1- Just His Imagination
Shiro grunts, placing the last box on Keith's brand new kitchen floor.
"Are you sure all this lifting is good for your prosthetic?" Keith asks his brother, carefully placing a plant on the window sill.
Shiro had lost his right arm in work accident and was still getting used to his heavy prosthetic arm. Keith grimaced at the memory. Getting that call at school and hearing 'your brothers in the hospital, he's been badly hurt'. It was easily in the top three worst days of his life.
"I think I'll be fine. Will you?" The older man flexed his metal fingers. "I feel like im hiding a fugitive with you holed up in these woods."
Keith rolls his eyes. "It's not that deep in the woods. Plus, Iverson didn't even press charges! He just expelled me."
"You stabbed him in the eye with a pencil, Keith. You should feel grateful you're not in juvie right now."
He scoffs. "Thanks Mom."
"Anyway," Shiro shakes his head. "The Holts live right next door. Go talk to them if you ever need anything, ok? Just a far warning, Sam will invite you over for lunch a lot."
"Mhm. Hunk will probably be visiting soon." Keith says. "I'll be fine, Takashi."
He sighs. "I know you will. That doesn't mean I can't still treat you like you're my brother."
Shiro grins evilly, grabbing his brother by the neck and nooging him.
"Ow you dick! Your fist is made of fucking metal!"
"So's your brain," he laughs. "You big-headed b-"
"Wait, wait, Takashi shut up. Do you smell that?" Keith sniffs air. "It smells like.. smoke."
"I don't smell anything. But we are in the forest, Keith. Someone could be having a fire."
He frowns. "I guess it was just my imagination."
"Don't let your imagination run too wild, little guy. I'll be back up here in like a week, okay? Love ya." Shiro waves, grabbing his bag and heading out to his car.
Keith waves after his brother till his car is out of sight.
"Hm," he takes a deep breath. "Finally alone."
As soon as those words leave his lips, a strange feeling washes over him. Is he really alone? He shakes it off, figuring he should really start unpacking. All of the big furniture is already in place so all he has to do is decorate. He heads back into the kitchen to find the plant he put on the window sill... gone. The hair on the back of his neck stands up. Maybe Shiro moved it? Probably. He always likes to mess with Keith, and now would probably be a perfect opportunity. He searches around a bit more and finds the plant in his new bedroom. Okay, his brother definitely did not go in here. The hair on the back of his neck stands up as the familiar smell of smoke fills his nose. Keith does his best to distract himself from this unsettling event by decorating. He buts all his band posters and figurines anywhere he could. In a few hours, the place starts to feel like home. Keith decides to settle into bed, ignoring the fact that the plant has moved again and the smell of smoke.
hey fellas! im gonna try to keep a/ns short or do none at all but since its the first chapter i just wanna give a big thanks to my boyfriend toby (@smiletoby on tumblr!!!) for helping me write this!!! he also drew the cover!!! he's so talented n I love him sm n I hope you guys are enjoying so far!!!
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