Chapter 15
(Warning this chapter may be triggering)
Keith looked at the name of the group chat,
Of course. Keith thought. He looked at the names of the people in the chat.
Participants; Pidgeon, Spicy boi, Lance McMeme_420, Space daddy, hOnk
Keith chuckled at the names. "We're here!" Shiro said as he stopped the car. "Now get out!" Shiro said unlocking the doors. Pidge shoved Lance out the door onto the lawn. "Move ugly." She said jumping out of the car on top onto Lances back. "O O F" Lance yelled as his back cracked. "YoU LITTLE SHI-" Lance was cut off once again by the one and only Space Dad. "LaNCE LANGuaGE!" Shiro yelled. Lance groaned. Keith stepped out of the car and was walking towards Lances house. Lance was still lying on the ground. He reached his lanky arm out and grabbed Keith's boot and Keith tripped. "LaNCE!" Keith yelled on his way down. Luckily Keith caught himself before his face hit the ground. "Ugh, I hate you." Keith said kicking Lances hand off of his boot. "You love meeee." Lance said holding him back from getting up. Keith got out of Lances grip and stood up. They went inside with the rest of their friends. Lance was in front of Keith, leading the way. "You have grass stains on your ass.." Keith said to Lance. "Why were you looking at my ass? Is it really that nice?" Lance smirked at Keith. Keith was blushing like crazy. "I-I N-No I j-just-" Keith stuttered looking for something to say. "Save it, I know you love meee." Lance winked. C R I T I C A L H I T. Keith thought still blushing. "Fuck off." Keith mumbled. Lance pouted. "Language Keith! We're guests!" Shiro whisper yelled in his dad voice. Keith sighed like the emo™ he is. They get to Lances room and sit around playing on their phones. "I'm gonna go grab some snacks." Lance said getting up. Hunk follows behind him. The door closes and Pidge immediately speaks, "Soooo, you like Lance huh?" Pidge said scooting closer to Keith. He starts blushing, "Wha- nononono you got it all wronggg.." Keith said nervously laughing. "Keith we all know." Shiro said laughing. "Okok I do like him.." Keith said his face turning red. "Alright! We got the snacks!" Lance said kicking the door open. "Woah Keith you alright dude? Your face is super red." Hunk said with a worried expression. "Nah it's all good." Keith said smiling. "Lets get this party started!" Lance said throwing popcorn. "Hey!" Pidge said picking out kernels from her hair. Everyone sets up pillows and blankets around as a makeshift couch on the floor.Lance pulls out his stash of movies and waves them around. "Ok now lets try not to fight over movies this time." Lance picks up a few movies "I have Mean Girls, All volumes of Shrek for the memes, some emo tim burton movie called Edward Scissorhands, and Guardians of the Galaxy." Pidge immediately yelled, "mEAN GIRLS!!1!1!" Lances eyes lit up. "I LOVE YOU FOR THIS NOW PIDGEON!" Lance says squealing over their interest in the movie. Nobody even gets to vote for other movies, Lance immediately puts in Mean Girls. Lance is sitting in between Keith and Pidge. Keith sometimes would get annoyed when Pidge and Lance recited some of the script. "Get iN LOSER WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!!" Lance and Pidge scream copying the script. Keith sighs and heads to the bathroom. Everyone's already in pajamas. Keith closes the door behind him and looks at himself in the mirror. He takes off his shirt to change. He examines his body in the mirror. "Ugly, gross, blemished, imperfect." Keith mumbled characteristics he thought about his body, voice cracking halfway through. Bruised, scars, cuts. Nobody likes me, so why am I even here. No Keith don't think like that. He shook his head. I'm ugly, nobody's going to ever like me. I should just end myself right here.
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