Apparently that didn't go as I thought. Liki just stared at me during the entire time. I stared back in response.
Currently he was trying to call me over via name and treat. I recognized it as training a dog to come to you and follow various commands. It's too bad that he didn't realize that I'm sentient, and know when to come towards someone.
There wasn't really anything I could do about this. Just wait and see whatever happens. Liki held out his clamped hand."Peachy to fist."
I internally rolled my eyes, shifting into flying form and coming towards him. The purple lemons were just too tempting, even if I've had them for several days from training.
That makes 12ish days since I first came here...
I landed on his fist, and he revealed the lemons. I blandly tried eating one like a creature that had teeth. It lead to the diced fruit just staying idly inside me, instead of spreading throughout my body if it were liquid.
That was unexpected. I just sucked at the other lemons since the first chunk is just there. Liki also looked confused at why I did that, but he didn't talk about it.
Out of nowhere something that sounded like glass broke. I darted towards my open cage and hid in it. Liki ran towards whatever room had the shattered glass.
"What are you doing?"
Some random bug-like hissing that was probably from Spore came from the room.
"Well, sorry to disappoint you, but crawlers aren't aloud on this planet."
Crawlers? I searched my mind on what might be similar to a crawler, but the only thing I could think of was bloodworms.
Are they some alien bloodworm thing?
Anyways, the "crawler" made more hissing noises. Liki yelped in surprise and some clattering sounds echoed around. I shifted into attack form and headed towards my carer.
He was located in the kitchen with a spear thing at hand. There was a giant spider thing curled up in death near the fridge. I relaxed myself, shifting into simple form.
Liki noticed my presence. He pointed his spear at the giant spider. "That's a crawler if you were wondering."
He picked up the crawler and put it in a glass chamber thingy. When he closed it, he pressed a button that supposedly turned the contraption on.
Woah! A flurry of fire whirled around inside it! The event didn't last very long, which is a relief. What was left of the crawler was just some ashes.
That makes sense for a giant mutant spider thing to be called a crawler. But then again, bloodworms in my opinion are still known as crawlers by nickname.
Liki lifted me off the ground and brought me back to the living room. He set me down and went back where we had come from.
What was his motive here?
Why does he have a thing of water?
I've seen and experienced many strange things, like Lucy's Pokémon plushy collection, the process of turning into a slime cat, and surprise Pyrikan.
However, I have never seen any Kymari come out with a tub of water. Especially when said Kymari is trying to hide a smug face.
He set it down in front of me on the central table. I looked at him, flicking an ear to hint I'm confused.
Though, the more I think about it now, even if three seconds had passed; this belly-deep thing of water could act as a replacement as rain until I get outside again.
I looked back at the tub. Curiosity hit me like a wave, forcing me to put both of my hands under the water. To my surprise, the water was actually quite warm.
My hands had already become invisible, so I decided to slide all of myself inside the tub. It felt like I was in a day spa. At this point, all of me was invisible, except the purple lemon chunk that was still inside me.
I flipped over so I was belly-up. It reminded me of the summer days floating on the big inflatable flamingo.
I woke up to the sound of the doorbell. Unfortunately I'm too relaxed to open my eyes to see who came inside.
"Why is there a stray piece of KinKin floating in a tub full of water?"
Judging from that, I assume that's Indi.
"That's actually Peachy," Liki corrected. "I don't know what drove it to eat the fruit whole."
"I didn't know they could turn invisible in water!"
Indi's gravestone bird made some chirps of amusement.
"Well, apparently, they can. They've been coming out to do their ritual during the rain ever since Cleo got them on tape."
"Right... about Cleo..."
"Did something happen to her?"
"She found an injured fire lizard in the main park a few hours before Peachy came to your house."
Wait one second. Did he say that Cleo found a fire lizard?!? Hopefully that's Seika!
"How bad was said injury..?"
"Broken tail, that's all. Cleo hasn't come up with a name for her (AKA fire lizard) yet."
"How long do you think it'll take to heal? Since you're a veterinarian and everything?"
Indi sighed heavily. "Unfortunately, with the rate of the fire lizard behaving extremely defensive currently, about three months."
Suddenly something poked at my stomach, making my eyes snap open. Heather's giant eye was staring into my soul.
I shrieked and retaliated with numerous splashes of water. Luckily Heather took the cue and fluttered back to Indi. I rolled over so my legs touched the tub's floor, and put my head at the edge.
The two brothers smiled. Liki let out a snort. "That'll wake you up."
There was a giant towel wrapped around the tub. I climbed out and sat on it, staring at Heather. My tail had wrapped around my feet once my invisibility went away.
The doorbell rang again. Liki and Indi came over to let a middle-aged Kymari inside. Hold on, I recognize her! But then who's watching Seika?
It was Cleo, the same Kymari that videoed us and took in Seika. Both of her kids came beside her. The one that ran towards us in the tree was already at the table, smiling really big.
Cleo looked down at him. "Remember Okapi, that's the slime cat that Liki's training. Ask first before touching."
The boy nodded. "Ok! Hey Liki?"
"Yes, Okapi?"
"Can I pet your slime cat?"
"Sure. But if it hisses at you then take the cue and stop before things get messy."
"Ok!!!" He squeaked.
I turned towards him. He looked excited and nervous at the same time. Before he could reach out to run his hand down me, I rose up on my hind legs and batted the air.
Okapi laughed. "You're funny!"
I let him stroke my back. He must have expected me to be somewhat slimy, because his face didn't express what Liki had when I first came to him.
Wonder how long they're staying, because something about their visit reminds me of The Alchemist for some reason.
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