Bullies. Not. Cool.
Okay, i'm sure all of you guys have those bullies. And for those of you who haven't been bullied,
I worship you. You are a popular, nice, PERFECT BEING. But for those of you who have one, it's okay. I have one too :3
His name is Diego. *shivers*
Stars, he is da devil's child. He steals things from my desk, lies, spoils BOOKS. SPOILS BOOKS.
Takes pictures outta my desk, calls me ugly, you get the picture. But, I know people who have committed suicide because of this. That is horrible, and that bully must go down.
I know I put all these hashtags and stuff up on my profile for bully awareness, but I don't feel like people even care.
I mean, a bully's not just gonna see my hashtags and awareness and say,'Oh, yea. I'll stop bullying.'
No, that is what they want. They don't care. But, I'll still put them up for those bullies to make fun of. If they don't care if they caused death, so be it. Now i'm a proud christian, and I cannot stay calm about murder.
Well, I decided to make this chapter because,
1.) You all know i'm weird x3
2.) I know what it feels like to be bullied.
And for all your bullies reading this, Just stop. The world would be so much better without you.
I am sorry, but it would be.
Anyways, here is advice to get rid of bullies:
1.) Stars, they may or may not go away. Diego is right next to me, so i'll just try to ignore him for the whole year if I have to.
2.) Stay strong. Those bullies like seeing you do whatever their horrible minds want you to do. Don't give that to them. I failed at this advice, but at least you guys can use it :)
3.) Never, NEVER EVER, fight back. I tried that once. It ended up with me getting even more bullied. Just calmly think of comebacks, and walk away. This one worked for me.
4.) Maybe you should think of a silver lining to what the bully said. For example: That drawing sucks.
Just think of a good way to rethink that! Like,'Oh, i'll practice then'. I mean, if you actually agree with them about that, don't beat yourself up about it. Just simply laugh it off, Like the 100 times I laughed mine off.
5.) Smile. Smiling works. It does. If you even feel like crying, smile. It makes you feel better. I need to use this one more often against Diego..
Well, that's all my advice. If this didn't help you at all, i'm so sorry. I will try harder next time (See? I used my own advice x3 Guess which one this was). And thank you all for the people who actually read this. It means a lot :3
But I hope this helped you at least a little. Bullies need to know when they've gone too far.
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