Entry 1: Life, Depression, Issues, Friends, and Tea
Hey guys, it's Mitty. If you haven't noticed my new profile, banner, and behavior recently..well I've been going through some deep depression for a while. It's been hard to enjoy things like I used to, and sometimes I would just hide behind a mask so much I would forget who I was and have no control over my actions. I've been working on getting better on these types of things, and trying to overcome some past issues, with myself, with friends, my parents, etc.. Now, this is very personal, and I do not mean and never meant to hurt anyone's feelings. I love you guys a lot, especially my friends-because they are like family-they mean a lot to me.
Anyways side-track/ rambling aside, as of now it just all hit me. All those feelings I had in the past, all those memories, and some recent events made me realize I've just been repressing them. Ghostly gamer's post about depression perfectly depicts a lot of what I'm feeling as well (and you all know I can't write for crap, so you should check her post out-and she's pretty cool). I know her personally in real life, as well as a couple others like night kitty. They are amazing people, and despite our past issues/misconceptions/problems/?-I still love them whole-heartedley (despite, me, not having a heart because I'm a heartless being with no soul XD).
Being ignored doesn't feel right, as well as some other things. But, what they did, I don't know why they did it, it just happened. So, for forever I feel like I'm just a bad person. It's not the first time I've been ignored, or felt replaced, but I always tried to shake it off-always feeling I was responsible for it. It's not like my parents were there either, I love them and they love me (I hope-i honestly don't know at this point. Sometimes when you're depressed and a couple people may have an off day and do things they don't mean to do to you, it makes you feel like you are a burden to them or something..everyone's mindset is complex and not everyone who goes through depression will feel this way-but it is a common thing that happens-anyways back to the point-). But, they're normally not home, and whenever they are-my mom calls me worthless and hurtful names for running behind in school-and my dad...i don't want to talk about it. But, every so often I would lock myself in the bathroom (this doesn't happen as often, but recently my dad smacked me in the face for accidentally dropping a pill for my ADHD/ADD-as well as threatening to break my arm and saying he could put me in the hospital if he wanted to) just to avoid getting hit by my parents. But, most of the times now they are loving parents.
Also Tea...I don't know why-my tea was super hot and I burnt my mouth and I was sad >.< XD Hopefully It has cooled down by now.
Anyways I just felt like ranting, please don't attack anyone I mentioned-because they are wonderful people. If anything attack me...because I'm in the wrong..for some reason...sorry...ok bye...
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