I stared off into the sunset, pale colors dancing around. The yellows swung around looking to go high. The oranges hung low, not seeking to interact with anything. Clouds swirled around the sky with a prismatic pattern.
At one point, they will collide, and an array of colors will splash across the sky.
"Kaleidoscope! Are you going to come join us or not?" My friend Lucy called from inside.
"Maybe, if you don't use that nickname!" I laughed, running through the sliding door.
My real name is Katy, but the last name is Scopes. People that know both put them together to form that mesmerizing object kids play with. Truth be told I have a small collection of them, and use them only in purposes of art.
Coming up to her, she was with two other people I recognized as Bailey and Peter. Those two come to play Uno with us on Sundays. Oh yeah, it is a Sunday.
"We're already in a game, but you can still add on," Peter said, handing me seven cards.
"Okie dokie," I sighed happily, taking them.
But seriously, I have three sevens, three zero's, and one that makes you swap hands with someone.
Luckily it isn't my turn to go, it's Bailey's. He calmly placed a green two, only for Lucy to jump in. We allow those, ya know.
"Sorry Katy..." she sighed sadly, but it was fake. I know whenever this happens she gets mischievous.
"Not that I didn't care, this hand is garbage!"
"Oh, then in that case yay!"
"Anyways are you gonna go again Bailey?" I turned to the boy dressed in light blue.
"Duh," he said with no emotion.
He put down another two, but this time red. Peter's face, coincidently, also became red. His eyes got focused on Lucy's hair, which suddenly began rising in the air from an unknown static! Stifled laughs slipped out from my throat, forcing a hand on my mouth.
"What? Is something wrong with my hair?"
"N-no... it's-s just f-f-funny thoughts-" I wheezed, not doing a good job. It's just that her hair is becoming an afro-
Oh god I'm about to-
I collapsed onto the floor laughing my face off.
"You're certainly a great friend," Bailey tried growling with a scolding voice, but it ended up being cheerful at the end. "Oh yeah, I'm the hypocrite in this group."
"Right you are!" Peter chimed, falling under the laughing spell.
Lucy ran her fingers through her hair, a shocked expression coming onto her face. She dashed to the bathroom quickly locking the door.
Did she actually have to use the bathroom? Lucy isn't one to check her looks, unlike some people at school. Yes, we're in school, rather high school sophomores.
For some reason, our school just loves to have people go missing. Like this one kid Seika disappeared nine months ago, and hasn't returned.
There are others, as in ten, but I don't remember their names.
Oh look! Lucy came out of the bathroom...
With a shaving cream mustache... combined with the frizzle hair...
What have you done Lucy...
"Aw... we have to go... see you tomorrow!" Lucy sighed, waving at me with Bailey and Peter.
"Bye bye!" I replied, returning the wave.
They exited my apartment calmly. Yes, this is my apartment. The owner aka mom let me have one of my own as long as I payed rent.
She's very kind if you're her daughter, letting you pay half price. Someone here got envious of me and tried to report it to mom.
They're gone now
Pushing the memory away, I ran into my room. It's only 9:34, and I have a set time to sleep at 9:45. Good thing I already brushed my teeth. Just need pj's...
It gets hard when you own seven pairs of pj's, and they're all clean.
Oh, I'll just put on my lucky peach ones.
They're the first pairs I've gotten since I stopped growing this year. The pattern consists of a salmon background with peaches dotted all over it. Since then whenever I wore these something interesting would happen in the morning.
One time when I was walking outside, one of the construction workers proposed to the other! He said yes to it, which pleased my heart.
I suppose Seika's disappearance counts... she- excuse me they were quite athletic. Yeah they announced to the school that their gender doesn't exist, which is ok.
Bailey and Peter are gay for each other. Lucy is PokémonSexual, which means that she loves Pokémon like you have no idea. She manages to snuggle with all her 30 plushies.
Nobody is willing to ask how she pulls it off.
Plopping down onto my bed, I turned off the lights, enjoying the serenity brought by the moon.
Slowly closing my eyes, I could barely make out the tiny weird figure that likes to stand on the window. Oh yeah... that's my elf figurine......
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