Has it ever happened to you that you love a fan fiction so much that you have read it over and over and over again?
In fact you have read it and imagined it so many times that even your brain has a hard time separating canon from fiction?
It has happened to me... A lot.
BTW if anyone out there is a Merthur fan I would highly recommend 'The Student Prince '. Don't worry, I have not written it, so it's actually pretty freaking good.
Now you guys are probably wondering why the heck am I talking about fan fiction...trust me there is a reason.
YiBo, in his very embarrassed and guilty state rushes into the conference hall. He doesn't look back to check if Xiao Zhan is following him.
In fact at this point in time, YiBo wants to be as far away from Zhan as possible.
The first person he bumps into is Xia Jiejie.
"Yibo, where is Zhan?" She asks looking around.
"He will be here soon. Jiejie, where is the reading room?" YiBo says sounding formal.
'I had hoped that they will interact and break the ice before they start the script reading... I guess MXTX was wrong. She was sure that these two will hit it off.' Xia Jiejie thinks directing YiBo to where the others have already settled themselves in.
When Yibo opens the door he sees a huge crowd of incredibly attractive looking people. Both boys and girls look like immoral Gods and Goddesses.
What do you mean YiBo can't find boys attractive!! He is not the one to discriminate.
You see, our boy Yibo had totally not looked at the names or faces mentioned in the script... Well except one name and one face.
So when everyone waves at him he cheerfully, welcoming him into the team...Yibo panicks and just formally bows.
Then his eyes fall on the place cards that have been placed neatly in front of each seat.
'Damnit I will have to sit next to Zhan ge... Should I ask Jiejie to change my place... No. I can't. That would make things weirder!' He curses his luck before taking the chair in front of his name card.
"I don't like him, he looks cold and unapproachable." Jiang Cheng whispers to his A Jie.
I guess it was all for the best since JC is that one character who hates Lan Zhan for stealing his Senior brother away from him.
Oh BTW before I forget, from here on I will use the 'character names' of the actors to refer to the actors....for your convenience obviously....this has got nothing to do with the fact that I am too lazy to remember the names of all the cast members... OK, so now that we have that out of our way we can continue.
Shortly after Yibo takes his place, Xiao Zhan enters and receives a huge round of applause.
And being the perfect gentleman that he is he takes a few seconds to look at each and everyone one and gives them his sweetest smiles.
YiBo may or may not have felt jealous at that.
Once he has acknowledged everyone he looks at Yibo and gives him a shy almost intimate smile before taking a seat next to him.
'Did he just give me a flirtatious smile??? No that can't be... Or maybe he did... We are afterall supposed to act like our characters.' Yibo thinks and nods before looking away from the older man.
'Oh dear... Looks like I hurt his feelings pretty bad. I deserved that cold treatment. I will apologize properly once we get some time alone.' Zhan thinks flipping through pages of his script.
Xia Jiejie arrives at the end followed closely by MXTX.
"You must have seen her during your auditions." Xia Jiejie says pointing at MXTX.
"She is actually the reason for all us being here." Jiejie says before adding, "Guys and girls, I would like to formally introduce you to The author of Grandmaster of demonic cultivation." Xia Jiejie introduces the lady formally.
Everyone looks at the girl behind the successful Novel.
Some look in awe *especially fangirls and fanboys of the novel*
And some smile at her and bow their heads.
MXTX smiles and bows to all the cast and crew present in the hall.
Then her eyes fall on Xiao Zhan who smiles at her politely , she smiles back and takes a seat next to him.
"MXTX wants go say a few words before we begin." Xia Jiejie had said taking a seat at the head of the table.
"This book is about relationships and it's my firm belief that if we understand the characters and their relationship with each other we can definitely make this live action a success. To do so, I would like all of you to pick your favorite scene from the scrip and we will read them out one-by-one. How does that sound?" the young author says, looking around the table.
Almost everyone looks happy af.... that is except Xiao Zhan and Wang YiBo.
Aaaa, now you guys are thinking why would that be right?
Let me explain, so we already know which parts Yibo concentrated on right.... Dammit it people... Give this guy some credit, by parts I mean the parts in the script!
Any who... So Yibo's brain comes up with WangXian's most intimate scenes...I mean bromantic scenes.
And at present, when Zhan already thinks of YiBo as a pervert, YiBo picking an intimate... I mean bromantic scene would somehow send a wrong message....or you know right message but you get where I am going with this rt?
YiBo immediately starts flipping through the pages of the script all the while his brain is screaming 'Fuck.. Fuck... Fuck....do I have any scene in which I am not whopped for Zhan ge... I mean Wei Ying!???'
Oh dear, I forgot to mention why Xiao Zhan was also feeling uncomfortable at the mention of picking a scene to act out. OK so, we know that Xiao Zhan is totally in love with Lan Zhan rt, so the week while everyone was practicing their lines, Zhan may or may not have looked up a few or a lot of fan art *cough* fan fiction.
That was a totally hetro thing to do you see, it was, as Zhan had told himself, to get in depth perception of how the fan base of the novel saw him and his relationship with everyone in the novel *cough* WangXian*cough*
Zhan had totally and completely been amazed by the beautiful stories and plots of these fics.
In fact, some of them had been so hot... I mean good that he had read it several times...Come on now, Straight guys do read fan fiction OK!
So when Xiao Zhan is asked to pick a scene, his brain supplies him with various scenes....unfortunately these scenes have nothing to do with the script in his hands.
He too like his soulmate... I mean his colleague starts flipping pages of the script. 'Fuck...fuck... Fuck..is there any scene when I am not flirting with YiBo... I mean, Fuck... Lan Zhan...no not fuck... It's a bromance!'
Luckily enough, Xiao Zhan finds exactly what he is looking for soon and he finally looks up.
'Why the hell is everyone staring at me?' He wonders.
"Zhan.. are you feeling alright?" Xia Jiejie asks.
"Do you have a fever?" MXTX enquires.
"Zhan ge, you look hot." Yibo blurts out once again without thinking.
Zhan tilts is head blinks several times looking totally confused.
'Cute.. Cute.. Cute...Hot... Hot... Stop it brain!' Yibo's heart screams and as expected, he forgets how to form sentences.
Come on guys, you can't blame him for that, we all know how heartbreakingly cute Zhan can be sometimes....and by sometimes, I mean all the time!
The room goes very very silent... The sexual tension... I mean the awkwardness in the air is almost tangible.
Finally Xia Jiejie has mercy on everyone and clears her throat, "Zhan, what we are saying is that your face looks flushed. Are you feeling fine?"
"Aaa. Yes, sorry I just got nervous... Ha...there are just so many good scenes to pick from. Script writer Gege has done a marvelous job." Zhan says smiling brightly.
"So if you haven't decided already can I pick a scene for you...both of you?" MXTX asks looking at Zhan and YiBo.
'Damnit!' Both the boys think simultaneously.
Zhan is the first one to recover from this blow.
"Sure, we will do our best." Zhan says standing up and looking at Yibo.
Yibo reluctantly stands and nods.
"Great. Then can you enact the cave scene?" MXTX smiles mischievously while looking at the two men.
"Of course." Zhan says professionally, "From where do you want us to start?"
'Why... Why.. Why...???'
Before MXTX can answer YiBo speaks, "Jiejie... I am not feeling so good, can I read a little later?"
"You do look a little pale. Do you want to go and rest next door?" Xia asks in a concerned tone.
"Mn." YiBo says before bowing slightly and leaving the room.
"Zhan, why don't we pick something else for you? We can read this scene later." Jiejie says looking at Zhan whose forehead is mared with worry lines.
"Mn." Zhan nods distractedly.
'He does look a little pale, but he was fine before... Before you accused him of trying to molest you...you idiot!!' Zhan's brain supplies.
Xia Jiejie asks him to enact a scene with his Shijie.
The most heartbreaking of all scenes.
Yes, the one where my Queen Yanli dies in Jiang Cheng's arms *i am not ok on so many levels with this scene*
Xiao Zhan aces the scene and everyone congratulates the three people involved in the scene.
When the reading is over Zhan is an emotional mess.
"Zhan, you did brilliantly. Why don't you go freshen up a bit?" Jiejie advices.
"Mn." Zhan nods and bows before leaving the reading hall.
On his way to the restroom his walks by the adjacent room.
Curiosity get the best of him and he looks inside through the slight opening in the door.
His eyes fall on Yibo who is sitting with his eyes closed pinching the space between his eyebrows.
YiBo looks positively distressed.
Zhan looks closer and he can see that the younger man has tear stains on his face.
'Did he cry?... Did he cry because of me... because of what I said??' Zhan thinks and the back of his head tingles.
'There is nothing I can do about it now anyway.' Zhan tells himself before leaving Yibo in that state and going to the restroom.
Zhan feels lightheaded by the time he reaches the restroom.
He splashes water on his face.
"Damn this is ice cold!' He thinks closing his eyes.
His head snapps up to look at the door when he feels someone enter.
It's Yibo.
Yibo's eyes fall on Xiao Zhan.
"Sorry." Yibo mutters before turning to leave.
He can't deal with Zhan ge right now. He can't take the hate and judgement that he thinks Zhan ge will direct at him.
You see, Yibo was under the impression that the only reason Zhan ge had been polite to him in the conference hall was because he was a professional and did not want to create unnecessary drama or uncomfortableness in front of everyone.
So he feared, now that no one was around, Zhan ge would call him out again...accuse him again.
YiBo had thought wrong.
Remember I told you that this is a story about two oblivious dumb fucks...ya so you shouldn't be surprised if this dumbness continues.
YiBo takes a few steps towards the door when he feels Zhan ge's arms around his waist and Zhan ge's lips on the back of his neck.
'F*¥£€¢.........¥¢π¤£¥£√~\|~£...*K' *Not a typing error*
YiBo thinks before he turns to face Xiao Zhan.
"Zhan Loushi?" The fanboy asks hesitantly.
Xiao Zhan tilts his head to the side and blinks.
"Zhan ge?" YiBo asks trying to understand the awkward 😉 situation he has once again found himself in.
Anger flashes across Xiao Zhan's face before he mischievously smiles at the younger man.
{Note :- First of all thank you all for supporting this crazy story.
It's my first attempt at humor.
Wow straight stuff is hard to write 😂
You know... because this fic is so straight.
Please expect 100% straight af things in the coming updates as well.
And for sticking with this update, here is a pic of YiBo looking totally pure and innocent ...absolutely not making my thoughs turn sinful at all.
Please Vote to show ur support for this straight fan fiction....in which there is absolutely no homo.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}
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