Short Story: I'll Wait Forever
When I was a kitten, all I wanted was a family. I'd see all my brothers and sisters be taken away, taken to better happier homes, but I never got a home.
Whenever I'd ask momma why no one would chose me she'd always lick my ears comfortingly and tell me, "oh dear, you were just born so small. I'm sure you'll be picked when you grow bigger." Even though I never really believed it, it made me feel better hearing her voice. So I didn't protest.
But one day she left too.
I still remember that day, she told me that her owners needed to go away, and take her with them and that she was sorry. I didn't understand, was it something I did? Is it because I was to small? I never got to ask her these questions, she was taken by her owners before I got the chance to.
After that I was left on my own, the only time someone would come into the room I was trapped in was to give me food, and then they'd leave. It was like that for a very long time, but even with all that time I barely got bigger.
Then one day, someone diffrent came into the room. He wasnt like the smaller humans that adopted my siblings, he was taller and had a wrinkly face, kinda like the dog momma's owners had, but diffrent. Though, that was alright, 'cause- I was diffrent too.
He also wasn't like the tiny humans in a different way, instead of backing away from me or giving me strange looks he smiled at me, and pet me. It had been so long since a human had been around me long enough to pet me, I forgot what it felt like.
That day he took me to his home, it was huge! Or at least, way bigger then that room the other humans put me in. Back then was the best days of my life, we'd lay by the fire in a rocking chair, he'd play with me, and I got these really yummy treats. We were a family, just like I wanted. But even better, my name wasn't just 'runt' anymore. He got me a red collor with a sliver fish on it. On the silver fish was the name 'Marley.' I loved that collor so much, I guess I loved being able to just look down and see my new name, the one that showed me that I was finally important.
That I had finally been found.
Then one day. He became.. Diffrent. He didn't become mean, he was still the nicest human in the world. But he started coughing a lot, and after wheezing. I was a little scared, but I stayed brave for him and I would always be there to comfort him. He always seemed to be happy about that.
Until, one night. We were by the fire on the old rocking chair when he started coughing again, but this time he didn't stop for a very long time. When he did, he stopped rocking, and didn't seem to move.
I was confused, what was going on? So, I decided to do what I usually did which was snuggle against his chest and purr. But he didnt look down at me and pet me like usual. I gently nudged his hand, but he didn't move still, which suprised me. After awhile I decided that he must have been sleeping and curled up in his lap, trying to ignore how colder his body was then usual.
We must've slept there all night because I woke up with the sun in my eyes since my owner must've forgotten to close the blinds. I looked up at him to see that he was in the same position as last night, which was odd. After countless attempts to wake him I decided to see if the lady that lived by us could help wake him up, she was taller then him but had no wrinkles on her face or hands which I didnt quite understand. But she was nice to me.
I jumped onto the window sill and started clawing at the glass and calling for her. After what felt like forever she came over to where I could see her while trimming the grass on her side, she waved at me smiling but I continued, wondering how long it would take for her to get the hint.
After a few minutes she finally came over to the house and tapped on the window. I pressed my paw on the thin glass and yowled for her to come inside, even though I knew that humans couldnt understand what us cats said. Thankfully, she went over to the door and started knocking. After a minute or so she let herself in, she seemed suprised that the door was unlocked. I guess my owner forgot to lock it before he fell asleep.
Carefully, she tiptoed next to the rocking chair and started shaking my owner's shoulder slightly. She put two of her fingers onto his neck and screamed. I flattened my ears, what was the big deal? Was something wrong? Before I knew it a bunch of people came in, I wasnt use to so many people and so many voices. So I scrambled under the couch and watched through slitted eyes as the strangers surrounded my owner. I wanted to stay up and see what they were doing to him, but I was so tired from trying to get the ladies attention that I closed my eyes.
Even though it only felt like a seconds, when I woke up everything was quiet. The fire was out, and it was pitch black. I looked around the house for my owner, wondering how long it had been since he'd woken up. I hoped he wasn't worried about me because he couldn't find me. After searching everywhere, I realized that he wasnt there, which was strange for him.
I didnt take much notice of it and hopped onto the couch, as I waiting eagerly for him to return from wherever he went.
Its been so long, I really miss you.
The lady always beings me canned food to eat, but whenever she tries to make me come with her I'd claw at her arms. I know you taught me not to hurt people, but I dont wanna leave here. What if you came back when I was gone? I don't know what I'd do if that happened.
Now, those days were a long time ago. No one's come to feed me in at least 2 days. I'm kinda worried.
Maybe, she went to find you owner! Yeah, of course she did.
I'm so cold, its really lonely here. And my belly feels like it's screaming for me to go find food somewhere outside. But I won't, I'll wait for you owner. I'll always wait for you.
I'll wait forever, owner. Becuase, I'm Marley. And Marley would never leave his owner. Becuase you never left me.
*Why I spent all day writing a sad story about a cat, I'm not sure. But I don't regret it.
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