Jealousy is the most common personality trait among humans. No, those are not my words. It's what research has revealed. I kind of agree with it. In my years of being a high-end couch potato, I have seen more than my share of TV shows, good ones, and crappy ones, being propelled forward using jealousy as a plot device. Am I fond of it? Well, it depends on who is getting jealous and how favorably it affects my ship.
I am, of course, not talking about ships that sail on the sea. I am talking about the ones that enter our ocean of feelings and make us laugh and cry over the tiniest smiles or eyes that are filled with pain, yearning, and longing but never leave their homes and spill out of their confines. I am talking about all the clenched fists, the sarcastic eye rolls, and the wistful sighs that bring our OTPs ('one true pair'; not one-time password) closer, all in the name of jealousy.
Let's get back to the ridiculous situation our monolid-eyed beauty, Yibo, whose hip thrusts could initiate talks about world peace, had found himself in. It would be safe to say that even though FZhan was the one who had appeared, JZhan, who was born out of jealousy, was not far behind. The only difference between them was that one thought himself to be the Grand Master of Demonic cultivation, and the other was just an overtly jealous version of Zhan ge.
Now that we have gotten that out of the way- to avoid any or all potholes that might hinder your reading pleasure (however minuscule it may be)- let us pick up where we left off, with Wei Ying throwing a fit and walking out of their shared room.
"Wei Ying, stop. Let me explain." Yibo pleads, overtaking the latter and plastering himself to the door, making it impossible for Zhan to leave.
Of course, Zhan being taller and (at the moment) stronger than Yibo, could force him out of the way if he so wished; however, he was not Zhan, he was Wei Ying, and the grandmaster could never imagine winning against his husband's powerful arms and expert fingers. (that detail was unnecessary, but I just put it for my brain's sake, which, at the moment, has taken shelter in the proverbial gutter 🤪).
"Hanguang Jun," Wei Ying pouts, "You are being unfair. I thought you believed in justice and all that. Why are you not letting him plead my case?" The pout morphs into a frown, "What would you have done if I was the one that was cheating, hum?" The Yiling patriarch demands, crossing his hands over his chest and tapping his left foot, waiting for his husband to let him leave.
Yibo had no intention of doing that. He remembers that the only one who could control Wei Ying was Lan Zhan. Earlier, he had always tried to run away from Wei Ying, fearing that what they might end up doing would hurt Zhan (I am talking about emotional hurt, you all), but now Zhan had confessed; the fire was burning in both their hearts. The kiss that had ended sooner than Yibo would have like was a testament to their feelings. With these facts in mind, Yibo gets into the second jade of Lan's mood.
His eyes narrow, "Wei WuXian, did you just accuse me of cheating on you?" He asks in a voice that scares and makes Wei Ying horny at the same time.
In Wei Ying's defense, that is the exact reaction that Lan WangJi's angry voice should invoke in you. And God forbid if it doesn't, then I don't know why you are reading this crack fiction that is literally me lusting over...I mean showing my obsession with these boys.
Yes, I am aware that I have gotten off the point, which is that Wei Ying was horny, I mean scared. *cough*.
Zhan smirks, "Hanguang Jun, you don't scare me. Besides, I have proof." He holds out the short strand of hair.
"That's your hair, Wei Ying." Yibo deadpans, reaching for Zhan's head and pulling out one single strand.
Zhan yelps. "Lan Zhaaaaan!" He drawls, "How dare you damage-"
"Shut up." Yibo rolls his eyes and hands it to Zhan, "Compare them. Your memory may be terrible, but your eyesight is good. Tell me if they match."
Wei Ying, I mean Zhan, accepts the offered item grumbling, but instead of comparing them, he stares at Yibo with eyes filled with suspicion, "How do you explain your lips then!? They are almost swollen. If you tell me you did it to yourself, " Zhan falters, "I...I won't believe you!"
Seeing as FZhan was beginning to have doubts about what he had presumed, Yibo steps away from the door and takes a step towards him, "I did not do it to myself. You did." He states confidently; he grabs the latter's arm, "Wei Ying, you seduced me. You stopped me from sleeping all because you wanted to kiss me. You were relentless. You did not give up till I kissed you back." He lies shamelessly. "And now you turn around and accuse me. Why?"
"You are lying!"
Yibo walks Zhan to the mirror, "Look at your lips, Wei Ying, if you think I kissed someone else, I can accuse you of the same thing."
Zhan gasps, taking in his almost swollen lips and flushed cheeks. The fact that he was rock-hard and aching for a release did not help his cause either. He staggers back. "I...I..."
"Wei Ya," Yibo calls softly. "Look around; there are just the two of us here." He steps into the latter's personal space and cups his cheek, "I waited for you for sixteen years. If I wanted someone else, don't you think I would have found them by now? I am with you because I want to be."
"You do?" Zhan's eyes widen; surprise colors his words, "Why?"
"Because in my eyes, you are perfect," Yibo tells FZhan, meaning every single word with all his heart.
It is said that if spoken with sincerity, the words not only reach but touch the heart of the one they are meant for, and since Yibo was sincere with his feelings for Zhan, the words pierce the personality that was standing between him and his Zhan ge and reach the latter.
Zhan closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Yibo instantly realizes that Zhan had switched again. "Zhan ge?" He calls, unsure who was standing in front of him.
Zhan opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings. The tips of his lips turn down, "I changed, didn't I?" He says, sounding disappointed. "I thought that I was rid of it now that we had talked about...things."
Yibo smilies fondly, "Zhan ge, I don't think I let you finish. And for what it's worth, I don't think the one who I was with just now will return."
Zhan tilts his head to a side, "Why do you think that?"
Yibo leads them to his bed. "Zhan ge, I am really sleepy, and dealing with Wei Ying takes a lot of effort and presence of mind. Can we talk about it tomorrow?"
"Wei Ying?" Zhan's eyes widen.
"Mn...Zhan ge, before you told me about visiting the doctor, I was planning to tell you about what has been happening between us for the past few days." Yibo explains, squatting on his bed. Zhan mimics him subconsciously.
"So, it is as I have been thinking. I did something stupid, did I not?" Zhan asks dejectedly.
Yibo shakes his head, "You were many things, but never stupid, Zhan ge." He takes Zhan's hand in his and starts listing, "You were funny, unexpected, flirty, shy, daring, loud, open, naughty, apprehensive, coy, seductive..." he pauses and smirks, "but about all, you were jealous."
"Jealous!?" Of all the things he had expected Yibo to say, 'jealous' was not one of them. Yet, now that Yibo had said the word loud, Zhan couldn't help but believe it. The image of Yibo clinging to Doctor Kim's arms flashed before his eyes, making something twist in his gut. He gulps thickly and glances at Yibo is looking at Zhan expectantly.
"I am not lying, Zhan ge." Yibo's eyes beg Zhan as if asking him to believe what he was saying. Zhan smiles, "I know." He shakes his head and sighs, "I guess I have put you through a lot over the past few days, haven't I. I am sorry." He apologizes sincerely.
"Zhan ge-" Yibo is ready to defend his Zhan ge, but the latter shakes his head, silencing the younger. Zhan pats Yibo's hand, "It's late."
"Zhan ge, but," Yibo gears up to object; however, looking at Zhan's determined expression, he stops, "Fine, but we are not done yet. Zhan ge, you can't just-"
"I know. I won't suppress my feelings anymore. But it's really too late to be discussing these things now. I promise we will talk about," Zhan pauses and takes a deep breath, "us, as soon as possible, alright?"
Zhan's words remind him that he was indeed tired. Yibo nods. "Ok." He agrees, and like an obedient younger costar, he lies down and closes his eyes. 'Zhan ge, you better keep your promise,' is the young man's last thought before falling deep asleep.
Zhan doesn't stay up for either. He had had a long day; despite him still losing time, he could feel that he had made progress on both fronts: mental health and relationship. 'Today was a fruitful day,' is his last thought before he too falls asleep.
The next morning-Zhan (like a superb and caring man he absolutely is) gets up at six am and pays the gym- that the production team had booked- a long, overdue visit to blow off steam.
On his way back to the dorm, he peeps in Doctor Kim's room which he had inquired about in the gym and finds the hot hunk fast asleep.
The doctor's shirts had done little to hide his very noticeable, well-defined muscles, and Zhan was not the only one wondering about what might take to acquire them (by them, I mean doctor Kim's muscles). If he was honest with himself, Zhan would have admitted that part of why he had visited the gym was because he was hoping to bump into Dr. Kim.
Now seeing as the doctor was wasting precious morning time buried inside his quilt, Zhan contemplates if his enviable body was not due to good diet and exercise as he had presumed earlier, but a result of illegal steroids. After all, South Korea was a pretty chill place, and the man was a doctor. Yes, Zhan is aware that his far-fetched reasoning was probably due to jealousy. However, since it was the only thing making him feel better about the situation, he had decided to hold the man guilty of using steroids unless proven innocent.
Zhan glances at his wristwatch and is surprised to find that it was already seven-fifteen. 'I need to shower and dress before I wake him up.' He thinks, quickening his pace.
Wiping the sweat out of his brow, he opens the door expecting Yibo to be fast asleep. Alas, that is not what greets him when he steps inside. What he does witness is Yibo on the bed shirtless, moaning breathlessly with a man standing next to him with his broad, muscular back turned towards him.
'HELL NOOOOO!' Zhan thinks, advancing like a man wronged and seeking revenge. Jealousy washes over him in waves, taking away any capability to think logically might have possessed.
With his eyes glued to Yibo's moaning form, he closes the distance between them and bites out, "How dare you, Bo di!? I didn't know broad men are your type!"
"Zhan ge?" Yibo looks up. His brows knit. "What are you..."
Zhan turns the 'other man' around and checks him out from head to toe. "Who are you? And what are you doing in our room?"
The other man quirks his brow, "Don't you know me?" He asks to confirm.
Zhan huffs and steps closer, "Should I?"
(Not a typing error)
Yibo thinks. For he was well acquainted with the fuming jealous man in front of him. It was none other than JZhan.
Who is the 'other man'? Why is Yibo moaning? How will Yibo deal with JZhan? Will Zhan's condition be exposed!? To find out the answers, please close your eyes and imagine Yibo's hip thrusts and Zhan's angelic smile...Well, I didn't say I will shorten the wait time, did I? But, trust me, thinking about them will make the wait much sweeter. ☺
{Note:- That's it for this update.
Please, vote, comment and share this crazy update, if you have enjoyed it.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}
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