Am I... dead?
No... still breathing well...
Then why is everything different..? There are new buildings everywhere-
Oh right. Aliens.
Looking around, I was still in the park, behind a tree. I feel smaller than normal, as in being the size of a cat. Glancing down at myself, I froze.
Did that belong to me?
My body is a peachy color, with some random flecks of green and white in it too. It's also all in one smooth clump against the ground.
Maybe I can find a puddle nearby, and use it as a mirror! I attempted to hop, but my body didn't budge an inch. Ugh, now my heads itchy...
Reaching for the itchy spot, I avidly scratched at it. Wait one second, did I just form an arm? Bringing my scratching machine down from my head, a clawed arm with five digits came into my view.
I flexed my fingers, watching them move fluidly. I kept doing it. They look so cool!
"I called it! I knew she would wake up once I left!" Moms voice echoed through the air. It sounds like gurgles mixed with meows and hums, but mostly meows.
"Mom?" I called, turning to the sound. A gray cat with a red tail came rushing to me. Say, that's the last thing mom wore before the light came and...
"Katy! It's me, your mom," she said, an unsure smile on her face.
"Yay! Not a hooligan!" I found myself saying. She laughed, revealing no teeth. The inside of her mouth was dull neon green. Her eyes are just pitch black sockets with light green orbs for pupils. Frilly ears sit atop her head.
"Yeah, not a hoopla hoop. Mom's here," she sighed happily, giving me a hug with two limbs she made out of just stretching herself. I hugged back in response.
Then a thought came to mind.
"Mom... did Lucy, Bailey and Peter become one of us?"
She let go as soon as I said that.
"Yes, they did. From what Peter told me they rushed over here because of your presence," she said softly, kissing my cheek... somehow.
"Good," I tried returning the kiss. My face got red with embarrassment as my tongue came out instead. She laughed at my mistake, but not the teasing kind.
The loving kind.
"By the way," I stared at her now gone arms becoming one with her body, "how do you make limbs?"
She got taken by surprise, expressing an :0
"It comes naturally, like how you made that right arm," mom pointed with her tail, only for it to retract into herself. "Give it some time, it's not hard nor a trick question,"
"Ok.. lemme try,"
I clung to the tree behind me, and pulled myself up, thinking of a spider-
Holy smokies that was fast! I grew seven other limbs to help me climb. Never had an intention of climbing, but ok! Crawling up the tree, mom smiled underneath.
"Mom! You have no idea how fast this was!"
"Oh I know! I felt it too!" She shouted back.
Despite never climbing a tree in my life, I already knew how to do such a thing. It was almost like I had spent all my life in a jungle! I had already reached the several branches above, making mom seem like an ant.
Wonder if I can glide?
Shifting my position, I prepared to pounce out into the breeze. As I leapt out my legs combined into two and expanded out to catch the air. Flapping my newly-made wings I got pushed higher. The shock caused me to loose my flight and fall back on the ground.
Or in this case, mom's shaky arms.
She brought me down, and by no thought my wings had already split back into four legs.
"Come with me, we need help making a living space,"
"Ok," I replied.
We came to a hole in the ground, just big enough so that three of us could fit in but small enough to be hidden. An entirely green cat with white foot tips came out, loads of dirt in its grasp. It was the same green that was in mom's and my mouth. Dull neon green.
I went into the hole reluctantly, but there's help needed from all of us.
"Lets get to work..."
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