Nobody's POV >:C
"So we're all in agreement that we can go to Scotland and back within the time limit of my children's schooling hours?" Cleo clarified, clicking a pen without much thought.
"Of course! It's the most reasonable thing." Liki said.
"I like your cut." Seika commented. They dipped their head sadly. "I wished I still had enthusiasm..."
Katy looked at Seika with a weird expression. "Seika, if you're trying to reference something from 2020, it's not working because literally all the content creators died."
"Unless they were lucky and became freaks like us." They stated. "Also unlike most times, I'm not. I caught the sads and I'm not risking to self diagnose for depression."
"Well... we all got something when we physically changed, and the world became anew." She shrugged.
She came beside Seika and pressed against them gently, wrapping an arm around their body. They appreciated this and nuzzled her. Liki and Cleo watched in confusion while Indi clambered with getting someone to take them all to Scotland, because apparently the author forgot his occupation for a second. Heather sat very still and hoped he blended into the background.
Suddenly, Indi pointed a finger up. "Aha! I got it!"
"What?" Liki blurted.
"I found someone that can take us to Scotland." He declared. "He'll be here in about... three seconds."
Three seconds seems too fast, Katy and Seika thought in unison. But they were shocked to find out that Indi was correct, because suddenly a chime came from the door. It slid open to a Kymari that really needed to eat something. He was thin and pale, and his long spaghetti hair was tied in a braid behind him.
"Hey, I heard that my services were in need." The Kymari said. "Also are you ever going to update that web-series? It's been months."
Indi sighed. "Things like this take time. And motivation."
"CARAMBA!" Seika suddenly shouted.
Everyone else turned and stared at them. Seika straightened out like a ruler and fell on the floor. The nameless Kymari pointed. "Is this fire lizard always like that?"
"More or less." Cleo shrugged. "Anyways, can you take us to Scotland? It's for important matters regarding the slime cats."
He nodded. "Of course. I can get us there relatively fast."
Liki smiled. "That's good, but how long is 'relatively fast?'"
"About a few hours." The nameless one said. "Give or take. You in? You called it. It's going to cost you, but not in money."
The siblings nodded. Katy and Seika flew onto their handlers shoulders, but Heather was as still as a wallflower. He didn't want to go with them. Indi understood that mental connection and didn't call Heather to come with them.
The group swiftly left. Outside the building was one of those taxi ships that took you to other planets. The nameless driver got in first, and then his passengers came in. Katy and Seika decided to stay closer to the front from their anxiousness/excitement.
The doors closed and the ship lifted up, ascending into the sky. "Ok, Scotland. Rainy planet. I can do that." The nameless one murmured to himself.
He kept murmuring as the ship reached space, then blasted into hyperspace.
Because I'm lazy, let's say that they're there now. Nothing really happened during those few hours. Sure, they chattered, they talked. Seika complained about (video) games no longer existing. Katy kept a connection with Midnight and his sister.
"Ok everyone, we're here." The nameless one announced. "Hold onto your seatbelts!"
The group did as instructed. Seika and Katy clung to each other like glue as the ship descended through the clouds, into a storm.
The dome was ahead. The nameless pilot knew what to do, and took the ship into it. They landed. Finally, we're getting somewhere, Liki thought.
They all got out and Katy immediately flew to the cave. "Follow me!" She shouted in the siblings' and Seika's heads.
And so they did! Except Cleo. She stayed behind. "So, what did you want in return?"
The nameless one snapped his fingers and reached into his breast pocket. "Oh yeah, right. Originally I was thinking your brother could update his series, but he has a point. So instead... I found something, and I request for you to find its meaning."
He pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to her. She carefully unfolded it. On it was a bunch of written words... but not in the spaghetti language, or anything they had seen before.
Cleo looked it over a few times. "Hmm, I don't know what that says. But I know who might." She folded it back and slipped it into her own pocket. "I'll let you know what it means soon."
He sighed in relief. "Good. The fact that those white idiots were there before us leaves the impression that they wiped out a species native to PNF-404."
"Cleo come over! Quick!" Seika screamed.
Cleo nodded to him. "Yeah! Catch you later, please don't leave!"
She bolted into the cave where the others had gone. Eventually she came to the underground wooden house. The Clicas were there and they held their arms up in surrender.
Midnight and Faith? They were clinging to Katy and Seika. Cleo looked baffled and pointed at the Clicas. "You six! What business did you have with these slime cats?"
The youngest of the bunch took in a shaky breath. "W-well, you see... there are slime cats here too! But they're different! And we wanted to compare them... that's all..."
Cleo looked down at Katy and the two kids. "He's right!" Midnight said. "We met Jirrel, he's very nice. We were thinking since Scotland is all rainy and gloomy, that the slime cats from home could live here instead!"
"Jirrel and his people are ok with it too." Faith added.
There was some quietness after that. Indi, Liki and Cleo all exchanged glances repeatedly. Heather squalled to break the silence, as if agreeing to their telepathic conversation.
Cleo took in a deep breath and clapped her hands together. "Ok, we'll hold a meeting with the elders about this. In the meantime, you six will be taken into custody."
"Ooo! You guys are in trouble!" Seika whispered mischievously.
The Clicas, though half expecting this outcome, had fear radiating off of them. Like a supervillain created a nuke to destroy the world or start the zombie apocalypse.
Or both!
"Let's go home." Katy said, carrying Midnight gently in her arms.
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