals to be brought up to your room."
"We did. We haven't had much time to be together, just us, recently." I say, a little defensively. "So we decided to have a day to ourselves."
"I don't blame you," Joseph says. "I'd go crazy if I had your schedule."
"It's not that bad," I tell them. "It's definitely building my strength, stamina, and fighting skills. The better I get, the more chance I have of winning the challenge."
"You definitely don't have to worry about that," Archer compliments. "As good as you've gotten since you started training, you should have no problem. Someone told me you started training in wolf combat last week?"
"I did," I confirm. "One of our scout teams, the one that delivered the challenge, decided that I needed to know how to fight in wolf form, so they've been training me. That took the place of my afternoon session in the training center"
"Even better," Archer nods. "I can't believe we didn't think of that. Shifting is allowed in a challenge. If you didn't know how to fight in wolf form, you might have been in trouble. Have they trained you to fight a wolf in HUMAN form yet?"
"They haven't." I say, "I'll make sure to suggest it this afternoon. We can switch days, wolf-to-wolf and human-to-wolf combat, both with me in human and wolf forms."
"You still have three weeks to the challenge, so you should be prepared," Joseph cheers. "Now if only I will be prepared for the mating ceremony," he laughs
"Well," I say, listing the choices the couple has already made. "You decided on a color scheme. You said you wanted linens in grey with blue and black accents. The arch for the ceremony is going to be moonflowers and morning glories. Victor will be in a black suit and tie with a pale grey shirt, and yours is pale grey suit and tie with a black shirt. You've decided NOT to walk down the aisle, but rather you and Victor walking towards the arch from the sides, with one large section for guests. Your family is planning to fly in with my parents for the ceremony."
Archer picks up, "Pack omegas have the cake tiers done and stored in a freezer to be assembled and decorated the night before. The menu for the pack feast to follow is already set. What's left?"
The three of us look at each other, trying to think of anything we've forgotten. I can only think of two things. "Are you doing rings, or have you chosen to go with the traditional mating gifts?"
"We're doing gifts, and I already have Victor's hidden in my room." Joseph answers.
"What about vows?" Archer asks. "Are you selecting ones together, writing your own, or using the traditional?"
"Ummm...I don't know." Joseph admits. "I guess Victor and I will have to decide on that. Id rather not use the traditional, because they're kind of old fashioned in the ones for omegas...but I don't think I will be able to write my own."
"So, the solution is simple. Search anywhere you can think of for vows you and Victor agree on, and use those." I say. "Anthony won't mind, as long as he has time to look them over before the ceremony. Now, everything is settled for now. Let's grab Victor and head to lunch so you can get his opinion."
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