2 | Lipstick
Wear no lipstick
And you're a bore, duh!
Wear darker shades
And you're a slut, huh?
Wear uncommon colours
And you're a vamp, dude!
Wear normal shades
And you're too girly
Maybe try a shade more nude?
Lipstick has had controversies
Since the time it began
Women wore it as a status symbol
To see in Ancient Egypt we can
Or as a degrading identity in Greece
Only to be revived by the upper clan.
Queen Elizabeth started the trend
Which was again outlawed over time
Witchcraft, prostitution and seduction
And the black spots of crime
Was branded on just an innocent dye
Until it got popular in liberation's chime.
Lipstick earlier was only red
Made from insects, crushed gems or earth
And now it's become almost a necessity
With shades having no dearth
But the earlier ugly discrimination
Is again taking a subtle rebirth.
What lipstick we wear
Is certainly our choice
Dark, light, quirky or nude
No need to make too much noise
We don't care about your opinions
Because we've got our own voice.
How does colour define
Our character to say?
Colour reflects just our personalities
Or just how we feel that day
And our moods and whims
So opinionated people please stay away.
What suits our lips
What goes with our dress
Or if at all we want to wear any
Is complete our thing to stress.
By choosing a shade of makeup we like
Our look is completely ours to mess.
If she doesn't wear lipstick
Just accept and let her be
If she likes to wear and collect
Just freaking let her be
Trust me no one wants to hear your
'I like you natural' stupidity.
Now coming back to guys
That want to impress
There's a little trick to avoid
A whole lot of stress
Girls don't always match lipstick
To the shades of the dress.
There's nothing like a favourite
Makeup is according to mood
What suits others may not always
Suit another person good
So better ask if you're in doubt
Especially the brand you should.
You'd better notice the shades
She normally wears near you
Red or pink, dark or light
In various confusing shades too
We don't expect you to memorise shades
When we ourselves won't do.
Author's Note : The colour of the lipstick doesn't define the 'character' of a woman. Just stop judging on the basis of choices and let her be!
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