Can you guess what I'm about to say? Well if not, I was tagged
Tagged by Sinna_Sinner
I'll get you back one day!
1. Crush?
I'm kinda dating someone so no.
2. Middle name
3. Shoe size
I don't know.
4. Eye color
5. Last time you cried
When my dad went to the hospital yesterday.
6. Biggest fear
BUGS! They will be the death of me.
7. Last song I listened to
To My Parents, Nightcore.
8. Last person you texted
9. Relationship status
I'm actually in a relationship now <3
10. Favorite sports team
I guess the Penguins in hockey. I don't really do sports now a days
11. Favorite color
(Sorry not sorry.)
12. Best friend.
Cheyenne. She doesn't have Wattpad though
13. Favorite Celebrity
Wayne Sermon.
14. Any scars
Long story short. When I was 6 a nail pirsed my left foot and now if I bend it right I can still see the scar.
That was a fun experience!
15. Kissed anyone?
16. Person you hate
I'd say there name but I'm kinda worried they'd see this and be even meaner to me but there really mean and have harrased me for no reason multiple times.
17. Ever done drugs
Heck No! I'm 11...
18. Height
19. Are you currently happy
I'd say kind of... I won't pretend that I don't have family problems going on right now but I wouldnt say that I'm depressed at the moment.
20. Do you drink
I'm. 11. People.
21. Last thing you bought.
Splattoon 2!
22. Last thing you ate
23. Day or Night
24. Favorite lyric
'There's nothing left to break of me. There's nothing left to take from me.
Cause baby its easy to fake a smile when you've been doing it for awhile~'
25. Do you give secound chances
Yeah... I do that kinda stuff of late I can't say weather or not its worked out so far.
26. Pet peeve
27. Random fact.
Sometimes when I'm board I'll put on some music and run and jump around my room for no reason. My brother hates when I do that.
28. Current mood
Decently happy
29. Last book I read
A Handful of Stars. Cri ;-;
30. Jealous type
Yep. I admit it.
31. Birthday
July 5th
32. Obsession
Wattpad and YouTube.
33. Favorite song
Ima say two.
Favorite Regular song:
Favorite game parody song:
34. Worst mistake
I've done A lot of things I'd LOVE to forget but the worst probably was when I accidentally tackled my friend in school and got in trouble in front of the whole class in 1st grade...
35. Someone I trust
ponymauship she's always there when no one else is and listens to me. I love her so much <3
36. Do you believe in love
37. Are you okay?
Like I said before... I wouldn't call, myself OKAY but I wouldn't call myself depressed either. I'm kinda just.. In between...
Yay that's all! Umm tags.... I guess I tag...
So yeah thats all for now, I'm gonna go back to writing chapter 2 of CorruptedTale Bye guys! :3
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