Two days...
We were walking out of the main park, and to a store. The teenagers' ply-ball skills were good, but they could do better with a few agile friends.
Of coarse, that was only yesterday.
We had come to watch the Morning Song again, and walk around the park. Indi and Liki wanted to take Cleo's kids to someplace called the... something something gardens.
I don't remember the name, but it seemed like a cool place judging from Heather's excitement. The walk there is long so far.
Random fact time! The Kymari children are way better than human kids. Our kids would be greedy, or noisy, or... something. I'll think of something negative later. BUT THE SPAGHETTIS!
How I felt about Kymari kids was more positive than a math worksheet with only addition problems.
"Look at that! It's huge!" Okapi squealed, smiling.
A giant dome building thingy came into view, and a few other Kymari were around. They too were heading there.
Hidal looked confused. "Why would they have a giant building for only plants? Is there something else in there?"
Heather chirped something to Indi, and then to us. Indi chuckled. "You'll have to wait and see for yourself. It's quite the sight. Heather has been inside a few times."
"You're making me want to be a botanist!" Okapi chimed, slightly grazing a finger on my tail. "And from the small activity days, it's really fun!"
"Then do so. There are many jobs out there other than guard, engineer and vet." Liki suggested.
We came in front of the entrance, and went in. Indi volunteered to do the paying this time, opposing to Cleo, who did yesterday's shopping. Apparently bond animals were the only pets allowed into this place. There were several doors leading into different paths.
Seika whistled at me. "I'm no Kymari symbol expert, but I think we're going to a marshland setting first."
I meowed back. "Hope it's as good as the real deal. I've never been to it, only seen documentaries."
The Kymari looked at us funny, so we kept throwing our sounds at one another. Hidal and Okapi didn't mind, especially Okapi. We ended up going the marshland way first.
The croaking of frogs was the first thing I heard when coming into here. Along with the still, placid grass and the... kiwi bird thingies wading through like a pantheon, it seemed like a peaceful place.
A crane passed over us, with a small fish in its bill. Nearby in a stream, otters played with one another, not having a hate in the world. More of those kiwi birds were up ahead near the door, but they had different patterns and colors. I really should have watched birds with grandma when I had the chance.
The next room had me thanking the fam for making this ring. It was like they put a chunk of desert into a dome. Seika eagerly spread her wings to catch the sun, but after a few seconds retracted them and tried to get shade.
Hidal moaned. "I underestimated this room... by a sandstorm...."
"So did I... and probably Peachy, Heather and Solis... let's get moving!" Indi commented, picking up pace.
The heat had stollen most of my attention, but the quick feet of a roadrunner said otherwise. It was chasing something that made Seika growl low.
"Ktari." She sneezed.
"Here? Now? This is not a good time for those to be here!" Okapi gasped, hiding behind Cleo.
She pulled out a small gun device thing, before shooting a small electric ray at the ktari. It dropped dead, and the roadrunner eagerly pecked at it.
She then said into her wrist com. "A ktari managed to get into the desert inclosure. There might be more. Fire lizard handlers can come take a look around to see if there are hidden infesters."
We quickly exited the desert, and went into one that made me go into spread form. Huge waterfalls came from what seemed like the top of the dome, and a rainbow was shining through it.
"If I had to guess," Seika began saying through the link. "The spaghetti people replicated Niagara Falls."
"Did you ever see them? I haven't." I asked her, not looking away from the rainbow with Hidal.
"Yes, but only in a documentary. And a random video I found on YT one day. We have yet to see if the Kymari have their own Netflix."
"Uh... why Netflix?"
"I used to be obsessed with watching a YT channel called Sr Pelo, and he made these Undertale animations called Underpants. I just got reminded of one part where the evil Flower says: 'I'm a god! I've got Netflix!'"
"Oooooooooh... I remember now! I didn't watch all of his videos, but I did watch Underpants genocide ending, normal ending, and... 17..."
"Never the true ending?"
"F'some reason, it didn't interest me at all, despite being the only one I haven't watched."
We went through more rooms. One was freezing cold, and another reminded me of Scotland. If the spaghettis were trying to replicate something from China and Russia, they were doing a good job at it.
At the end, we went back to look for more ktari, and the kids were protected by mama bear. The all-famous Tasha didn't appear, to Seika's disappointment, but a green dragonet named Aspen did. Apparently she used to be blind despite Seika not knowing anything about it.
NatureGirl240 <——— go check out her stuff! Especially Upon Three Paws!
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